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Strike Support

Will you honor an IAM picket line over the Airbus outsourcing?

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  • NO

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PITMTC said:
If I remember correctly the only ones that were confused were the mechanics and utility who the union asked vote again. Well as I hear things through meetings, we won't be striking over the AB HMV.
We will let the legal fees the company paid the union, previously for the RSA, work for us to take the company to court over the work.
Thank you for all your support over the strike issue, but if the union is telling us we won't go on strike, then whomever walks out because of the outsourcing will have no leg to stand on when they get terminated, especially since the union is not :shock: behind the strike issue.
hey guy i suggest you get you're things together......talk to someone in the union....however,if you do not trust ;as many have elected...you are on your own.
your local leaders have and will diseminate any and all information that will be required to get to a position that may be needed.the time for mistrust in elected leaders has passed...like it or not,trust them or not....we are at a chism..you must now accept them to help you cross.
there is no rational solution to our dilema......the company challenges us on all fronts...when are we going to make a stand?
any qualms with our present union may or may not be valid...however this is not the time and place to try and choose a succsessor....in the future this may arise.but for now we shall and must stand together totally and undivided,or we shall be overwhelmed for a lack of support.your companies present leaders do and are probing this weakness in our unions.they shall and will prevail if and when you and i let them.they will do no better than what we give them.so for the smallest of issues,we should be ready to take a stand and walk.whether it be a matter of farming out deicing or farming 's' checks,if its a violation of the contract,we must stand united no matter how small the violation...or assuredy...we shall all perish together.
may god bless our fortitude
Hey Lav Man....I'll cross...The IAM has abandon me and could careless, so what's the point..? When you need me, you wine/dine me...When your done, I get ignored...That is a FACT....I'm here to make money, not listen to opinions of workers who enjoy doing little or nothing...

This board is nothing but complaints after complaints and NEVER a solution. Many AMFA supporters will also cross, they want rid of the IAM....

I'm allowed to cross a picket line under Federal Law, you touch me, you can go to jail
Justaramper said:
I'm allowed to cross a picket line under Federal Law, you touch me, you can go to jail
Yes, you are allowed to be a sad pathetic loser playing right into the comapny hands.
Just remember if you cross the mechanic and related picket line, don't expect any help in return when Dave comes after your work!
Justaramper said:
The IAM has abandon me and could careless, so what's the point..? When you need me, you wine/dine me...When your done, I get ignored...That is a FACT....I'm here to make money, not listen to opinions of workers who enjoy doing little or nothing...

This board is nothing but complaints after complaints and NEVER a solution.
Just a Ramper,

Hard for me to dispute the statements of yours above. The IAM is out of touch with the membership, reactive instead of proactive, and in my opinion has absolutely failed to represent fleet service and M&R in the proper way. Your frustration with this situation is understandable, and shared by many of us.

However, I would urge you not to cross any picket line. The only hope the employees of this company have is to stick together in some semblance of unity to put an end to the tactics we are all so weary of. I'm not asking you to become a cheerleader for the IAM, but to support your coworkers.

Please remember your "cheaper to keep her" analogy from awhile back. Bringing in another union, or no representation, is not the way to go either. I would relate that we're at the prom with the ugliest, clumsiest date, but at least we're at the prom and not at home alone playing on the internet. (Now how's that for irony? 😀 )

We are all under attack. Crossing a picket line will insure that the attacks will increase in frequency and I know you are astute enough to know the "divide and conquer" tactics of this management. Crossing a picket line encourages this behavior to continue. On the other hand, taking a stand, and sticking together will send a message that "enough is enough".

The only hope we have is to stick together as a unified employee group. We are one great big dysfunctional family that bickers bitterly amongst ourselves... but we need to close ranks, circle the wagons, and protect and support each other when one of our family is threatened.

I hope you will rethink your stance and realize breaking the IAM will not help the employees of U.
Justaramper said:
Hey Lav Man....I'll cross...The IAM has abandon me and could careless, so what's the point..? When you need me, you wine/dine me...When your done, I get ignored...That is a FACT....I'm here to make money, not listen to opinions of workers who enjoy doing little or nothing...

This board is nothing but complaints after complaints and NEVER a solution. Many AMFA supporters will also cross, they want rid of the IAM....

I'm allowed to cross a picket line under Federal Law, you touch me, you can go to jail
a scab is a scab dude.....being mad at your union doesn't justify crossing a picket line.you cross a line ,literally you've spit in the face of your fellow workers.your life at work will change forever and you will be forever refered to,pointed at ,talked about.the choice is yours and the consequences will follow.
Dilligas...If I had a Union Rep that talked to me the way you do, I listen with ears wide open...That post was very proper and I enjoyed reading it...Yes, I could change my mind, but the fact still remains..The IAM is out of touch and needs a message from the membership...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH....

BTW...Zero Tolerance Guidelines will be enforced at work and for those who enjoy going after a "scab"..Will join the unemployment line...
Justaramper said:
Dilligas...If I had a Union Rep that talked to me the way you do, I listen with ears wide open...That post was very proper and I enjoyed reading it...Yes, I could change my mind, but the fact still remains..The IAM is out of touch and needs a message from the membership...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH....

BTW...Zero Tolerance Guidelines will be enforced at work and for those who enjoy going after a "scab"..Will join the unemployment line...
please..please... do not rely on the zero tolerence policy to protect SCABS. That would be just as stupid as Scabbing. :down: 😉 :angry:
why do we want to strike? is it to help usarways survive or to keep feeding that fat pittsburgh ####;that should have been blown to pieces 11 years ago. i dont beleive i :down: s worth it to risk our jobs to keep pittsburgh jobs!!! were where they when tampa,indy,roanoke,the west coast etc,etc got shut down, i never heard any opposition from the pittsburgh nor the iam. FORGET IT....
umech said:
why do we want to strike? is it to help usarways survive or to keep feeding that fat pittsburgh ####;that should have been blown to pieces 11 years ago. i dont beleive i :down: s worth it to risk our jobs to keep pittsburgh jobs!!! were where they when tampa,indy,roanoke,the west coast etc,etc got shut down, i never heard any opposition from the pittsburgh nor the iam. FORGET IT....
this isn't about pit...its about our work going out the door.let this go and most assuredly the 737 chk's will follow,then wide bodies.can't you see this is the tip of the iceberg?if we keep this work some 200 or so people on furlough will get back.

Hellloooooo earth to umech, come in if you are of "life form"!!!!

"Farming out work" is not about Pittsburgh or TPA, are you sitting on Mars or perhaps the Crystal Palace poster boy #1? Its about IAM jobs system wide!

Get your facts straight before you start shooting your mouth off.
umech said:
why do we want to strike? is it to help usarways survive or to keep feeding that fat pittsburgh ####;that should have been blown to pieces 11 years ago. i dont beleive i :down: s worth it to risk our jobs to keep pittsburgh jobs!!! were where they when tampa,indy,roanoke,the west coast etc,etc got shut down, i never heard any opposition from the pittsburgh nor the iam. FORGET IT....
What the Hell does PIT have to do with this issue. Wake up
umech said:
why do we want to strike? is it to help usarways survive or to keep feeding that fat pittsburgh ####;that should have been blown to pieces 11 years ago. i dont beleive i :down: s worth it to risk our jobs to keep pittsburgh jobs!!! were where they when tampa,indy,roanoke,the west coast etc,etc got shut down, i never heard any opposition from the pittsburgh nor the iam. FORGET IT....
You missed the boat because this will effect the entire system, and every employee on the property.

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