hey guy i suggest you get you're things together......talk to someone in the union....however,if you do not trust ;as many have elected...you are on your own.PITMTC said:If I remember correctly the only ones that were confused were the mechanics and utility who the union asked vote again. Well as I hear things through meetings, we won't be striking over the AB HMV.
We will let the legal fees the company paid the union, previously for the RSA, work for us to take the company to court over the work.
Thank you for all your support over the strike issue, but if the union is telling us we won't go on strike, then whomever walks out because of the outsourcing will have no leg to stand on when they get terminated, especially since the union is notbehind the strike issue.
your local leaders have and will diseminate any and all information that will be required to get to a position that may be needed.the time for mistrust in elected leaders has passed...like it or not,trust them or not....we are at a chism..you must now accept them to help you cross.
there is no rational solution to our dilema......the company challenges us on all fronts...when are we going to make a stand?
any qualms with our present union may or may not be valid...however this is not the time and place to try and choose a succsessor....in the future this may arise.but for now we shall and must stand together totally and undivided,or we shall be overwhelmed for a lack of support.your companies present leaders do and are probing this weakness in our unions.they shall and will prevail if and when you and i let them.they will do no better than what we give them.so for the smallest of issues,we should be ready to take a stand and walk.whether it be a matter of farming out deicing or farming 's' checks,if its a violation of the contract,we must stand united no matter how small the violation...or assuredy...we shall all perish together.
may god bless our fortitude