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Who Would Vote To Strike?

Who Would Vote To Strike?

  • When asked if the IAM would consider a strike, Freiberger said that "nothing" has been rul

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Why in the world with the way things are going with this company would ANYONE vote to strike? NC Une

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Voluntarily quit your job, without a compelling reason

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Were fired because of willful misconduct

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Refuse suitable work

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Are unable or unavailable to work

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Are incarcerated following a conviction

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Are participating in a strikeSo If the Union tells us to strike we then lose all unemployment benefi

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
coachrowsey said:
Dont know if this is true, but according to a local CWA shop steward the ballots (strike) are in the mail or will be shortly.

I will stay and vote NO on any proposal that gives workers more of a paycut than managements 1% . and does not include the same % raises that management gets by raise or bonus'es. NO to any further cuts in vac,sic,what little ret contribution we have or loss of work. simply put, I will vote NO, and vote YES to STRIKE.

There is no difference in not having a job and what the company proposes. The plus side of a strike will prevent other airlines from doing the same thing to their workers, as well as prohibiting management and Bronner from making profits off the backs of the workers.

Profit sharing= JOKE
Striking is the only card to play. If they (management) really want to avoid liquidation they must avoid a strike. Therefore, IAM and CWA should definitely consider striking in order to get a decent negiotiated contract - if not close them down.
Sadly...the company has brought it to this.....


Crellin it's on your head...............
OldGuyinPA said:
Sadly...the company has brought it to this.....
Crellin it's on your head...............

I dont think old Doc Boner cares one way or another if this place survives. He's only interested in gettting his bang for his buck out of this mess. Doesnt have a clue as to how an airline operates. He must be setting there on the BOD scratching his head.
Many here feel that they have already lost their job. At one time this Company provided a good career to it's Employees, but this is no longer the case. Nobody wants to lose a $20 an hour job, but a $12 an hour job is nothing special. There are Several Jobs out there that Start at $12, with a chance to move up the payscale as you go. This place is going nowhere but DOWN in wages and benefits alike. The proposed rates of pay won't get you by today, so how much worse off will everyone be in 2011? Are you better off earning $12 after 20+ years, or moving on to have a shot at bettering yourself in the Future? You know that there is nothing to look forward to here even IF the company survives. You may as well Roll the Dice, and if the Company goes away you will have no choice but to move on....
:angry: I find it very interesting, that some of you don't what to stand up for yourselves. You are willing to give the company, whatever it wants. Where is your pride, where is your backbone. How many times do you get punched in the nose before you stand up and fight back. I, take giving up a concession, like getting punched in the nose. The last three times management has said, " Let's not look in the past, but let's look to the future". Every time I looked to the future I took another concession, like getting punched in the nose. Now I'm ready to fight, I'm going down swinging. Job or no job, they will know that I was there. Get backbone !!! VOTE TO STRIKE
Everytime someone comes thru those revolving doors at CCY, they plead for us to give "just one more time" and the "future will be bright". We've all heard that same song and dance one time too many. Now it's too late to trick everyone again...either run this company and produce....or shut the thing down. For me, it doesnt matter which they choose.
Maybe the vote to strike will make the judge send the company back to the table....because if not US is done...one striking work group would close US down, and no creditors would be paid.
It really was not a tough choice at all. Lets take a look at what transpired prior to the vote. Company gives CWA a "Christmas Wish List" that they knew would be rejected. So therefore IMO this is the same piece of crap that the company would present to Santa Claus who is being played by Judge Mitchell(no disrepect intended Your Honor) with hopes that their christmas wish list would be granted. IMO this was it folks, no other one would be given. The CWA counter propsal will be retuned rejected. As far as I am concerned voting yes does not mean that we will be going out on strike at all. Like I have posted b4, it levels the playing field. What I find interesting is the companies responce that we cannot go out on strike. Of course we cannot. WE AT CWA GO BY THE CONTRACT WE VOTED IN. But if Judge Mitchell throws out our contract that is a whole new ballgame.
misren said:
NC Unemployment office:

Q: What are some reasons you could be denied unemployment compensation?
A: You could be denied unemployment compensation if you:
Are participating in a strike

Here's the trick to getting around that provision...

"But, Mr/Ms Unemployment Claims Examiner, I'm not striking. My union called a strike, but I am not participating in it."

You follow that statement with (choose one depending on circumstance)...

A. "I would go back to work today, but the company locked everyone out."
B. "I would go back to work today, but people who have tried to cross the picket line have been threatened/beaten up/had their children accosted on the way to school/(whatever you think will work). I fear for my life."

The UI examiner is not allowed to hook you up to a polygraph machine to determine if you are telling the truth.
Imamec said:
Strike - strike - strike - strike - strike - strike... get my vote???

Strike, shut this joke down, and then we can collect. If you have no job to return to, they cannot turn you down for unemployment. Check it out.

And, as an added benefit, we keep Bronner from making millions with the bunch of losers he intends to replace us with!

Bring it on, I'm ready! (Of course I mean all of the company diehards posting on this board, not Bronner)

What kind of ignorant s@*t :censored: is this. If you do not like or want to be where you are, pack you bags and leave the other thousands of us alone. :rant:

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