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Strike/chaos Ballots

Doc said:
This is what a bunch of us want.....I don't understand why you don't understand this. I want a fare wage... I want what we negotiated not what some judge thinks he should do because the company said so......and if I can't earn a fare wage to be here then I want it shut down.

Don't misunderstand me I have always loved my job but since these thieves have used 911 to just rape the employee's of this once professional airline....
(now it's a joke) I have no love for my job it's just a pay check now ..
and if you are running late or need some extra help sorry I can't help you just get in line somebody will be with you in about 20minutes.......I would have never done that in the past. It almost takes a crane to get me out of bed to come to this crap hole.

Wow, sounds like you need to leave this job now! Nobody should be that miserable by choice. It's not going to get better so you shouldn't plan on sticking it out. The outcome of this situation is pretty predictable, the choice is, are you willing to accept it or not? Strike/Chaos will only delay the inevitable, whether we like it or not it's coming! I don't think you or I have the right or ability to "shut it down" as everybody says. Unfortunately, I think we all have some tough choices to make soon! :down:
markkus757 said:
It comes down to a pretty simple formula. With US Airways, they only have the ability to make "X" for revenue. We have seen them try to increase this but they just cannot. The cost side is harder to swallow. You have "Y" amount of employees making "A" or "Z" amount of emploees making "B". The equation has equal out or US is not going to be in business. The company either has to pay less wages to the same amount of people or the same amount to less employees. That would be your decision when you vote.

It does seem simple when put that way, doesn't it? Like so many things in life, reality is far more complicated...

What you're talking about is total employee cost, as if that was important. If that's all that matters, WN had a $42 million dollar advantage over US in the 3rd quarter - far less than the approximate $1 billion the company is seeking to cut from employee costs.

Even Jetblue (1/4 our size with a point to point business model) had only a $467 million advantage in employee costs over US - still far less than that $1 billion reduction the company is seeking.

No, what matters on the cost side is unit cost. As long as we continue to operate a hub/spoke, mixed fleet type, RJ/Turboprop feed system we either accept a higher unit cost or reduce the employee cost to the point it subsidizes the higher cost operational model.

So how much do you want to give up to subsidize the higher cost model that management is unwilling to give up?

That's not my call, I do not work for US. I realize that it's easy for me to put it those terms, but I think some people lose sight of the simple facts of the situation. I wish everybody a clear concience and rational thought before a decision is made by all.
markkus757 said:
but I think some people lose sight of the simple facts of the situation.

If it were only that simple. Achieving equal employee costs (either total or per employee) would be a lot less costly to the employees than what the company wants.

The company wants the revenue benefits of a hub/spoke business model (roughly 2 cents higher yield than WN) but also wants the mainline employees to offset the higher costs of that business model. Sorta like having their cake and eating it too, while the employees get neither.

markkus757 said:
It comes down to a pretty simple formula. With US Airways, they only have the ability to make "X" for revenue. We have seen them try to increase this but they just cannot. The cost side is harder to swallow. You have "Y" amount of employees making "A" or "Z" amount of emploees making "B". The equation has equal out or US is not going to be in business. The company either has to pay less wages to the same amount of people or the same amount to less employees. That would be your decision when you vote.

You forgot to factor in the dimwit and discredited business model, executive give-aways, and other cost-increasing internal corruption. It's a great excuse for stealing more and more from the employees.