IAM topic of the week

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The company has already agreed to section 6. It's in the agreement and it's non negotiable. District Force, you know you are 100% incorrect and your endless support of Randy Canale is self evident.

To all the westies: Why wait till 2009? This is bull crap! I have an acquantance who is considered the number 1 DFR attorney in the nation. I would be more than willing to put forth my time in coordinating a DFR against Boss Canale. I've mentioned this scenerio to him and he thought it was a clear DFR that your union was refusing to participate in section 6 negotiations.

The problem is that this would have to be done in District Court and it would cost around $10,000 to get it to court. I can work with some of your leaders in your stations and I think it may be very possible to get 1,000 of you to write $10 checks to the attorney for him to engage the union in court. I would also appeal to east siders to offer their support and contribute. I believe it is quite clear that Boss Canale has hosed over this whole situation and insulated himself by appointing guys like JM, RR, and NG as those who are representing your interest. Don't believe District Force, this is a clear DFR because section 6 was engaged under your duration article and is now part of your contract AND the IAM has a fudiciary duty to enforce it.

This doesn't just involve the west, Canale has screwed up this whole thing with nothing to show in 3 years. We have continually told him to do the right thing and enforce section 6 but he has refused to listen and has continually agreed with Hemenway that section 6 negotiations are not needed. 3 years and the only thing Randy can come up with is a company proposal that merges the west into the east in over 18 months.

As for the negotiations team. MF is standing on the shoulders of 8,000 members and if that is causing division then I'm all for it. Something has got to divide the relationship Canale has with Hemenway. DH is also a welcomed addition to the team. Screw Canale's cozy relationship with management.

email here

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Nelson, you gotta have thick skin. Alot of abuse you take but keep it up because it's working. I'll give more than $10 to see Randy busted. It's a DFR for sure. Get the attorney and if the west will support themselves then I'm sure many in PHL will support them also.
I know Mary Reed would not agree to anything that would allow outsourcing. Why would she? She is from a small station herself. Do you think she wants to be looking for a job? I have been told that Mary along with MF, JM, NG, and a few of the other negotiators, are standing strong. I think it's unfair for her to be the only one there to represent the west field stations, not that she can't stand her ground, I know she can and does. I support sec 6 for the west, and I support Mary.
I was told the same thing from a very reliable source. Thanks to all who stood their ground.
I know of at least 10 to 15 more people that would be willing to help. Maybe more and more than likely would gladly pitch in to help. Just give the word and its on its way.
What are some of the stipulations for a DFR to be filed by a west emp?
for instance.....did you have to be employed by the amendable date or can you file if you got hired in 06?
Yes, the West will pledge to find a neutral party for representation. And you have to wonder the members of the NC are really divided somehow. RR will! be at the picket tomorrow. His comments on Section 6 ring unusual but maybe hard to swallow.

Also, when it comes to being a Dues objector has anyone been clued in on their Beck Rites! by any union?
Tim, can you put together an official site?

Maybe put up a counter on how much money has been raised so far?

Maybe we can go around the community asking for donations?

Also, we need some literature on section 6 that we can educate ourselves and others on so we are sure to remain as united as we are now, and we have strict assurance that our money is going to something worthwhile.

If this is well put together, I guarantee the money will come flowing in, even enough to cover any other costs we may incur. You know, any hidden lawyer fee's or court costs if we have to play the legal game.

Just some thoughts...
What are some of the stipulations for a DFR to be filed by a west emp?
for instance.....did you have to be employed by the amendable date or can you file if you got hired in 06?
any filing would have to be done in district court, not the labor department. The scope of the DFR would be that DL141 failed in its fidicuary responsibilities by not enforcing the contract's duration article. I'm really not sure why Canale has refused to do this...but for some reason he has. If there were any side bars with the TWU or the company, those sidebar agreements would be sure to come out. Particularly the agreement with the TWU and what was contained in it. I mean why would the IAM just cease section 6 for almost 3 years and have nothing to show for it?

I only deal with the best attorneys in the nation so if this moved forward, then I know it would be put together professionally.

There won't be any problem getting key west employees to signature the DFR. I've already talked to some. If you wish to be a signature on this after we should square things up then that would also be cool.

Facts are that Canale has screwed up the last 3 years and has nothing to show for it since he has agreed with Hemenway to shelve section 6 negotations. It now appears that Canale has been "Hoodwinked" at the expense of section 6.
I believe we must do something against this violation. What's the alternative? I mean the company's latest proposal was a clear statement for us all to read 'go screw yourselves'. What is Canale's plan against that if not section 6? If his plan is simply to have the workers go outside the terminal and rah rah then that's not good enough. Section 6 will not look good to potential investors as it gives strong indication of internal labor fracture. Labor must 'squeeze' out what it deserves as opposed to what District Force and henderfuzz agree to.

I'm willing to listen to other plans but all Canale has offered up is the same talk and rhetoric about Company CEO bonus' etc. Give me a break! What's his plan? Why can't he tell us his plan? Does he have one? Just waiting till 2009 is NOT ACCEPTABLE without recommencing section 6.

What is Canale's Plan? What the hell is going on.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
The scope of the DFR would be that DL141 failed in its fidicuary responsibilities by not enforcing the contract's duration article. I'm really not sure why Canale has refused to do this...but for some reason he has. If there were any side bars with the TWU or the company, those sidebar agreements would be sure to come out. Particularly the agreement with the TWU and what was contained in it. I mean why would the IAM just cease section 6 for almost 3 years and have nothing to show for it?

Hi Tim,

Could it be that Canale has been compromised? It obvious there is a “conflict of Interestâ€￾ with him being on the UA board of directors. Either he will get some benefit down the line from this, or his familiarity with management has bred contempt for people he represents. Either way he needs to go!

Count me for at least $10 and most likely more. You may want to set up a PayPal account for this, it may make easier for some people to donate.

Agent “Vâ€￾
Hi Tim,

Could it be that Canale has been compromised? It obvious there is a “conflict of Interestâ€￾ with him being on the UA board of directors. Either he will get some benefit down the line from this, or his familiarity with management has bred contempt for people he represents. Either way he needs to go!

Count me for at least $10 and most likely more. You may want to set up a PayPal account for this, it may make easier for some people to donate.

Agent “Vâ€￾

Set it up and put me down for a 10 spot as well!

Yes, the West will pledge to find a neutral party for representation. And you have to wonder the members of the NC are really divided somehow. RR will! be at the picket tomorrow. His comments on Section 6 ring unusual but maybe hard to swallow.

Also, when it comes to being a Dues objector has anyone been clued in on their Beck Rites! by any union?
Do you realize if you become a dues objecter you become a non-member, you cannot vote on your CBA, you cannot vote on a strike, you cannot vote on who your elected officers and representatives are and you cannot attend any union meetings.
700 is right

We will be storming the hill come June and will need everyone to stand and be counted.
Now is not the time to run. The perfect storm is on the horizon. Stand and fight with your brothers and sisters.
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