IAM topic of the week

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Well... Boy's...

Looks like tha Company's wantin' tah pi** us off ! Keep tha network solid !
Has Canale finally grown sum.. or... has New Direction applied 'nough pressure
tahh keep 'um honest ? Time 'l tell. Tim... keep up tha good work !

Members, stay strong...stay solid !

P.S. links to Co. offer and Union response were not workin' on 141.org... anybody got um ?
If you do accept what the company is offering it goes long after 2009.

So what difference does that make thats where were headed anyway. Why not be a unified work group all under the same deal. This spit contract crap needs to come to an end. NOW
If you do accept what the company is offering it goes long after 2009.


First off...

We ain't acceptin' whut tha Company's offerin'....thats why tha Union walked out !

Second... I ain't found no amendable date referenced in whut I'm readin'
frum tha company.

Don't follow yahh....

As far as I can tell...

both tha Company & Union responses, apperar tahh be letters ahh
agreement, applied tahh tha existing CBA. That would mean tha exisiting
amendable date would still be used.
fuzz says
"What we should do is accept that sorry AXX offer that the company made and get ready for a fight in 2009 and beyond."

Good idea fuzz, lets go ahead and give away another 1200 jobs who know's mybe your station will be next , and as far as WE'LL fight in 09

the B/S t/a has an extention thru 2011 .. so NO there won't be reneg for better deal in 09
I think the union’s proposal was reasonable , VERY reasonable …. If this company wants to fall on it’s own sword ,then by all means lets help put some weight into the fall!

First off...

We ain't acceptin' whut tha Company's offerin'....thats why tha Union walked out !

Second... I ain't found no amendable date referenced in whut I'm readin'
frum tha company.

Don't follow yahh....

Thats becasue the amendable date is whats is current. And yes I do follow, we are doing just what they want us to do remain divided and the company just rakes in more money on our backs.
Well I guess will be here till hell frezzes over than.
If the 60 day rule does not apply to those already on furlough. If DOH is not the way senority intergration goes. If the pay isn't at least $20.00 to Start. Vacation, sick time back to "normal". Doubletime, and shift differential. If these thing are not in the T/A, I will vote NO. Fuzz, stop drinking the koolaid. It is very unbecoming of you. We chose to fight now, not 5 or 6 years from now. Because that is the reality of what you are saying. Any T/A that is brought to us to vote on, will be extended to at leadt 2011, or 2012. Then bargain for another 2 or 3 years, and presto, we are stuck with a POS CBA untill 2015 or so. Not acceptable in my book. And we are in this position because the union sided with the company on not to continue section 6 for the west. If section 6 had continued along with transition talks, we might have had an acceptable T/A. But asdly, the union chose to side with the company. Canoli's brilliant merger skills there.
Henderfuzz I don't know how things are in your station but in CLT we are anything but divided. I have been here for 23 years and have never seen this group so united on any issue. The determination is something to see. We are standing strong as a group and it is a beautiful thing.
fuzz says
"What we should do is accept that sorry AXX offer that the company made and get ready for a fight in 2009 and beyond."

Good idea fuzz, lets go ahead and give away another 1200 jobs who know's mybe your station will be next , and as far as WE'LL fight in 09

the B/S t/a has an extention thru 2011 .. so NO there won't be reneg for better deal in 09

Ok if thats the case than why are there no payscales beyond 2009?
The IAM proposal was an extension till 2011.
I also saw no job givebacks in the company proposal other than what is already in our sorry contract. I can tell you one thing though your never going to be able to keep all of our stations open forever its just a way of life today. So get over it.

Don't get bent on me... I'm one ahh you !

Just tryin to figgure this stuff out.

If we retain the original amendment date of tha current CBA, section 6 would start
fer tha West at that time.

Somethin' tha west should have had ahh long time ago !
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