IAM topic of the week

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Henderfuzz, I commend you for understanding that this isn't the time to fight. Nor is this the time to support the new direction team over Randy Canale. Randy has protected your union wages and benefits and has also saved the west members from losing their union membership altogether.

Labor strife is the last thing your company needs. Nobody is saying that the company offer is acceptable but there is no other choice but to wait till 2009. Commencing section 6 talks with the company will not do anything other than threaten a breakdown in negotiations and risk losing potential investors. If we started section 6 negotiations, your company may threaten to stop transition talks and then drag out section 6 talks for years. Our members do not want that and they realize now isn't the time to pound the chest.

There are some hills that we wouldn't want to die on. What's done is done and your company will never sign on to bring back those that were affected by the 60 day rule. Your company isn't going to agree to double time since this was a permanent concession. You must realize this is a low cost carrier with a cost neutral position. We must move forward though for the majoriy of our members. Your west negotiators are on the same page as Randy and they have indicated strongly that the west members aren't interested in section 6 talks but instead understand that their best choice is to support Randy Canale merging the two work groups.
Tim Nelson is not a Local Chairman, he's not even a member in good standing. But him and some east leaders in PHL and CLT don't understand that the best solution is to merge the west into the east. Unfortunately there is now division on the negotiations team that will not allow Randy Canale to merge the two groups.
Your assessment is right on, if everyone was under one contract, there would be solidarity and we would be better prepared to fight in 2009. Now there are just some individuals running for office that are putting their personal agenda ahead of the membership, and the end result is a workforce that is totally divided. The company is now preying on this division that Nelson and the new direction has created, so don't blame Randy Canale, blame those members who are after political gains. Now is the time to support Randy Canale, but Randy can't do anything when the company sees his own membership fighting with him.

I recommend you challenge those who are representing you and let them know that you believe in a transition agreement that will position your company to participate in the upcoming mergers. Until the workforce can support Randy Canale, you will continue to fall prey to the divisions of those few individuals who wear leather and talk big but are only self serving. You can blame those types when you have to line up at office depot for a job because your company wanted to participate in a merger but wasn't allowed to because of labor strife. Things are going to continue going downhill for fleet service and the proposals from the company will get worse until fleet service finally learns to support Randy Canale over internet posters who are after only personal gain.
Ive got time to pick it apart!
randy has gotten you PAYCUTS, how has he protected the west members from losing their union membership? every contract that comes out their is outsourcing language to lose mebership, are you implying he bought off the TWU? See your out of touch with the majority of the east members they want west in section 6 so that, what we get, they can build on. In the west contract we have double time we dont want to lose it. Low cost carrier with a low cost position than why are the CEOs and managers getting such nice bonuses and HEFTY raises? West negotiators? theres only two mary reed(MCI) and ron roth(PHX), i can imagine mary agreeing to a contract that would outsource her station, but im being told otherwise. The reason why their is no solidarity is because Canale has given the company a HELPING HAND agreement that totally violates the CBAs in LAS. People are fighting him because hes not listening to the membership and not doing what they ask of him. umm upcoming mergers so we need to be quiet little puppets so the CEOs can reap the benies of another merger, good idea, NOT. So the company is going to keep giving us terrible proposals because we dont support Randy, why is that, I'll tell you why HE HAS NO JUCIE.
Members... this ahh repost from two forums ago:

(Quote from Districtforce) You have no leverage to fight in the midst of consolidation. You want to follow Tim Nelson, then good luck at the dance! Consolidation is going to happen quick and if you force your company out of a dance partner then you risk being left out of the industry but in chapter 11 or more likely chapter 7. Your company is a low cost carrier and has a business plan that practices cost neutral negotiations

Hmmm…. Well now…. Mr. Force,

Me ‘n a few other members are curious as to how tha he** you can call our company ahh “Low Cost Carrier� … me ‘n tha boys see absolutely no indications of this “low cost†sh** in anything other than tha stock symbol!

Do yahh think we stupid?

What “low cost carrier†in this country, has a full and expanding international presence… first class service…. can scrounge up billions of dollars to buy Delta, and has ahh CEO constantly preachin’ consolidation?

No sir… Mr. Force…. We ain’t no low cost carrier… we ahh “Low Wage Carrierâ€!

In addition… Mr. Force… we don’t believe we gonna get left out ah tha merger dance.

We think that’s what’s what tha Company wants us tah believe… ‘n probably you too… as ahh present IAM regime supporter!

Our gut instinct is this.…

Tha Company would love tahh get all tha cost neutral T/A’s without adequate COC language ratified under tha pretenses of bein’ ahh stand alone low cost carrier, with no potential prospects of any merger partner… they’d be cite’n tha financial hardships of havin’ tah compete with the behemoths and tha LCC’s of tha industry… blahh... blahh …blahh…

Then… we see um’ revealin’ their true intentions, by miraculously findin’ this willin’ foreign... or legacy carrier with tons ahh money… that just so happens to be forced into merger plans due to industry consolidation trends! Then we left standin’ there with ahh substandard agreement in our hands, while tha rest of tha industry continues tah pass us by.

Me 'n tha boys 'n girls in CLT say .....IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!
For solo coverage on UHC Choice plan I pay around $600.

IAM is not going to waste any time on Section 6 for the west. It's more money out of their pockets so you know which way that will go.

Looks like we are just going to have to sit tight till end of 2009..
The company will never agree to section 6. Your west negotiators understand this and the best solution is transition talks. Anyone who tells you that the company would consider section 6 is far removed from reality. This industry is changing rapidly and there isn't enough time to change course in negotiations.
If you people want to follow internet posters who wear leather then see you in the office depot application line.
If the company refuses to meet in section 6, than immediately call for mediation, if they dont meet, cool down, if they dont talk strike.
We take a pay cut every year because the cost of living goes up somewhere between 2% and 4%. Even with this in mind I am willing to stand my ground and not accept anything but an industry standard contract. Thank you MF for standing your ground. The company will have to deal with us one way or another. Stand firm my brothers and sisters we will prevail. Once again we need to thank the ones that are fighting for each and every one of us.
Henderfuzz, I commend you for understanding that this isn't the time to fight. Nor is this the time to support the new direction team over Randy Canale. Randy has protected your union wages and benefits and has also saved the west members from losing their union membership altogether.

Labor strife is the last thing your company needs. Nobody is saying that the company offer is acceptable but there is no other choice but to wait till 2009. Commencing section 6 talks with the company will not do anything other than threaten a breakdown in negotiations and risk losing potential investors. If we started section 6 negotiations, your company may threaten to stop transition talks and then drag out section 6 talks for years. Our members do not want that and they realize now isn't the time to pound the chest.

There are some hills that we wouldn't want to die on. What's done is done and your company will never sign on to bring back those that were affected by the 60 day rule. Your company isn't going to agree to double time since this was a permanent concession. You must realize this is a low cost carrier with a cost neutral position. We must move forward though for the majoriy of our members. Your west negotiators are on the same page as Randy and they have indicated strongly that the west members aren't interested in section 6 talks but instead understand that their best choice is to support Randy Canale merging the two work groups.Tim Nelson is not a Local Chairman, he's not even a member in good standing. But him and some east leaders in PHL and CLT don't understand that the best solution is to merge the west into the east. Unfortunately there is now division on the negotiations team that will not allow Randy Canale to merge the two groups.
Your assessment is right on, if everyone was under one contract, there would be solidarity and we would be better prepared to fight in 2009. Now there are just some individuals running for office that are putting their personal agenda ahead of the membership, and the end result is a workforce that is totally divided. The company is now preying on this division that Nelson and the new direction has created, so don't blame Randy Canale, blame those members who are after political gains. Now is the time to support Randy Canale, but Randy can't do anything when the company sees his own membership fighting with him.

I recommend you challenge those who are representing you and let them know that you believe in a transition agreement that will position your company to participate in the upcoming mergers.
Until the workforce can support Randy Canale, you will continue to fall prey to the divisions of those few individuals who wear leather and talk big but are only self serving. You can blame those types when you have to line up at office depot for a job because your company wanted to participate in a merger but wasn't allowed to because of labor strife. Things are going to continue going downhill for fleet service and the proposals from the company will get worse until fleet service finally learns to support Randy Canale over internet posters who are after only personal gain.

What investors? Why would they look at us. The cueernt management can't even settle any labor issues, and they had 2 1/2 years to try.
Section 6 negotiations should have been ongoing, since the TWU were in section 6 already, but canoli, shelved them because AH ans dougweiser told him to.
Low Cost my a**, Cost neutral my a**. Look at the Bonus that dougweiser got, How is that "low cost" and cost neutral?
Canoli couldn't merge the 2 workgroups if he had an instruction booklet. Even them it would be iffy.
Everything is negotiable, so why not doubletime? For that matter sick time or vacation time, were those permanent concessions also?
The only negotiators that are on canoli's side are those that he granted access to the $100 k club.
And if you think that Fleet Service will bankrupt this company think again. We are not the only union on the property with strife. And to say that if we can't find a merger partner because of Fleet Service is just plain stupid.
Things have been going down hill for Fleet Service since the merger because of canoli. D141 should have continued section 6 along with transition talks, not one or the other. That was canoli kissing the company's arse.
And what you must understand, we are not divided. Fleet Service is as strong and united as it has ever been!
We will not support someone that likes to be a company spokesman, when he should be a spokesman for the working man/woman.
So tell me districtforce, why exactly should I support canoli? What has he done for Fleet since the merge? Why does he open the concession stand during transition talks, when it was supposedly closed? Most of us out here are just exposing canoli for what he is. A greedy, arrogant, self-absorbed, company kiss-a**.
And most of US/HP Fleet Service want him out. Along with alot of UA members. Now I do not know if the Betty Ford clinic cures addiction to koolaid, but maybee you should look into it.
Just for grins, I've pulled a quote from the appeal decision regarding the former Trump workers after their merger with US Airways:

I believe the IAM is forgoing Section 6, which would be of TREMENDOUS benefit to the West employees, to get the East employees more then they have now, at West expense. In a top out situation, at BEST a topped out West employee on the East contract would break even. The raises they get would be negated by loss of sick pay, vacation, and insurance. I am NOT suggesting the East employees don't deserve bettern then what they have now. They do. But it's illegal (in my non legal educated opinion) to give the East at the expense of the West.
I would be interested in hearing your opinion on the IAM's decision on "sharing" the East's Profit Sharing with the West..
The company will never agree to section 6. Your west negotiators understand this and the best solution is transition talks. Anyone who tells you that the company would consider section 6 is far removed from reality. This industry is changing rapidly and there isn't enough time to change course in negotiations.
If you people want to follow internet posters who wear leather then see you in the office depot application line.
The company has already agreed to section 6. It's in the agreement and it's non negotiable. District Force, you know you are 100% incorrect and your endless support of Randy Canale is self evident.

To all the westies: Why wait till 2009? This is bull crap! I have an acquantance who is considered the number 1 DFR attorney in the nation. I would be more than willing to put forth my time in coordinating a DFR against Boss Canale. I've mentioned this scenerio to him and he thought it was a clear DFR that your union was refusing to participate in section 6 negotiations.

The problem is that this would have to be done in District Court and it would cost around $10,000 to get it to court. I can work with some of your leaders in your stations and I think it may be very possible to get 1,000 of you to write $10 checks to the attorney for him to engage the union in court. I would also appeal to east siders to offer their support and contribute. I believe it is quite clear that Boss Canale has hosed over this whole situation and insulated himself by appointing guys like JM, RR, and NG as those who are representing your interest. Don't believe District Force, this is a clear DFR because section 6 was engaged under your duration article and is now part of your contract AND the IAM has a fudiciary duty to enforce it.

This doesn't just involve the west, Canale has screwed up this whole thing with nothing to show in 3 years. We have continually told him to do the right thing and enforce section 6 but he has refused to listen and has continually agreed with Hemenway that section 6 negotiations are not needed. 3 years and the only thing Randy can come up with is a company proposal that merges the west into the east in over 18 months.

As for the negotiations team. MF is standing on the shoulders of 8,000 members and if that is causing division then I'm all for it. Something has got to divide the relationship Canale has with Hemenway. DH is also a welcomed addition to the team. Screw Canale's cozy relationship with management.

email here

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
The company will never agree to section 6. Your west negotiators understand this and the best solution is transition talks. Anyone who tells you that the company would consider section 6 is far removed from reality. This industry is changing rapidly and there isn't enough time to change course in negotiations.
If you people want to follow internet posters who wear leather then see you in the office depot application line.

The Company doesnt' need to agree. If they did, you would NEVER see a contract negotiated. And there's always "time" to change negotiations tactics. Granted it isn't always the "best" time, but considering the present negotiating plan hs been an utter and total failure it's time.

I would be interested in hearing your opinion on the IAM's decision on "sharing" the East's Profit Sharing with the West..

I've said it before and will say it again. The West shouldn't have gotten PS. That was BS and the East guys have a right to complain.
This is in response to West' Section 6. Ron Roth came back to Phoenix of the plane from Philly and gave us the bad news. He said MOST of the NC crumpled up the company' offer and threw it back across the table. He didn't say, when asked, which members did'nt. Kinda glad they showed their disapproval. (But, kinda seems too little, too late). He also said the company called later asking what the west wanted more. Someone must have mentioned an 8000.00 signing bonus to make up for never having a dime in the pension the last couple years and none for 2008.

RR was asked weather AWA should've stuck with TWU and that those guys had the Bird in the Hand with "Section 6". And that the guys with TWU threw in the towel for IAM to walk in without a vote. Ron' answer was that we'd still be negotiating the same conditions under Section 6 as they are NOW. Was that a COP OUT! or what!

PLEASE! If anyone is near Phoenix Headquarters tomorrow, FEB. 28 between 7:30am and noon come join the PICKET with the ALLIANCE of unions. Supposedly the pilots will have extra signs. This is Media Day at Corporate. This might be the last chance to show this bunch of misguided mega messes, that we make this airline for them and stand together to help get it right!
Tim I would gladly give my $10 towards the cause and would be willing to work to help raise the rest so my brothers and sisters in the west could file the DFR.

What's done is done and your company will never sign on to bring back those that were affected by the 60 day rule.

You forgot to mention , that was a rule that was under a Bankruptcy senario. We are no longer in BK !! So what other surprise will the IAM/Company come up with next time there is a cause to outsource...................

Your company isn't going to agree to double time since this was a permanent concession.

Since when has any concession been permanent ????

Unfortunately there is now division on the negotiations team that will not allow Randy Canale to merge the two groups.

What one calls " division" another calls "accountability".

Your assessment is right on, if everyone was under one contract, there would be solidarity and we would be better prepared to fight in 2009.
I recommend you challenge those who are representing you and let them know that you believe in a transition agreement that will position your company to participate in the upcoming mergers.

Heres' the challenge: wave your magic wand and take us back to the letter that the TWU sent HP to open sec-6 and use that leverage to NEGOTIATE a viable TA for all. It can't be done ! The Leadership screwed up. Time for a change.
With the outsourcing language still in this " BANKRUPTCY TA " I would be willing to help my company outsource my job?.............NOT>>>>>

You can blame those types when you have to line up at office depot for a job because your company wanted to participate in a merger but wasn't allowed to because of labor strife.

You can come back to the ramp and work with us after ur ousted. The only thing the IAM wants soooo badly is those TWU-WEST $$$$$ union dues that
are in IAM cyberspace escrow. Is a transition of fleet service the only thing holding those millions in escrow? Be honest now.....

Things are going to continue going downhill for fleet service and the proposals from the company will get worse until fleet service finally learns to support Randy Canale over internet posters who are after only personal gain.

I consider myself an internet poster and am gaining nothing......As a west employee I will be losing...........

Tim I would gladly give my $10 towards the cause and would be willing to work to help raise the rest so my brothers and sisters in the west could file the DFR.



Yah got my Jackson as well ! E-Mail me 'n it'll be on tha way !
Ive got time to pick it apart!
randy has gotten you PAYCUTS, how has he protected the west members from losing their union membership? every contract that comes out their is outsourcing language to lose mebership, are you implying he bought off the TWU? See your out of touch with the majority of the east members they want west in section 6 so that, what we get, they can build on. In the west contract we have double time we dont want to lose it. Low cost carrier with a low cost position than why are the CEOs and managers getting such nice bonuses and HEFTY raises? West negotiators? theres only two mary reed(MCI) and ron roth(PHX), i can imagine mary agreeing to a contract that would outsource her station, but im being told otherwise. The reason why their is no solidarity is because Canale has given the company a HELPING HAND agreement that totally violates the CBAs in LAS. People are fighting him because hes not listening to the membership and not doing what they ask of him. umm upcoming mergers so we need to be quiet little puppets so the CEOs can reap the benies of another merger, good idea, NOT. So the company is going to keep giving us terrible proposals because we dont support Randy, why is that, I'll tell you why HE HAS NO JUCIE.
I know Mary Reed would not agree to anything that would allow outsourcing. Why would she? She is from a small station herself. Do you think she wants to be looking for a job? I have been told that Mary along with MF, JM, NG, and a few of the other negotiators, are standing strong. I think it's unfair for her to be the only one there to represent the west field stations, not that she can't stand her ground, I know she can and does. I support sec 6 for the west, and I support Mary.
This is in response to West' Section 6. Ron Roth came back to Phoenix of the plane from Philly and gave us the bad news. He said MOST of the NC crumpled up the company' offer and threw it back across the table. He didn't say, when asked, which members did'nt. Kinda glad they showed their disapproval. (But, kinda seems too little, too late). He also said the company called later asking what the west wanted more. Someone must have mentioned an 8000.00 signing bonus to make up for never having a dime in the pension the last couple years and none for 2008.

RR was asked weather AWA should've stuck with TWU and that those guys had the Bird in the Hand with "Section 6". And that the guys with TWU threw in the towel for IAM to walk in without a vote. Ron' answer was that we'd still be negotiating the same conditions under Section 6 as they are NOW. Was that a COP OUT! or what!

PLEASE! If anyone is near Phoenix Headquarters tomorrow, FEB. 28 between 7:30am and noon come join the PICKET with the ALLIANCE of unions. Supposedly the pilots will have extra signs. This is Media Day at Corporate. This might be the last chance to show this bunch of misguided mega messes, that we make this airline for them and stand together to help get it right!
Thanks for the post Lith. Remember folks RR is going to be on the june ballot.
Canale and Co. have been particularly vociferous in the last couple of days.
Could it be the pressure?
Here's the bottom line. Both the East and the West are growing in resolve
and patience. If you want to know what attitude to take read DF's posts
and take the complete opposite. Thanks BF
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