IAM topic of the week

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"I can tell you one thing though your never going to be able to keep all of our stations open forever its just a way of life today. So get over it."

geez fuzz that sounds funny coming from you the anti HUB guy. remember us hub guys don't care about anyone but ourselves

now since the hubs want to try and keep as many jobs hub or not as possible you seem to have changed your tune .

what I would like to see the union due is a cost comparison between what it cost to operate a smaller station with contract help

and all the cost that come withit.. example missed bags/ continual revolving door in having to hire/ background check /train

and then do it all over again in 6 months. and compare that to just leaving OUR own people in those citys . I would be willing to bet

the cost savings really isn't there.... Then they could throw that at BIG AL next time he wants to play cost neutral.
district force,
"But him and some east leaders in PHL and CLT don't understand that the best solution is to merge the west into the east. Unfortunately there is now division on the negotiations team that will not allow Randy Canale to merge the two groups."

YOU couldn't be more WRONG in that statement. first the east has and I REPEAT has NO PROBLEM bringing the west up to our contract
however this is a transition agreement not traditional neg. so WE on the east are NOT and I REPEAT are NOT going to give up more in our
B/S contract just to do that.. IF they the company wants to bring them up fine .. DO IT ALREADY but DON'T OPEN OUR CONTRACT UP
with extensions and lose profit sharing lose change of control because it's not GOING TO HAPPEN.

Now as far as a division on the negotiations team . once again your are dead WRONG.. just because we now have people negotiating
for US the membership and not to KISS the pinky doesn't bring division. maybe the rest of the 100,000.00 club should consider representing the people that pay THERE SALARY..
"Ron Roth came back to Phoenix of the plane from Philly and gave us the bad news. He said MOST of the NC crumpled up the company' offer and threw it back across the table. He didn't say, when asked, which members did'nt."

ask RR if he throw his back.. the reason why he wouldn't say who did is because he is still kissing the pinky of Canale.
also ask him what his thoughts are about giving up almost 1200 west coast jobs with the scope language that he was willing to
to sign off on in the last meetings in Jan..

this man is not to be trusted ..
Just skimming through the Unions proposals...Can someone explain to me why our union is proposing farming out stations in 2011 :shock: :shock: Should'nt they be saying NO to farming out??? And under sick days the union is proposing half pay for the first 3 days and then full pay after that :shock: :shock: How about FULL PAY for all sick days...and only ONE more Holiday :shock: :shock: Who the hell is on the employees side???? It aint the company and from what I see its definitely not these bozos negotiating this scrap sheet :shock: :shock:
Just skimming through the Unions proposals...Can someone explain to me why our union is proposing farming out stations in 2011 :shock: :shock: Should'nt they be saying NO to farming out??? And under sick days the union is proposing half pay for the first 3 days and then full pay after that :shock: :shock: How about FULL PAY for all sick days...and only ONE more Holiday :shock: :shock: Who the hell is on the employees side???? It aint the company and from what I see its definitely not these bozos negotiating this scrap sheet :shock: :shock:

I didn't see anything about profit sharing--unless I missed it.......I'm in for the $10 too---just let me know where to send it.
The company will never agree to section 6. Your west negotiators understand this and the best solution is transition talks. Anyone who tells you that the company would consider section 6 is far removed from reality. This industry is changing rapidly and there isn't enough time to change course in negotiations.
If you people want to follow internet posters who wear leather then see you in the office depot application line.

Nice post Tony, but be mindful that the man you speak of is starting another grass roots campaign. This time it is a comedic attempt $10 at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Just skimming through the Unions proposals...Can someone explain to me why our union is proposing farming out stations in 2011 :shock: :shock: Should'nt they be saying NO to farming out??? And under sick days the union is proposing half pay for the first 3 days and then full pay after that :shock: :shock: How about FULL PAY for all sick days...and only ONE more Holiday :shock: :shock: Who the hell is on the employees side???? It aint the company and from what I see its definitely not these bozos negotiating this scrap sheet :shock: :shock:
Things are a real mess with Canale. He has never stopped agreeing with Hemenway that those 19 stations must include farming out language. With a company making 1/2 billion a year the last two years, together with iron clad 'no contracting out language', why would Canale give that up? Because he's management.

Take another look at the contract proposal. Canale wants to divide those who are topped out against those on wage steps 1-9. In other words, give the topped out people $20hr but screw everyone else. What happened is that Canale doesn't care about anyone. When they went around the room and asked for everyone's bottom line position, $20hr was the bottom of what could be brought back. Everyone assumed Canale would clean up steps 1-9 and so they didn't spell out equal proportions throughout the pay scale. So Canale just changed the top out and screwed all over step 1-9 members. Try taking a contract back to a station with a big raise for the topped out people but then telling those on the bottom 'tuffa lucka'. Things have just gotten out of hand, now you know why the Septemeber agreement was awful and contained less scope than currently exist....Hemenway is just signing what Canale is proposing.
We will enjoy coming for Parker's boy in 3 months.....soon enough.

Strategic Plan

Tim Nelson, email here
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
I like the "Outsource at 28 weekly departures, insource at 59 weekly departures" language.

That's tight, allow them to douche a station out at 28, then more than double that number of flights to bring it back in house.Wow, talk about an unreachable goal.Deft negotiating skills. :lol:
Nice post Tony, but be mindful that the man you speak of is starting another grass roots campaign. This time it is a comedic attempt $10 at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
What is so comical about lining up legal help to fight for something that is inherently wrong? I think most people understand this. I really don't know why you have to be so disrespectful of me trying to help the west out. Tell me if I've done something wrong, I'll look at it and apologize if I have to. Do you have a better suggestion trying to keep Canale and PF accountable? As aside, we may also find out the fullness of the IAM/TWU agreement in the process. Something appears dirty.

At this point, I have to find out if the attorney is available and willing. Initially, a while back, I got a quick read of the situation and he indicated it was an interesting case that was worthy.

The support exist and Canale's plan to agree with Hemenway to pay no attention to section 6 has resulted in the latest company proposal that is treason against the masses.

Strategic Plan

Tim Nelson, email here
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
district force,
"But him and some east leaders in PHL and CLT don't understand that the best solution is to merge the west into the east. Unfortunately there is now division on the negotiations team that will not allow Randy Canale to merge the two groups."

YOU couldn't be more WRONG in that statement. first the east has and I REPEAT has NO PROBLEM bringing the west up to our contract
however this is a transition agreement not traditional neg. so WE on the east are NOT and I REPEAT are NOT going to give up more in our
B/S contract just to do that.. IF they the company wants to bring them up fine .. DO IT ALREADY but DON'T OPEN OUR CONTRACT UP
with extensions and lose profit sharing lose change of control because it's not GOING TO HAPPEN.

Now as far as a division on the negotiations team . once again your are dead WRONG.. just because we now have people negotiating
for US the membership and not to KISS the pinky doesn't bring division. maybe the rest of the 100,000.00 club should consider representing the people that pay THERE SALARY..
Oman, I think most will respectfully disagree with you that the east and CLT has no problem giving the company a transition that just merges the west into the east contract. Believe it or not, most stations on the west don't want that either as it means 1,200 job loss. I think the vast majority of easties are 'screw transition' unless we get $20hr, and other benefits that are not part of our bankruptcy contract, otherwise wait till 2009.

Strategic plan

Tim Nelson, email here
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

Nominations are now winding down and instead of the NEW DIRECTIONS TEAM packing it in after they got the majority support, the team continued campaigning so more stations could join our team and be involved in this democratic process. The following is a recap of what the NEW DIRECTIONS TEAM achieved through the solidarity of the workers at United Airlines and USAIRWAYS.

United Airlines:
Our United Airline brothers and sisters got the support of the following United Stations:
1. Twin Towers
Both DEN and ORD came through in 'dominating fashion'. Canale got 57 votes total out of these stations. Delaney got around 275. A senseless beating.

2. The 'A-Rod' Special
NEW DIRECTIONS TEAM dominated in New York by getting the Grand Slam support, i.e., LGA, JFK, EWR, BUF.

3. Other stations nabbed by our United Airline Brothers and Sisters included the first time HNL went with an opposition team. A few "B" stations like MCO, and a host of smaller United stations, including, OMA, SLC, MSP, SAT.

Our USAIRWAYS brothers and sisters came through by showing amazing solidarity.
2. PIT. We got the full 'pentagon' by picking up the top 5 stations at USAIRWAYS in dominating fashion.
3. Delaney also nabbed all of the following USAIRWAYS stations: FLL, MIA, PBI, BWI, RDU, MKE, and has a runoff in SAN next month.

Overall, this represents approx 17,000 members to about 8,000 for Canale. In 3 short months, there will be a vote to clean up this district once and for all and put it on a new direction, thanks to your solidarity in getting this done. Remember, never before in District 141 history has any opposition team won more than 9 nominations, let alone all the big ones.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
What is so comical about lining up legal help to fight for something that is inherently wrong? I think most people understand this. I really don't know why you have to be so disrespectful of me trying to help the west out. Tell me if I've done something wrong, I'll look at it and apologize if I have to. Do you have a better suggestion trying to keep Canale and PF accountable? As aside, we may also find out the fullness of the IAM/TWU agreement in the process. Something appears dirty.

At this point, I have to find out if the attorney is available and willing. Initially, a while back, I got a quick read of the situation and he indicated it was an interesting case that was worthy.

The support exist and Canale's plan to agree with Hemenway to pay no attention to section 6 has resulted in the latest company proposal that is treason against the masses.

Strategic Plan

Tim Nelson, email here
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

You are right Tim, I was wrong for the last post. You are like Don Quixote jousting windmills. I admire the fact that you keep take on these tasks that take so much out of you, but you end up losing in the end. You are a good guy who has the interests of Fleet at heart. I just know in the end that it will be a losing effort. Not laughing at you, just realize after all these years that it is a no win situation.
district force,
"But him and some east leaders in PHL and CLT don't understand that the best solution is to merge the west into the east. Unfortunately there is now division on the negotiations team that will not allow Randy Canale to merge the two groups."

YOU couldn't be more WRONG in that statement. first the east has and I REPEAT has NO PROBLEM bringing the west up to our contract
however this is a transition agreement not traditional neg. so WE on the east are NOT and I REPEAT are NOT going to give up more in our
B/S contract just to do that.. IF they the company wants to bring them up fine .. DO IT ALREADY but DON'T OPEN OUR CONTRACT UP
with extensions and lose profit sharing lose change of control because it's not GOING TO HAPPEN.

Now as far as a division on the negotiations team . once again your are dead WRONG.. just because we now have people negotiating
for US the membership and not to KISS the pinky doesn't bring division. maybe the rest of the 100,000.00 club should consider representing the people that pay THERE SALARY..

Well if you read what the company proposed all it really was was a true transistion.
The only change was to get rid of this sorry 2 class pay scale and role eveyone into one pay rate.
I dont see what is so wrong about that. OH I see the hubs and all class 1 get nothing. Damn I know how that feels.
It would however not extend the contract from what I could see and than we would all be under one deal and be able to come together as 1 unified group to fight for a new contract in 2009.
Instead all you guys want is to muck up everything and work on getting rid of leadership in our union and srcew the rest of us.
I know and understand that the things the west would loose under our current deal, but just look at how we all loose the longer this thing drags on.
I know Im never going to convince you guys of my way of thinking, we in the small cities or many of the west dont have the power and thats sad. I just hope we all find what we are looking for without loosing our perspective.
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