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Very good post, I too get the feeling that RSA is desperate. By the way is'nt it Ironic that a Retirement systems, as majority Owner in a business, appearently insists that the workers give up their retirement benefits.
Why is this "Fair"?

When the Trump Mechanic left Eastern they signed a release agreement. They left Eastern.. So why should they get their Eastern Time Back?

Someone fill me in on this..

I worked at Lockheed and United, I left both, both were IAM.. Do I get all my IAM time from these places because I left of my own free will?

When the Trump guys left Eastern they left of their own free will. No one forced them to go.. So why do they get their Eastern Time?

I had no problem giving them their Trump Time.. They started with Trump, got bought out by US, they should have what they earned..

On that though why did we give the Empire guys their time back? They were Non Union!!! Piedmont put them at the bottom of the list because they were Non Union.. That were they should have stayed when we merged..
justaumechanic said:
Why is this "Fair"?

When the Trump Mechanic left Eastern they signed a release agreement. They left Eastern.. So why should they get their Eastern Time Back?

Someone fill me in on this..

I worked at Lockheed and United, I left both, both were IAM.. Do I get all my IAM time from these places because I left of my own free will?

When the Trump guys left Eastern they left of their own free will. No one forced them to go.. So why do they get their Eastern Time?

I had no problem giving them their Trump Time.. They started with Trump, got bought out by US, they should have what they earned..

On that though why did we give the Empire guys their time back? They were Non Union!!! Piedmont put them at the bottom of the list because they were Non Union.. That were they should have stayed when we merged..
I have to say that I agree with you.I didn't bring my Braniff time with me when I came to U.This could turn into a real mess,everyone that came from another carrier will want their time. 😱
PineyBob said:
Perhaps you could consult with Governor Jim McGreevy on exactly how to do that if required. Just leave me out of it OK?

So Bob does this post need reported, are you calling me Gay? Do you have some inner desire to give me a hug? Just what is the true meaning of this post Bob?

I think being around copy ink has interfered with neuron firing order causing a strange thought pattern which is stuck in a loop producing a voice that tells you: Management must be right they told me so, I hate unions because of what I read happened years ago, I have the perfect life and I will tell strangers all about it whether they want to hear it or not, I must post 24/7 and explain life to the poor helpless airline workers, I need a Wendy’s burger woman to complete my life, and while I’m at it, think I add to my girth with a biggy size.
mwereplanes said:

Right track, wrong people.

If you listen very carefully to what Lakefield stated yesterday in his weekly message he alluded to attracting new capital. RSA does not want to go to C11 for a number of reasons but, IMO, the biggest reason is because they may very well lose control of U. Once inside C11 there will be other interested parties who will look to provide DIP financing. Sort of like the bidding war between RSA and Texas Pacific Group the first time.

Why would anyone WANT to provide U with DIP financing after we file? We made 34 million bucks in a quarter when nearly everyone else lost money. With fuel at ridiculous prices, with an operation that is average at best, with a CSM higher than most everyone else and with an incompetent management who has crapped on employees since Hector was a pup. In other words, there is a profit machine hiding under the wreckage of the mismanagement that has thrived here over the last 10 or 20 years.

RSA understands that. You may well be correct with what they HOPE to do but I see other entities (possibly Texas Pacific) fighting it out with RSA for control. Listen to Lakefield's message very carefully. Bronner stands a very real chance of losing control of this airline inside of C11. He may come out on the losing end of a DIP financing bidding war. There is tremendous potential at US Airways. With competent management, a solid revenue model and the correct operational and labor productivity. Bronner and Lakefield know it. So do others.



You hit the nail smack on the head, as usual.
PITbull said:

You hit the nail smack on the head, as usual.

I predict you both are wrong and U is on it's last leg of it's turbulent flight heading downwind into the abyss.
:up: Will the IAM get there cities back that they let be contracted out on the ramp
or will they sell another 5 or 10 cities down the drain.
---hey 700 uw your not the only master of cut and paste I would like to thank the writer of this post unlike 700 uw who tends to steal other ideas and post them, evidently there are a lot of mechanics out there who dont approve of your *** kissing comments about the IAM get thwe facts before you spurt your nonsense how many shuttle guys work in clt ???-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Received: 08/15/04 00:18:20 EDT
Name: screwed@U
E-Mail: IAM/POW@paycuts for pay offs/IAM.com
Employer: U
Location: pit

PAGE Received: 08/14/04 18:39:05 EDT
Name: Jason
Employer: USAirways
Location: CLT


When Trump bought the Shuttle from Eastern Airlines the Eastern employees had to resign from EAL and hire on with Trump. They all had new dates of hire. They went with AMFA then back to the IAM…………………………………………………………………….
Jason, are you the same IAM lapdog that post so often on “usaviation.com “ web site under the name “700UW� The post above is very similar to one posted there, he too is from CLT and claims to be a knowledgeable insider. Like you he claims to have the facts on the Trump Shuttle case but doesn’t have a clue.

I hope you will take the time to go to the link provided to you here and get the facts straight from the court transcripts.[ http://www.the-mechanic.com/trump-lawsuit.html].

Question: Jason, how do you explain all the other union groups, along with the non-union gate and ticket agents, maintaining their Eastern date of hire [See page 37 and 38]? That’s right, the mechanics and related were the only employees at TS that were not granted their EAL hire date. Read the following excerpts from the court transcripts to get the truth about how the “ Farting Machinists†was able to accomplish this through their secret negotiations with US Air. Let us know what you think of the truth, if you can accept it.


71. Defendants US Airways and IAM thereafter in fact met on January 21, 1993, without Plaintiffs knowledge, at defendant US Airways headquarters in Crystal City, Virginia. No representative of Plaintiffs, or AMFA, was present. Upon information and belief, at that meeting, defendant IAM proposed, for the first time, and defendants IAM and US Airways agreed, that Plaintiffs classification seniority would be reduced, from their respective original dated- of- entry into the mechanic classification at Eastern, to June 7, 1989. The day Shuttle operations were taken over by Trump.


74. On or about February 17, 1993, defendants US Airways advised Plaintiffs, among other things, that it had no objection to a representative of Plaintiffs being present at discussions between defendant US Airways and defendant IAM regarding seniority issues if defendant IAM had no objection
Sorry my name is not Jason. So try again. And I guess your previous trips to the cornfield caused by you insulting me has not caused you to learn your lesson.
PineyBob said:
Good Grief, Cav it was a joke! You said "mark it down and if I am wrong I will out myself on the national news." Well what MAJOR public figure just "Outed" himself in the National Media! I thought just maybe a little levity between the latest sky is falling, Management Evil, Full Pay to the last day post might be appreciated.

Good Grief Bob....If you don't know me and my personal/dark humor attacks by now, you never will. I am sometimes still reminded by the Mod men. They call this virtual for a reason Bobby boy. Until and if we ever meet in person you will never know me. And in fact, if we were in the same room together never having met, you would never be able to pick me of the crowd, I guarantee it.

BUT, the one thing that is real to me: I am absolutely convinced that this airline is finished considering the obstacles needed to be overcome, especially it’s own life blood, it’s employees. The way it is now is no different than a killer cancer spreading thru the entire body unabated. And in fact we have Dr. big mouth throwing fuel on the fire. Like a oncologist told me when my Father was dieing of cancer: Imagine that you walk up to a raging forest fire, flames as high as you can see, the heat searing your flesh at hundreds of feet away. You are standing there looking at it with a baseball bat on your shoulders, and with that bat you are hoping to put out the fire. This scenario is how I see the U situation and why I say, it’s over.

And remember Bob, the cockroach burns as well.
cavalier said:
I predict you both are wrong and U is on it's last leg of it's turbulent flight heading downwind into the abyss.


We can disagree without being disagreeable for long...GE wants this airline and so does RSA.

There is a profit making machine underneath all the "doom and gloom" conspiracy that management has set up to hammer labor.

This co. has THE potential to bust out at the seams with cash hand over fist. The co. used their "majic math" to post a small profit cause they just couldn't "hide" as much as they would have liked to. Trust, that they didn't want to show any profit, cause they DON"T want to make that pension payment or give the illusion that they could...God forbid. They want out of the pension business and OFF their balance sheets.

The RJs are being deliverd. WE will have 21 by Sept. 1 with approx 65 more to go by 2006. Does that give an appearance of a company that is dying and going over a cliff?... ah, I don't think so.

Smoke & Mirrors, my friend, at an all time high! B) Don't let them sweep you up in that garbage. They just want your wallet...all of it.

'PS: Tried to book a flight to go to the Olympics in AThens yesterday. at around 9:30 p.m. a 75 min hold on the phone just to get some information on how to get there and cost via Frankfurt and than through Luftansa or Olympic. Tried a second time and the hold then was 81 minutes. Ended up not booking or buying a ticket and got no opportunity to speak to anyone. I am also a Dividend mile flyer and wanted to see if I could use some of my miles to go. I checked the flights on the internet and they are FULL, FULL, FULL. All the way out to Sept 6. There is some availability on Aug 30, and 31. But can't get back.

So someone tell me how we are going out of business? Of course, givin the big mouth of Dr. Bonehead giving the illusion of a BK threat....yea, the booking will slow down for sure. (A self-fullfiling prophecy)

If we go into BK...it will be an all time major rip-off of the American people and the institution of good-faith bargaining Vs. stealing what you can legally.

Lorenzo is alive and well living at USAirways.
PITbull said:

We can disagree without being disagreeable for long...GE wants this airline and so does RSA.

There is a profit making maching underneath all the "doom and gloom" conspiracy that management has set up to hammer labor.

This co. has THE potential to bust out at the seams with cash hand over fist. The co. used their "majic math" to post a small profit cause they just couldn't "hide" as much as they would have liked to. Trust, that they didn't want to show any profit.

The RJs are being deliverd. WE will have 21 by Sept. 1 with approx 65 more to go by 2006. Does that give an appearance of a company that is dying and going over a cliff?... ah, I don't think so.

Somke & Mirrors, my friend, at an all time high! B) Don't let them sweep you up in that garbage. They just want your wallet...all of it.

'PS: Tried to book a flight to go to the Olympics in AThens yesterday. at around 9:30 p.m. a 75 min hold on the phone just to get some information on how to get there and cost. Tried a second time and the hold then was 81 minutes. Ended up not booking or buying a ticket and got no opportunity to speak to anyone. I am also a Dividend mile flyer and wanted to see if I could use some of my miles to go. I checked the flights on the internet and they are FULL, FULL, FULL. All the way out to Sept 6. There is some availability on Aug 30, and 31. But can't get back.

So someone tell me how we are going out of business? Of course, givin the big mouth of Dr. Bonehead giving the illusion of a BK threat....yea, the booking will slow down for sure. (A self-fullfiling prophecy)

If we go into BK...it will be an all time major rip-off of the American people and the institution of good-fiath bargaining Vs. stealing what you can legally.
Lorenzo is alive and well living at USAirways.

Well we agree on the last sentence anyway.

It has gone too far and unless the employees come together, EVERY work group, unlike the captain’s scenario I can’t believe it will hold together.

Seats are full but not the till.

Once again you are spot-on. This company is a gold mine for anyone who wants to fly airplanes and transport passengers. Now we need to pray for our leaders to decide to do just that.

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