---hey 700 uw your not the only master of cut and paste I would like to thank the writer of this post unlike 700 uw who tends to steal other ideas and post them, evidently there are a lot of mechanics out there who dont approve of your *** kissing comments about the IAM get thwe facts before you spurt your nonsense how many shuttle guys work in clt ???-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Received: 08/15/04 00:18:20 EDT
Name: screwed@U
E-Mail: IAM/POW@paycuts for pay offs/IAM.com
Employer: U
Location: pit
PAGE Received: 08/14/04 18:39:05 EDT
Name: Jason
Employer: USAirways
Location: CLT
When Trump bought the Shuttle from Eastern Airlines the Eastern employees had to resign from EAL and hire on with Trump. They all had new dates of hire. They went with AMFA then back to the IAM…………………………………………………………………….
Jason, are you the same IAM lapdog that post so often on “usaviation.com “ web site under the name “700UW� The post above is very similar to one posted there, he too is from CLT and claims to be a knowledgeable insider. Like you he claims to have the facts on the Trump Shuttle case but doesn’t have a clue.
I hope you will take the time to go to the link provided to you here and get the facts straight from the court transcripts.[
Question: Jason, how do you explain all the other union groups, along with the non-union gate and ticket agents, maintaining their Eastern date of hire [See page 37 and 38]? That’s right, the mechanics and related were the only employees at TS that were not granted their EAL hire date. Read the following excerpts from the court transcripts to get the truth about how the “ Farting Machinists†was able to accomplish this through their secret negotiations with US Air. Let us know what you think of the truth, if you can accept it.
71. Defendants US Airways and IAM thereafter in fact met on January 21, 1993, without Plaintiffs knowledge, at defendant US Airways headquarters in Crystal City, Virginia. No representative of Plaintiffs, or AMFA, was present. Upon information and belief, at that meeting, defendant IAM proposed, for the first time, and defendants IAM and US Airways agreed, that Plaintiffs classification seniority would be reduced, from their respective original dated- of- entry into the mechanic classification at Eastern, to June 7, 1989. The day Shuttle operations were taken over by Trump.
74. On or about February 17, 1993, defendants US Airways advised Plaintiffs, among other things, that it had no objection to a representative of Plaintiffs being present at discussions between defendant US Airways and defendant IAM regarding seniority issues if defendant IAM had no objection