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Iam Lost

PineyBob said:
I don't care if the President of Toyota filed the grievence! I still think that IAM made an error in not anticipating the ultimate end game. There were and are channels outside of court. These hired gun lawyers are not to hard to figure out. Your guys are fighting the last war.

We all are, Bob.
There were and are channels outside of court. These hired gun lawyers are not to hard to figure out. Your guys are fighting the last war.


Yes, but those channels take two parties. I have yet to see U wanting to come to the table on ANY ISSUES.

The question is...Who can stop these guys and how...??

:up: I told this story 14 months ago and no one would believe,the fat lady is on stage waiting for the lights to go on.
Bob, you are completly wrong.

Management never offered the IAM anything, they were called to PIT told the company was outsourcing the airplane and handed the IAM a grievance. Plain and simple.
PineyBob said:
All I will say is that one of the Airways folks that would be in a position to know told me what they offered the IAM and the offer in the IAM's mind was just completely off the wall.

Interestingly enough our favorite pilot has posted similar information so maybe they are attempting to try to "Manage" us.

One thing I will say is I don't think "they" have any idea just how deep the level of distrust really is! Customer and Employee often have difficulty believing what comes out of their mouths.
One thing I will say is I don't think "they" have any idea just how deep the level of distrust really is! Customer and Employee often have difficulty believing what comes out of their mouths.
too many flip flops bob...they want older people to retire...so what do they do??let it slip they want to pull bennies from retirees...you going to retire now??duh....
now we got almost an exact date of a new BK filing...duh ,hows advanced booking dude???
i have this feeling they want to go down,don't you?
they should hire the three wise men,they could fix this mess.
PineyBob said:
All I will say is that one of the Airways folks that would be in a position to know told me what they offered the IAM and the offer in the IAM's mind was just completely off the wall.

Interestingly enough our favorite pilot has posted similar information so maybe they are attempting to try to "Manage" us.

One thing I will say is I don't think "they" have any idea just how deep the level of distrust really is! Customer and Employee often have difficulty believing what comes out of their mouths.

Like 700 has posted a million times Bob, what they want is our jobs and they want us to do it with a smile.

Then I have people PMing me about my posts saying I should watch what I say because it will cause the demise of this airline which floors me, talk about snookered by management.

We were cursed with the absolutely worst management team to ever come together, a team that was born in the corner pits of hell. They come up to the surface with a big smile on their face looking you straight in the eye and say, TRUST me at the same time another team member is double teaming behind your back as he sinks his knife into you and out the other side, then when called to task about this act they say, oh lets forget about the past.

This is why I say they are born in the dark corners of hell. We were cursed having them as our management team.

Look where some of them come from for crying out loud, EASTERN! They have a history of destruction, and they will be remembered as the ones who destroyed, and destroyed they did trashing every once of trust and spirit the U employees had left!
There was no back room meetings. You are speculating and sound like someone else on the board. I know what happened, I am on the inside, you are on the outside.
Now that the I.A.M. postion is finally clear to all, you might find it interesting to know that there are four things that the company could do to bring the I.A.M. immediately to the table. These actions would also cause a majority of the membership to be willing to vote for some concessions. These actions have been researched and found that they will save the company money.

1. Conceed the Airbus litigation and agree that all mainline aircraft maintenance will be done in house.

2. Cancel the "Power by the Hour" contract with G.E. and retool for aircraft engine work to the level it used to be worked in house.

3. Retool the different conponant shops and expand them to the items that used to be worked in house.

4. Re-open third party repair operations so that maintenance, its tools, and its personal will have its' costs defrayed by outside customers (our competitors).

Notice that all of these items are restorations of work that had been done in house and was stolen from the I.A.M. during the last decade and a half.

All we ever wanted was to have our contract honored, and to work honestly.
PineyBob said:
Am I? My source was pretty reliable and accurate on everything else. Do I believe what he told me to be true? Actually I do.

Do I trust him? When it comes to Airlines and Unions I don't trust ANYONE.
Bob, can we meet so I can see if the aura still lingers?
Well Bob, believe what you want. The company has a proven track record of lying.

And like I said I am on the inside and I am involved with it, you are not.

Right track, wrong people.

If you listen very carefully to what Lakefield stated yesterday in his weekly message he alluded to attracting new capital. RSA does not want to go to C11 for a number of reasons but, IMO, the biggest reason is because they may very well lose control of U. Once inside C11 there will be other interested parties who will look to provide DIP financing. Sort of like the bidding war between RSA and Texas Pacific Group the first time.

Why would anyone WANT to provide U with DIP financing after we file? We made 34 million bucks in a quarter when nearly everyone else lost money. With fuel at ridiculous prices, with an operation that is average at best, with a CSM higher than most everyone else and with an incompetent management who has crapped on employees since Hector was a pup. In other words, there is a profit machine hiding under the wreckage of the mismanagement that has thrived here over the last 10 or 20 years.

RSA understands that. You may well be correct with what they HOPE to do but I see other entities (possibly Texas Pacific) fighting it out with RSA for control. Listen to Lakefield's message very carefully. Bronner stands a very real chance of losing control of this airline inside of C11. He may come out on the losing end of a DIP financing bidding war. There is tremendous potential at US Airways. With competent management, a solid revenue model and the correct operational and labor productivity. Bronner and Lakefield know it. So do others.

And business has a history of killing workers who wanted to unionize, exploiting them and using them.

Haymarket Square, Detroit GM sit-in, Triangle Shirt Factory Fire, Pinkertons, Hamlet Chicken Plant fire and Maetwan.

Do I need to go on?
mwereplanes said:

Right track, wrong people.

If you listen very carefully to what Lakefield stated yesterday in his weekly message he alluded to attracting new capital. RSA does not want to go to C11 for a number of reasons but, IMO, the biggest reason is because they may very well lose control of U. Once inside C11 there will be other interested parties who will look to provide DIP financing. Sort of like the bidding war between RSA and Texas Pacific Group the first time.

Why would anyone WANT to provide U with DIP financing after we file? We made 34 million bucks in a quarter when nearly everyone else lost money. With fuel at ridiculous prices, with an operation that is average at best, with a CSM higher than most everyone else and with an incompetent management who has crapped on employees since Hector was a pup. In other words, there is a profit machine hiding under the wreckage of the mismanagement that has thrived here over the last 10 or 20 years.

RSA understands that. You may well be correct with what they HOPE to do but I see other entities (possibly Texas Pacific) fighting it out with RSA for control. Listen to Lakefield's message very carefully. Bronner stands a very real chance of losing control of this airline inside of C11. He may come out on the losing end of a DIP financing bidding war. There is tremendous potential at US Airways. With competent management, a solid revenue model and the correct operational and labor productivity. Bronner and Lakefield know it. So do others.


So who will be the new improved leader, surly not Bruce Ash…man, he is connected with what we already had/have. It’s going to take someone that has yet to make an appearance in the last two decades, where is this genius hiding? MR, I think you are just deluding yourself wanting something so bad it’s interfering with rational thought patterns. Of course maybe I am totally stupid and completely off base thinking U is finished. So let us see just how stupid I am in the coming weeks/months. I predict U is finished this time, mark it down and if I am wrong I will out myself on the national news.
700UW said:
And business has a history of killing workers who wanted to unionize, exploiting them and using them.
Which just proves his point. There are no saints here.

Right track, wrong people.

If you listen very carefully to what Lakefield stated yesterday in his weekly message he alluded to attracting new capital. RSA does not want to go to C11 for a number of reasons but, IMO, the biggest reason is because they may very well lose control of U. Once inside C11 there will be other interested parties who will look to provide DIP financing. Sort of like the bidding war between RSA and Texas Pacific Group the first time.

i beg to differ here......what i believe i heard was him being fearful of U and RSA losing control and having no control to do their vaunted 'transformation plan'.someone coming in for routes and what little ,if any assets.
bargain barn .....
point is it may "attract" new capital but not the way they want to...ie:hostile takeover.

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