700UW said:
My point is on this board and the DL forum your posts show you are 1000% anti-union, you post go amfa here and Kevin calls you out on it.
So my point is your a hypocrite who talks out of both sides of his mouth.
No Dolt. No one called me out on anything! He asked a simple question and I gave him a simple answer.
Now, to elaborate, yes after being around union represented people for 54 years and seeing the harm union representation can sometimes do, yes, I'm anti union!
Now, if "FORCED" to have union representation, in order to retain employment, why go with the with old, broken-down IAM or TWU, who have proven time and time again, collecting dues is job one and representing their members is job number two and instead vote in a union who actually represents your craft, AMFA.
Now my point, on this board, is you "DON'T" work for an airline, you "DON'T" work for a union, so exactly why are you trying to influence peoples lively hood, by posting IAM propaganda, every other reply, on "EVERY" union related thread on this site ?
And please don't say, "Because I care"........that ain't gonna cut it!