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IAM & TWU file for SCS

WeAAsles said:
Where in that comment are you finding inaccuracies? If the Association (or your write in option) is not voted in and the "No Union" option winds up being the preferred choice then the statement is 100% correct. You will be an "At Will Employee" subject to exactly what it means to no longer having a contract or anyone who will represent you if you have any issues with your employer.
If the NMB determines that an election is necessary you will be allowed to have your choice be made and heard. As far as fear that would depend on how you define that? If no longer having a Union or a CBA to give you protection creates fear in your mind then so be it. If you feel the company will care more about your self and best interests than a Union would, then you also should have no fear.
Fear is something to be self determined.
You put your credibility at risk when you read a persons post with one hand over your eye. If you read the entire post, the point is that the IBT/CWA gave their membership a choice PRIOR to going to the NMB as to whether they support the creation of the Association or not. This internal vote is being denied us and would not address any threat of non-union as the TWU letter threatens. Why can't the IAM or TWU just try to win us over on their merits?..... Uh Huh!
700UW said:
Hypocrite much?
And you arent a US nor an AA mechanic, whats your interests?
Kevin Asks:
Kev3188, on 08 Aug 2014 - 3:11 PM, said:
You replied No.
And you don't work for "ANY" airline or the IAM...............what's your point?
southwind said:
And you don't work for "ANY" airline or the IAM...............what's your point?
My point is on this board and the DL forum your posts show you are 1000% anti-union, you post go amfa here and Kevin calls you out on it.

So my point is your a hypocrite who talks out of both sides of his mouth.
700UW said:
My point is on this board and the DL forum your posts show you are 1000% anti-union, you post go amfa here and Kevin calls you out on it.
So my point is your a hypocrite who talks out of both sides of his mouth.
No Dolt. No one called me out on anything! He asked a simple question and I gave him a simple answer.
Now, to elaborate, yes after being around union represented people for 54 years and seeing the harm union representation can sometimes do, yes, I'm anti union!
Now, if "FORCED" to have union representation, in  order to retain employment, why go with the with old, broken-down IAM or TWU, who have proven time and time again, collecting dues is job one and representing their members is job number two and instead vote in a union who actually represents your craft, AMFA.
Now my point, on this board, is you "DON'T" work for an airline, you "DON'T" work for a union, so exactly why are you trying to influence peoples lively hood, by posting IAM propaganda, every other reply, on "EVERY" union related thread on this site ?
And please don't say, "Because I care"........that ain't gonna cut it!
Southwind,  just couple questions for u..   i read ur explanation for being anti union and i can honestly respect that.   have u ever thought about the changes the IAM has done for PMUS vs HA and UA?  If so what is ur opin on that?  
All I can tell you is my family was involved with EAL going back to the 1950's, I've seen and heard the good and bad concerning unions and I've also witnessed watching Unions "AND" management run a once great airline into the ground.
I've also heard how the IAM performed struck work, at NW, when mechanics went on strike..............is that the union way?
You should be asking yourself:
1. Should you be forced to join a union and pay dues, in order to gain employment?
2. After all the years, of union representation and paying dues, are "ALL" union members better off ?
3. What unions are actually in it for their members, first and foremost vs. them making sure they have enough due's paying members to support "Their" livelyhood.
4. From what I've read, the IAM and TWU have a long track record and it ain't all rainbows and unicorns.....maybe you need to look past all the promises they will be making and decide what's in "Your" best interest.
And as far as mechanics having a union representing their craft, AMFA, what's the problem with that?
Do some people feel left out.....................700?
1.  joining a union (at least at PMUS was not a condition of employment but highly recommended by the union) bec of mgmt doings and comings.  But it did not help matters in CH 11 PT1 and 2    I personally would rather have dues paid to have representation but at same time the Representation should be a lot better than what it currently is
2.  Im not sure how to address this.  but the IBT at UPS may have a good contract but I personally think it sucks bec most of those folks are part timers   But looking at what the IAM and the company agreed to in UA and HA  I say the IAM did a hell of an improvement at PMUS.   Who knows what the road will hold for us at the new AA in the JCBA.   
(What would DL have done if they went ch 11 a second time)?
3.  Although I am glad AMFA did what they did at NWA by going on strike I do think it should of been done better and differently  but nonetheless  in my own opin AMFA looked out for their members even though in the end they lost despite going on strike.  I am not sure there's too many unions who are in it just to collect dues..  but the IAM does look out for their members a lot more than say the TWU. 
4.  I have looked both at the past and current..  Ive lived thru the rough times  was furloughed from US  from 05 til my recall in 08.   Yes I do agree a lot more improvements can be made and should be made.   
While I also don't agree with the way AMFA handled things @ NW, to be honest it was nice to see them having the balls to do so, as many other unions would take the concessions track.
1. They had to have known about the fly by night school NW had Instituted, turning peeps into mechanics over night to perform struck work.... Hell, everyone else knew about it.
2. Why not a work slow down?
3. And other unions performing struck work, did not help their cause either..... So much for the fraternal brotherhood of unions!
4. I might be anti Union but, even I wouldn't cross a picket line.

All I've been saying is there are good and bad points to union representation and since we have the Grand Puba of "The IAM is the light" posting on every thread on this site, 700, proclaiming that the IAM will make all right with the world, I'm here to tell you they won't.
Consider me, his alter ego!
I hear ya Southwind.  I too agree theres always the Pros and the Cons in every Union.  
You ask this question when someone else gets on to you so why are you asking since 

YOU ARE NOT US or AA Employee
NOT IAM or TWU Represented
NOT AN Airline Employee
So besides being just a plain Ole Pain in the sides of the mechanics who want to shed the IAM and The TWU​
What is YOUR Interest?
This Forum is 700s Catharsis he seems to have nothing else!!

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