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So guilt by association? So you never worked for a SOB? How would you feel if someone thought you were the same SOB just cause you worked for him/her. Minimum wage serves no purpose in maintaining a healthy technical workforce. It's my opinion DP believes this and is smarter than that. Again, we got bonuses, small pay raises all in leiu of an obligation to the federal backed loan guarentee to keep costs in check and despite an industry that as a whole was spiraling downward. How can that not blow your assumption away that "if DP could get away with paying minimum wage he would"? Come on. Don't get me wrong...I'm on your side, but as stated before...give credit where credit is due. <_<
Those pay raises, etc., in all reality, were within the guidelines of the ATSB loans.....not in leiu of the guidelines. Yes, he is smarter than that but cuts have been and will be made.........not to the extreme of minimum wage but cuts, in various ways, will be made, have been made and will continue..........from the bottom to the middle. Just hope that they aren't to the extreme....but everyone has a different opinion of extreme. :unsure:
Come on. Don't get me wrong...I'm on your side, but as stated before...give credit where credit is due. <_<

The Credit I give is to the employees that were here long before DP and yourself and were the ones that helped keep this place a float. That's were credit is due...... CEO's have been cycled through this company like "Pez" through a "Pez dispenser". Give credit to the employees Eric. 🙂
If we are all honest for just a second, we would admit that if we had our own businesses we'd pay as little as we could get away with and if Minimum wage would get us the talent we need to do the tasks we would.

Hmmmm.....there is a difference in perspective between a man who owns his own business and the ceo of a company. I do understand and agree with what you are saying. If my job was to not spend money then, I would want to take money from what I considered the biggest portion and the easiest to get to. If my job was to make my company be successful then I would want my employees to be happy and feel like they were valued. The word valued doesn't necessarily mean more money. 🙂
The Credit I give is to the employees that were here long before DP and yourself and were the ones that helped keep this place a float. That's were credit is due...... CEO's have been cycled through this company like "Pez" through a "Pez dispenser". Give credit to the employees Eric. 🙂

Credit should go to the employees...no doubt about it. On both the sides East and West, but without DP pulling off the financing of the merger where would we be? Give some credit to DP and his staff as well. Is that so hard to swallow...acknowledging management's ability to get it done? Sure CEOs come and go, but from what I've heard Franke nearly ruined this airline. If DPs history at AWA and US Airways was written today do you think it would focus on? Success or failure? One bad CEO can bring a company to it's knees. US Airways is on the rise. See it's not all one sided now is it? This is not a one sided affair.
Such a strong statement.
Monday: (You do not need a union we will Take Care Of YOU)
Tuesday: (DEC. 2nd 1995 Over 500 Fired and C-CK Gone)
Wendsday: (Pay for performance!! well you missed it by that much. Here is $50.00 and have a PIZZA But try harder next TIME.

DP Has done some GOOD things but He has dragged his feet on the IBT contract and WE see it NOW(The MERGER)and What The company can get from it.
EricLv2Fish Its Time for DP to earn our TRUST.
Credit should go to the employees...no doubt about it. On both the sides East and West, but without DP pulling off the financing of the merger where would we be? Give some credit to DP and his staff as well. If DPs history at AWA and US Airways was written today do you think it would focus on? Success or failure?

It is too early in this process to give DP credit for anything yet. If DP's history at AWA and US Airways was written today the verbiage would depend on who writes it. DP's primary success is in "sweet talking" people into investing money in his projects. If US Airways wasn't there it would be something else, even AWA itself. He is good at raising money...period. Just because he has gotten this far is no reason to congratulate him yet. I will hold my accolades for when the job is done and only then if I feel it is deserved. His accomplishments will speak to me about his credibility. 🙂
The merger may be done on paperwork but it is NOT by any means completed. Success should be judged at completion. And not just based on one hurdle, i.e. merger money. DP and ALL his employees, including us, will be judged at some point in time. And everyone should share in that success. JMO. 🙂
The merger may be done on paperwork but it is NOT by any means completed. Success should be judged at completion. And not just based on one hurdle, i.e. merger money. DP and ALL his employees, including us, will be judged at some point in time. And everyone should share in that success. JMO. 🙂

You folks are tough cookies so I guess that makes me a cream puff...LOL. Success is measured on how you choose to measure it. I choose to look at milestones (plural) and so far the positive milestones are outperforming industry expert expectations. For cryin' out loud how do you measure "completion" of the US Airways merger? That will also be left up to interpetation. For many it's okay to critize singular bonehead company moves (like exec pay increases), but those same people become lock-jawed when the company makes a good move (agreeing to CSR pay raises, renogotiating the E170 deal, pulling off financing of the merger). For heaven's sake can these folks just play even handed? Call an ace an ace when it's an ace and a spade a spade when it's a spade! Just because it's a "Management" decision they feel obligated to find something wrong in it and it just gets old!
You folks are tough cookies so I guess that makes me a cream puff...LOL. Success is measured on how you choose to measure it. I choose to look at milestones (plural) and so far the positive milestones are outperforming industry expert expectations. For cryin' out loud how do you measure "completion" of the US Airways merger? That will also be left up to interpetation. For many it's okay to critize singular bonehead company moves (like exec pay increases), but those same people become lock-jawed when the company makes a good move (agreeing to CSR pay raises, renogotiating the E170 deal, pulling off financing of the merger). For heaven's sake can these folks just play even handed? Call an ace an ace when it's an ace and a spade a spade when it's a spade! Just because it's a "Management" decision they feel obligated to find something wrong in it and it just gets old!
It's more like winning little "battles" and completion will be when the "war" is won. Just a different spin......winning the little "battles" will eventually win the "war." That's what I'm saying. I have seen a lot of positive changes over the years and am very happy with them. But especially now, you can't and in my opinion, be satisfied with just a "battle" won. You must strive to win the "war." Just got to keep "fighting."
It's more like winning little "battles" and completion will be when the "war" is won. Just got to keep "fighting."

Yes, we have won some important battles...battles for our airlines life. Agreed the "war" is long from over, but at this point would anyone with any sense want to replace our general? I think not.
Yes, we have won some important battles...battles for our airlines life. Agreed the "war" is long from over, but at this point would anyone with any sense want to replace our general? I think not.
I don't think anyone is saying DP needs to be replaced. The gist of it is, results. Everyone wants those. Stability instead of instability.......as much as you can have in the airline business. 🙄 As many as said, their own judgement can't be made yet.......and as DP has said, give him a chance. That's what people are doing, for the most part, and no, I'm speaking for everyone.

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