You folks are tough cookies so I guess that makes me a cream puff...LOL. Success is measured on how you choose to measure it. I choose to look at milestones (plural) and so far the positive milestones are outperforming industry expert expectations. For cryin' out loud how do you measure "completion" of the US Airways merger? That will also be left up to interpetation. For many it's okay to critize singular bonehead company moves (like exec pay increases), but those same people become lock-jawed when the company makes a good move (agreeing to CSR pay raises, renogotiating the E170 deal, pulling off financing of the merger). For heaven's sake can these folks just play even handed? Call an ace an ace when it's an ace and a spade a spade when it's a spade! Just because it's a "Management" decision they feel obligated to find something wrong in it and it just gets old!