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IAM update on NMB decision


NWA imposed a new contract when AMFA went on strike and the language has always been in the IAM/ESE NWA CBA.
Ah once again you don't post all the facts.

Boeing Machinists Strike, 1948
HistoryLink.org Essay 2283

On April 22, 1948, the Aeronautical Machinists Union

1948.. were you alive? The labor movement was.. And all unions at that time were fighting for members.. Your union just does what it has to like the IBT..

I think Brown or maybe 700AW or both, has said it many times that the IBT leaving the AFL-CIO makes them the Union to be with.. There contact with UPS is the industry leader....
Contennintial, Airtran, and Frontiers have far superior contracts to either east or wests...
Stay with the Union that either lost your job or lost your CBA ( 700 " I swear the judge abrogated it all" ) or go with a Union with power.... even if it is Guedo power...lol..
Superior contracts?

CO, Airtran, UPS and Frontier ALL outsource their heavy maintenance.

Don't let the facts get in your way.

At US ALL A320 Aircraft and all the 737s are being done in-house.
Superior contracts?

CO, Airtran, UPS and Frontier ALL outsource their heavy maintenance.

Don't let the facts get in your way.

At US ALL A320 Aircraft and all the 737s are being done in-house.
That is because wages and work rules are about the worst in the industry at USAirways. There isn't much difference between USAirways in house or outsorcing. That was planned genius.
Ever wonder why the IAM has ONE airline left they are representing??????DA 😉
Superior contracts?

CO, Airtran, UPS and Frontier ALL outsource their heavy maintenance.

Don't let the facts get in your way.

At US ALL A320 Aircraft and all the 737s are being done in-house.
It does not matter your ibt was unable to obtain the work, plain and simple, when will you understand?

And with the raise the IAM M&R got, I doubt the wages are superior, you were only like .60 cents ahead before the raise,what is the difference now?

At least the IAM still has a 3% DCP, you don't.

We still overhaul planes in-house and it took two bankruptcies and three concessions to get to your level at HP.

Guess you can't get a handle on those facts.
It does not matter your ibt was unable to obtain the work, plain and simple, when will you understand?

So if it is possible for a union to simply just get the work back, then why hasn't the IAM gotten all of the heavies back for the east. that is if it is so easy????

And with the raise the IAM M&R got, I doubt the wages are superior, you were only like .60 cents ahead before the raise,what is the difference now?

At least the IAM still has a 3% DCP, you don't.

If you are making 30k a year that is only 900 bucks, devide that between 2080 hrs worked a year that is about 42 cents. how much have you lost in wages and to be proud of the fact that the company is giving you back 3% is not enough for me to accept

We still overhaul planes in-house and it took two bankruptcies and three concessions to get to your level at HP.
But you are here now and that is what matters we need to move up

Guess you can't get a handle on those facts.

we have a better handle on the facts than you want to give us credit for just because you say it does not make it true...

bolding mine
Okay, here is what actually is transpired:

1.Let see the ibt negotiated a CBA and failed to get the heavy checks back in-house. The IAM for for over 50 years had done all the heavy checks in-house and it took three bankruptcies and a judge to abrogate the CBA in order for US to outsource come checks, and the IAM has not negotaited a new CBA as the amendable date is not till 2009, see the IAM unlike the ibt has not had the opportunity to negotiate yet. So why did the ibt not get the heavy checks back in your CBA when you negotiated?

2. First of all the the average salary of a mechanic is about $25 an hour on the east side and that is $52,000 a year so you get the 3% off of that and still get the 401K match to go along with it. And will still recieve raises of 1% in 2007, 2% in 2008 and another 2% in 2009. And since your CBA has been amendable since 2003 and your raises went from 1999 till 2004 there has been no raise in your wages other then progression since 2004, how much money have you lost? And your GSE, unlicensed repairmen and Plant MTC mechanics make about from $5 to $8 less an hour then an AMT, all US East ALL mechanics makes the same base rate.

3. Everyone needs to move up, but under the IAM/US CBA the former HP A320 Famuly Aircraft and 50% of the 737s MUST come in-house (US/East is now performing all the 737 heavy ih-house) and under the HP/ibt CBA all the heavy checks are outsourced. The IAM CBA is a better starting point for negotiations then the ibt/cba, and no matter what happens everyone will fall under the IAM/US CBA, but that is one fact you can't still seem to comprehend after all this time. By the way, your negotiations on your cba are cancelled and have been, why is the ibt not pressing HP to return to the table, if you believe your CBA will prevail?

4. Seems to me and many other posters you don't even understand the IAM/US CBA, the single carrier status and what happens during a merger, we at east have been through three mergers before this one.

Once again, don't let the facts get in your way. I will be eagerly awaiting how you spin this one.
It does not matter your ibt was unable to obtain the work, plain and simple, when will you understand?

And with the raise the IAM M&R got, I doubt the wages are superior, you were only like .60 cents ahead before the raise,what is the difference now?

At least the IAM still has a 3% DCP, you don't.

We still overhaul planes in-house and it took two bankruptcies and three concessions to get to your level at HP.

Guess you can't get a handle on those facts.

Hmmmm......"unable to obtain the work".....the IAM lost the work.....did the IBT lose work?..no....did the IBT get work back in house....yes.....are we the people that don't understand?....no.

You "doubt the wages are superior", you make that statement without proof? More "slant" and "half truths"?

You overhaul planes in-house because it is financially cost effective for the company to do so. If being cost effective means that there is no one out there that has room to do the "heavy check" then that is why you are doing the checks. The company is not allowing it out of the kindness of its heart.

The work they bring back "in house" can be taken away at the whim of the company. That is part of the IAM CBA. Under the present IBT CBA if we do it "in house" then it stays "in house"....not so under the IAM CBA. 🙂
Lets put this in perspective, it is true that U brought the 737 checks back in house, that being said there was only one line being outsourced and one line in house so that made sense, the reason mechanics were able to get back to CLT was, 1 many mechanics chose to leave which left them short on manpower and 2 the engine shop was relocated to CLT and the mechanics from PIT chose not to bid those jobs, there for leaving openings in CLT. The company brought a 757 check in house don't know if it is still being done in PIT and I beleive they are working seats in PIT however no jobs were added for those functions, As far as the IAM bringing jobs back in house that hasn't been the case. And since the IAM CBA will be the contract regardless of who wins an election why haven't both the IAM and IBT went after the company to get that work in house now! Heaven forbid organized labor actually work togather to help LABOR!

The bankrutpcy judge abrogated the CBA, the membership voted and ratified a final offer that allowed outsourcing, is that too hard for you to comprehend? After 55 years of doing it in-house it took a bankruptcy judge to accomplish that feat.

And your ibt failed to get the checks back in-house, your heavy is done by Aeroman and Timco, the US/East A320 family and 737s are all done in-house, you can't say the same.

Funny I went to your local 104 ibt webpage and pulled up your 1998-2003 agreement and got your wage figures right out of section Section 20, pages 62, 63 and 64.

Contract 1998

What about your lower paid mechanics, you ignore that and I did not even compare the wage differences in the stock clerks.

Why cant your ibt get US to the table?

Funny how you selectively ignore the rest of the post, what is wrong, can't refute the facts?
who said that?

all union groups can do no better than to combine several existing agreements into one by transition.... :blink:
Dell, I asked my question in reference to Posts #70 & 71..

I've been on vacation and thought I might of missed something. [Evidently not]. 😉

NWA imposed a new contract when AMFA went on strike and the language has always been in the IAM/ESE NWA CBA.
Your facts just got in the way, the language was not always in the CBA. The work was AMFA covered work at DTW, MSP and MEM. It was changed by the company just hours before the AMFA walked and the company knew the COMPANY UNION would go right along with it!! So sad :down: I beleive it was changed around 11:30 pm to be exact and the strike was to begin at 12:01 am, but hey if it makes you feel better to beleive your beloved union didn't go along with corporate america's continued attacks on the working men and women so be it, we all know different!
The IAM/NWA ESE CBA contained the language for fleet to perform ancillary duties where not in conflict with another CBA.

When NWA imposed new terms and amfa struck the work was removed from the mechanics cba and now becoame Fleet's work where they were not performing it before, did you know more stations had fleet performing ancillary duties at NWA then mechanics?

NWA did not change the terms until the cooling off period ended and amfa struck as under the RLA the status quo cannot be altered till the cooling period ends.

Don't let the facts get in your way.

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