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I guess you guys pushing the Teamsters at Mech. and Related don't understand the numbers.


Do some simple math

6578 total eligible members at US East
872 total eligible members at US West
7450 Total members eligible

Now throw in 4616 eligible members at US East that have been furloughed/moved on/not gonna participate.

That's more than half of the total number of active employees you will need to win a 50%+1, all non participating voters count as a vote for NO UNION

That means that you will need 3725+1 votes for a union just to win a 50%+1, being that you only have 2834 active members, looks like you will all be non union when it's all over. :mf_boff: Again this will be you in front crying, and Doug Parker in the back laughing his a#@ off when you are de-certified

You don't think it will go down like that, just wait.
I guess you guys pushing the Teamsters at Mech. and Related don't understand the numbers.


Do some simple math

6578 total eligible members at US East
872 total eligible members at US West
7450 Total members eligible

Now throw in 4616 eligible members at US East that have been furloughed/moved on/not gonna participate.

That's more than half of the total number of active employees you will need to win a 50%+1, all non participating voters count as a vote for NO UNION

That means that you will need 3725+1 votes for a union just to win a 50%+1, being that you only have 2834 active members, looks like you will all be non union when it's all over. :mf_boff: Again this will be you in front crying, and Doug Parker in the back laughing his a#@ off when you are de-certified

You don't think it will go down like that, just wait.
The eligibility has yet to be determined. And don't forget those that have yet to be added to the eligibility list. And, it hasn't even been officially determined whether of not there will even be a vote. B)
The eligibility has yet to be determined. And don't forget those that have yet to be added to the eligibility list. And, it hasn't even been officially determined whether of not there will even be a vote. B)

Have you ever bee through an election under the NMB before?

I have been through 5 so far.

You just don't understand the way it works.

Eligibility has already been determined, it's all active and furloughed members with recall, which in the case of US East that number 4616 on furlough that are eligible.

Don't think that they will change the rules to make sure you don't lose your union. It's not a PRO WORKER environment in Washington right now, is it?

I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just trying to help all who have not been through this before understand how it works and the risks involved. Mech. and Related stand almost a zero chance of winning union representation under these circumstances, and they are unique.
Have you ever bee through an election under the NMB before?

I have been through 5 so far.

You just don't understand the way it works.

Eligibility has already been determined, it's all active and furloughed members with recall, which in the case of US East that number 4616 on furlough that are eligible.

Don't think that they will change the rules to make sure you don't lose your union. It's not a PRO WORKER environment in Washington right now, is it?

I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just trying to help all who have not been through this before understand how it works and the risks involved. Mech. and Related stand almost a zero chance of winning union representation under these circumstances, and they are unique.
Understood......there are risks to every venture including this merger. I personally don't want to see members NOT vote. That's the biggest risk to decertification. EVERY member has a right, if not an obligation to vote.

I haven't seen an "official" number of eligible voters released by the NMB. Have you? If so, please post the link. I would like to see the official numbers. And again, don't forget, there are currently non represented, potential members, that are not counted.........not until representation has been determined.
There will not be enough vote.
It Is Time To Make A Stand :up:

In the east there are many on layoff, I believe there were close to 3000 utility on the senority roster alone. Their position still exists(50 positions) but the majority have no chance of recall so do people really think they will take the time to vote? I know many who are working in other industries and when you mention the vote all you get is a good laugh. Many feel they were sold down the river by the company and the union and you can guess how they feel, and this is just one group.
What you folks do NOT get is that Fleet Service has NEVER had 50% of a vote in the past. No reason to think it will be different this time. For the ones who come on here saying "no union is better than the IAM" you will get your wish. With out a union you will find out how bad it really is.Any union is better than NO union.
What you folks do NOT get is that Fleet Service has NEVER had 50% of a vote in the past. No reason to think it will be different this time. For the ones who come on here saying "no union is better than the IAM" you will get your wish. With out a union you will find out how bad it really is.Any union is better than NO union.
I'll second that ,coach! 😉
It has been stated on here that there are roughly 7000 iam , now according to this article, there are only 3500. i assume that is active. so if we can prove to the nmb that the furloghee's will not be coming back to work will they stil be voting??


and to add this quote from and the article link

"The much-larger IAM represents 6,578 mechanics and maintenance workers at US Airways, including 4,616 on furlough. The Teamsters represent 872 mechanics at America West, all active."


if we can get the furloghees out, then that leaves about 3035 combined us east and west, if they are right that we have 2607 cards, then that would give us a victory
precedence says it didn't work in AMFA's favor....
precedence...just like 'yall said NMB wouldn't rule single carrier.....
uphill battle for IBT with a stacked deck. 😉

this actually stacks the deck further for decertification due to non voting....

they said NEED 2607 cards

35% of 7000 = 2450

with these numbers it ain't 5000 total

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