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Company Proposal To Mechanic And Related

livingontheedge said:

I am happy to work overtime and do so quite a bit, however there has'nt been any offered in res lately.

Any other suggestions?

Going to that guy for advice when he constantly rants telling the downtrodden to accept accept accept accept is like going straight to my avatar for advice.

This guy is the last guy you want advice from, critical advice that will affect your life so much.

Do what "you" need to do worrying about yourself and family and not what some totally obsessed internet poster tells you to do with your life.

The points you made makes the decision an easy one for most people. Unless one is Captain America, it's time to throw in the towel and start your life over at a more sane and secure environment where constant threats of doom and gloom and woes of employees hurts are not part of the picture. Life is too damn short for that kind of environment unless you have zero confidence in yourself and feel this is the best you can do, if so I truly feel for you.

HINT: Your unemployment statement in previous post should be a good indicator as to your direction...then again your post might have been, satire, directed at our captain showing him how strange acceptance is given the choices.
cavalier said:
Going to that guy for advice when he constantly rants telling the downtrodden to accept accept accept accept is like going straight to my avatar for advice.

This guy is the last guy you want advice from, critical advice that will affect your life so much.

Do what "you" need to do worrying about yourself and family and not what some totally obsessed internet poster tells you to do with your life.

The points you made makes the decision an easy one for most people. Unless one is Captain America, it's time to throw in the towel and start your life over at a more sane and secure environment where constant threats of doom and gloom and woes of employees hurts are not part of the picture. Life is too damn short for that kind of environment unless you have zero confidence in yourself and feel this is the best you can do, if so I truly feel for you.

HINT: Your unemployment statement in previous post should be a good indicator as to your direction...then again your post might have been, satire, directed at our captain showing him how strange acceptance is given the choices.
Cav is absolutely right about people needing to worry about themselves and doing "what they need to do"
After 17 years, and 40 years old, I'm starting over!!! I'M OUTA HERE, BABY!!! :up: Letter goes in today!! Good luck to everyone, I sincerely mean that!! Luck is what everyone who stays surely is going to need!!

NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Cav is absolutely right about people needing to worry about themselves and doing "what they need to do"
After 17 years, and 40 years old, I'm starting over!!! I'M OUTA HERE, BABY!!! :up: Letter goes in today!! Good luck to everyone, I sincerely mean that!! Luck is what everyone who stays surely is going to need!!

Here is a good example of how unfair life really is:

Take NFS here: He has a little more time then myself but because he is younger he cannot retire where I did and will collect until they take that away too, but NFS needs to wait many more years and hope it's still there or that he lives long enough to see it.

You don't see NFS crying woe is me and everyone is out to get me, NO! What you see is someone taking control of their destiny not letting others and circumstances determine their fate while screaming to the world how unfair it is.

No one working for U is being treated fairly and that has been the case for several years now, so to come on here and act like it's all one big surprise, well all I can say is shame on you for not looking past your nose.

U has beaten too many to the point they can't think clearly, maybe this latest round will snap them out of it. Hope so for their own good.
Just some advice to those wishing to stay and accept anything that management throws down the toilet and poverty wage levels. USair is no longer a company where anyone should think about a future career. This is becoming a temporary stepping stone to something else. For those of us that have spent the better part of our lives here, it is unfortunant that so many promises have been broken to us over the years, but this is the age of coroporate greed and money grabbing. Time to retire or move on....thats what Im doing.
cavalier said:
Here is a good example of how unfair life really is:

Take NFS here: He has a little more time then myself but because he is younger he cannot retire where I did and will collect until they take that away too, but NFS needs to wait many more years and hope it's still there or that he lives long enough to see it.

You don't see NFS crying woe is me and everyone is out to get me, NO! What you see is someone taking control of their destiny not letting others and circumstances determine their fate while screaming to the world how unfair it is.

No one working for U is being treated fairly and that has been the case for several years now, so to come on here and act like it's all one big surprise, well all I can say is shame on you for not looking past your nose.

U has beaten too many to the point they can't think clearly, maybe this latest round will snap them out of it. Hope so for their own good.
Thanks CAV!!!!......Just a note to the board, and Cav, Cav and I did not start out on the right foot when I first started visiting this board. We disagreed about EVERYTHING, and traded many barbs with one another. Regular posters' to this board also know that I have been a backer of 320, and a thorn in the side to 700, and had my go- arounds with Pitbull. If I offended anyone over these last several months, i truly apoligize. I think my frustration release was through this board, as everyone on here knows the frustration we all face on a daily basis!!! What I think I'm trying to say, there is obviously a wide and varied range of opinions flying aroung this forum....Thats the purpose...to express your thoughts....and I feel I have done that. To those of you that choose to stay, I truly wish the best of luck. Hey, I'll be in Ft Lauderdale, I need U to expand that station so I can continue to use US!!!! :up: To those of you who choose to leave, or are contemplating leaving.... my advice is simple......DO IT!!!!!!!! There is life after Usairways!!!!!! I'ts not an easy decision, trust me.....but the weight off of my shoulders feels great!! Good luck to all....I'll visit periodically to keep up with what is happening...................GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!

I know we've had a minor spat or two, but that's life.

Good luck in your future endeavors.... :up:

USA320Pilot said:
Do I like what is happening? No, of course not. The pay and benefit cuts run deep, however, I continue to believe for every employee it’s better to have a job than no job while in transition because you have higher pay, benefits, and insurance, instead of just unemployment benefits.



Always the same ending do I like whats happening? no BUT.....

Let me tell you something one day you will have to stand up to the bully in the play yard instead of running home to mamma........

I chose to stand up for my self enough is enough. you sir can run home

Apology Accepted and good luck in your new adventures in life.
Phantom, it is only out in a PDF format, that is how the company sent it to the union and they way it is formatted it won't convert to word.
700UW said:
Phantom, it is only out in a PDF format, that is how the company sent it to the union and they way it is formatted it won't convert to word.

700UW said:

Apology Accepted and good luck in your new adventures in life.
700, I know we have disagreed, but in all honesty, good luck to you, my friend!!! When I get to Florida, i'll contact you. Again, no hard feelings, we have all been through alot!! But......... I have to do this!!!!!!

What, no hugs and kisses?????

Good luck to you!

And enjoyed that long chat on the phone in the middle of the night!!!!!

Call me! 😛

And go with "god speed" and John Kerry! :up:

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