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Calling In Sick?

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mweiss said:
Yup, I knew that was coming. The irony is that they're unionizing to fight against insurance companies that were formed as a result of medical insurance benefits brought about by...according to PITbull...unions! Ahh, that circle of life!
Please explain how unions caused sky rocketing healthcare and especially drug costs?

That doesn't even make sense.
cavalier said:
Please explain how unions caused sky rocketing healthcare and especially drug costs?
Healthcare costs have long been on the rise because people didn't have to pay for their healthcare. When it's free or heavily subsidized, people don't use it wisely.
Companies negotiated Unions to switch to managed care, not the other way around.
mweiss said:
Yup, I knew that was coming. The irony is that they're unionizing to fight against insurance companies that were formed as a result of medical insurance benefits brought about by...according to PITbull...unions! Ahh, that circle of life!
Funny but this is what I read in the article on why they unionized:

In 1995, Los Angeles County laid off doctors for the first time and cutbacks in health care have continued ever since. Doctors have little input to the county on crucial issues regarding its health policies regarding patient care, lack of job security and deteriorating working conditions. This is what has spurred on the unionization drive
Companies negotiated Unions to switch to managed care, not the other way around.
And they did this because insurance premiums have gone up much faster than inflation over the past two decades. Why is that?

And regarding why the doctors unionized, take a look at second-order conditions, will ya? Ask yourself why those things they're complaining about have happened.
mweiss said:
Healthcare costs have long been on the rise because people didn't have to pay for their healthcare. When it's free or heavily subsidized, people don't use it wisely.
I don't buy that because this is not something one uses unless necessary, unless you are a hypochondriac.

This is nothing like sick time which is arbitrary.
I can't tell you the number of people I know who have gone to the doctor when they have viral colds and demand to be given antibiotics.

You think those unnecessary visits are free?
mweiss said:
I can't tell you the number of people I know who have gone to the doctor when they have viral colds and demand to be given antibiotics.

You think those unnecessary visits are free?
Viral could also mean viral pneumonia.

Point: sad day when costs out weight employees well being, or worse yet, a child whose parents need to worry about costs over his well being.

Drug costs due to absolutely total uncontrolled greed is the main costs, you and I both know this fact. Why is going to Canada twice as cheap, why do the drug companies want to stop seniors from buying in Canada, again you and I both know. COPORATE GREED!
mweiss said:
🙂 Yeah, I know. But the reason I broke it out further is to focus on the pilots and mechanics. Those two jobs look more like the professional jobs than they look like, say, the guys putting tar on the roads. Why, then, is it unnecessary for other professionals to be unionized, but necessary for pilots and mechanics?
It is true that the pilot job would be considered a profession by most definitions of the word.

Why then are they heavily unionized while other professions are not? My answer would be the unique nature and history of the pilot profession involving personal safety.

From almost Day One of the profession you had managers pressuring pilots to "Get that sack of mail over that 10,000' mountain; I don't want to hear your whining about the weather!" After a few crashes and pilot deaths, the remaining pilots saw it was definitely in their personal best interests (as in, a matter of life or death) to be unified and organized to stand up to that.

That carries over to this day. While an argument could be made-- at least until about three years ago-- that pilots' unions had too much power in the industry which was leading to poor management decisions (think UAL during the summer of 2000), an equally convincing case can be made that aviation in this country is as safe as it is largely because of airline, especially pilot, unions. They serve as a very necessary check against the pressures of management who would otherwise want to get the plane out on time, almost no matter what.

It's the old cliche: Doctors bury their mistakes. Pilots are buried with theirs.
cavalier said:
Why is going to Canada twice as cheap, why do the drug companies want to stop seniors from buying in Canada, again you and I both know. COPORATE GREED!
Well, yes and no. Part of what drives the R&D at those companies is the expected payoff. To date, the US consumers have been paying for the lion's share of the R&D, effectively subsidizing the consumers of other countries.

I, for one, would be happy to stop subsidizing them.
sad day when costs out weight employees well being, or worse yet, a child whose parents need to worry about costs over his well being.
In the same way that it's sad we have to make choices over what food we eat, in what abode we live, what we wear, what we drive...

It's a shame that there are many who cannot afford a roof over their heads, food in their mouths, and clothes on their backs. As a society, we should do something to minimize these situations.
700UW said:
Lawyers Unionize, Vote to Join the Teamsters

Ahhh...the good 'ol IBT. Yeah, they're all about brotherhood alright. I wonder if the lawyers were aware of the little incident that happened a couple weeks ago at a company called USF Red Star. Red Star is a trucking company in the NE that the IBT set up a strike against. Now there are about 2000 people out of work because of this strike and you want to know why they were striking? Apparently there were 15 office workers in PHL that wanted representation and rather than going about it the way set up by the NLRB they demanded they be recognized without having to file signature cards or hold an election. The IBT arranged for all this and when the company said no they took the whole company out on strike including the drivers. The company lost all their customers and shut down laying off the remainder of the workforce.
THAT'S showing them isn't it??
Bear96 said:
After a few crashes and pilot deaths, the remaining pilots saw it was definitely in their personal best interests (as in, a matter of life or death) to be unified and organized to stand up to that.
That sure made sense when all the employer saw was the loss of some mail. Lose a few hundred customers at a time and the other potential customers stop coming around for your services.
PineyBob said:
Oh God! The Health Care debate on US Aviation, This will be fun
There would be no debate if we the nasty employees would stop using our sick time and stop going to see our doctors. If we all simply would do those two minor things, management would be euphoric and everyone would be swapping hugs.

Drip drip drip sarcasm dripping . . . . .

What about Enron with Kenneth Lay, Worldcom, Tyco, Michael Milken and the Rigas Family with Adelphia. I dont seem to recall those CEO's being union and they destroyed thousands of lives.
700UW said:

What about Enron with Kenneth Lay, Worldcom, Tyco, Michael Milken and the Rigas Family with Adelphia. I dont seem to recall those CEO's being union and they destroyed thousands of lives.
Yes they did so what's your point? How many CEO's are unionized 700? Each of the people you mentioned are criminals and should all serve jail time imho. Are you telling me it's okay for the IBT or any organized labor group to destroy lives because a few rogue criminals that happened to be CEO's did?
You're grasping to defend the indefensible. :down:
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