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Updated Flight Attendant Sick Policy


Go back to that OCT. ITD issue that precipitated a new policy for sick to be erected. What time did crew sched start to call out the reserves? Did it happen to be at midnight? After the original crew went illegal?

If I am a reserve, and I am "on duty" 5 days in a row, 24 hours a day in that duty period, when would I sleep? Day or in the night? How do all reserves plan on being called? Do most get called at midnight to take a quick call? If I go to sleep as a reserve at let say 11:00 p.m. after being up all day, and get called at midnight quick call to be working a flight that is approx 10 hours on duty in the middle of the night, how alert am I? Why doesn't U managment have available "ready reserves" that are specifically on duty at night, so they know to sleep during the day. What about that?

This management set new policy for a rare occurence. That is pathetic. And if I remember there was a huge topic THAT YOU STARTED.

Let me be clear, where's that coffee? :angry:

Again showing available as a reserve now does not mean that you are available for the full length of the trip....you can be legal to fly it....but if you are going into days off then you don't have to fly.
goodnight guys . gotta fly tomorrow. take care and don't fight for too long . especially you pitt. lifes too short to let dave bring us down. have a cup of coffee for me 😀
etops1 said:
goodnight guys . gotta fly tomorrow. take care and don't fight for too long . especially you pitt. lifes too short to let dave bring us down. have a cup of coffee for me 😀

Have a good one. I'll be up late. :lol:

There was a similar problem a couple of weeks ago....Seems as though CLT-LGW had to be re-crewed out of CLT....they had no reserves to cover. They also had to ferry a 330 down to replace the one with the mechanical in CLT. They started calling reserves at about 11:30PM for a 12 Midnight ferry to CLT to work the CLT-LGW leg at 2AM. The 330 Ferry with all the ASSIGNED reserves left PHL at 2AM to CLT......left CLT at about 4AM to LGW. Are we as reserves to take this into accountability and sleep all day "just in case this were to happen". What are leagalities for being up all night like that?
PITbull said:
You have got to stop already with the fake sick call crap.
And you have to stop pretending that every sick call is real. There is plenty of abuse out there, or there wouldn't be a need for such policies.
PITbull said:

Where's my coffee? 😛
Sorry, I had to babysit a sick friend today.....Never really made it out your way. (Kind of ironic eh?) 😀
Whatnow? said:

There was a similar problem a couple of weeks ago....Seems as though CLT-LGW had to be re-crewed out of CLT....they had no reserves to cover. They also had to ferry a 330 down to replace the one with the mechanical in CLT. They started calling reserves at about 11:30PM for a 12 Midnight ferry to CLT to work the CLT-LGW leg at 2AM. The 330 Ferry with all the ASSIGNED reserves left PHL at 2AM to CLT......left CLT at about 4AM to LGW. Are we as reserves to take this into accountability and sleep all day "just in case this were to happen". What are leagalities for being up all night like that?

This is the main issue. When Sherry, our VP cited management's rationale for the new sick policy, she did n't convey to the group that the reserves were called out at midnight. That is the facts. Mangement won't even discuss that. They cite, reserves are on duty. No matter how unrealistic, to dismiss that we are human, need the basics of sleep, and most folks sleep at night, unless you are "on call" specifically to cover the nights. We don't have those kinds of work rule efficiencies. That would just be to effecient for this managment and goes against their grain of continuing to bring down morale to even lower lows.
PITbull said:
The new reserve system took effect in November. So you do admit furlough may be necessary and a FURTHER reduction will occur? Does that mean a Vol. furlough offer????
I think you and I both knew when the system was put in place that it was going to cause a headcount reduction. Anyone thinking otherwise should pull their head out of the sand.

No idea about the company offering vol leave versus invol.

Lastly, if we are able to increase flying with such ideas as rolling the PHL hub, this may offset any potential furloughs due to the changes in the reserve system. That is one way that working with one another to solve a problem may produce a win-win.
I remember years ago, about 14 in fact, there was such a thing as "Central" for reserves....meaning you could get a call after midnight from scheduling.....but you were specifically put on that at 9PM by scheduling.......it wasn't a suprise call in the middle of the night to pack a bag and drive to the Airport! What are we now, doctors on call in the middle of the night? LOL

Management has taken the position that there will be no further reduction; its just the same reduction because of the returnees of Dec. 2. Do you think I believe that? WE will grieve, if they don't produce another VF.

I believe there will have "Rolling Hub" in PHL. I think you are up for promotion to VP for your ideas about the PHL Hub thing and slamming f/as by giving ideas to management to create these assinine policies. And I don't think your anywhere near Pittsburgh.

So, produce the coffee, and I might rescind the VP thinking....
PITbull said:
Why doesn't U managment have available "ready reserves" that are specifically on duty at night, so they know to sleep during the day. What about that?

This management set new policy for a rare occurence. That is pathetic. And if I remember there was a huge topic THAT YOU STARTED.
Um....let's see....unless I am missing something......all ITD flights leave after 5pm. Therefore as an ITD reserve, I should be pretty aware that if I am going ot get called, it will be 5pm or later. If something is going to go wrong, and a new crew called out, it will be sometime after midnight. Why can't the ITD reserves figure that one out for themselves? Especially in OCT when things went on a seniority basis! So I think we DO have ITD ready reserves that are specifically on duty late at night.....they are called the ITD reserves!! 🙄

As for Management setting a new policy based on the RARE occurence that I reported.....hogwash. I reported the occurence to show that it isn't a rarity. While it was an extreme situation, it is anything but rare, especially when it comes to ITD reserves being out of base! Ask any crew scheduler and they could tell you tales that would turn your hair white! Everyday there are instances of people sicking trips on assignment, refusing to fly, being out of base, etc. They are anything but rare occurences.
PITbull said:
Whatnow? said:

There was a similar problem a couple of weeks ago....Seems as though CLT-LGW had to be re-crewed out of CLT....they had no reserves to cover. They also had to ferry a 330 down to replace the one with the mechanical in CLT. They started calling reserves at about 11:30PM for a 12 Midnight ferry to CLT to work the CLT-LGW leg at 2AM. The 330 Ferry with all the ASSIGNED reserves left PHL at 2AM to CLT......left CLT at about 4AM to LGW. Are we as reserves to take this into accountability and sleep all day "just in case this were to happen". What are leagalities for being up all night like that?

This is the main issue. When Sherry, our VP cited management's rationale for the new sick policy, she did n't convey to the group that the reserves were called out at midnight. That is the facts. Mangement won't even discuss that. They cite, reserves are on duty. No matter how unrealistic, to dismiss that we are human, need the basics of sleep, and most folks sleep at night, unless you are "on call" specifically to cover the nights. We don't have those kinds of work rule efficiencies. That would just be to effecient for this managment and goes against their grain of continuing to bring down morale to even lower lows.
When was the last time you heard of an ITD crew called out at 6-7-8-9am to fly to Europe?