Well, I was sick on Christmas about 5 years ago. But, I still went to work. It was one of those obnoxious head colds where you feel like your head is about to blow up and/or fall off. You can barely hold your head on your shoulders, let alone work all day long. But, I did, and by that night, I was even worse. Next day, I still went in, because I knew if I still called in sick, I wouldn't get paid my holiday pay. By about 2 hours there, I almost passed out and my supervisor (who was awesome, but quit a few years back) was so worried about me she ordered me home. I told her I didn't think I would get paid for the holiday. She assured me I would, and I was.
As I stated elsewhere on these boards. Those that call in sick during Christmas week to prove a point, only prove to their fellow co-workers across the company that they only care about themselves. Proving one's point can still be accomplished at other times of the year. If you truly care about the company you work for, then you definitely don't want to ruin it's reputation by screwing peoples holiday plans with friends and family, or leaving other coworkers shorthanded in the madness.
God knows, all the MX we had this week and a few WX issues was enough to make me question if this was valid MX issues, or a sly way to screw the company and management again, and make this merger and all look like a joke and to discredit the company.
I WANT US TO SUCCEED! I care. If US reputation is restored, then our reputation is restored, and the confidence of management in us is restored and our confidence in management is restored. But...it starts at the bottom..the "little guy." It does NOT start at the top as many on here would like to state. Those on here bi&&hing about everything are not working to contribute to the success of this company.
I will admit, I've had my own bi**h sessions. But, as I stated, I have seen where that doesn't resolve things.
We obviously have some very huge issues that need to be accomplished. It's not going to change overnite, but I want to be a part of the solution, not the problem.
I watched a few things happen at rez this past Friday, 2 days before Christmas. I don't agree with how it was handled, and especially the timing of it all. However, I know that through communication means (and most of us know how we can communicate with corporate), I believe wholeheartedly if Mr Parker was aware of this, he would never have approved of it being done 2 days before Christmas. Especially when one may be long in talk time, but giving excellent customer service.
You see, one thing that gives me confidence is what Mr Parker stated in a meeting at rez one time; He said, "NO ONE will be fired for giving good customer service!" That's why I'm certain this person will have her job back. He will hear about this, one way or another. Even if it's through this posting.
No, I believe I can be part of the solution. I have ideas that I believe would promote a healthy atmosphere at rez. I decided I would finally email those ideas after the first of the year to corporate. You see, I trust more corporate management to listen to me than I do my own center managers. Reason being, most havn't been in the airline industry, were hired from the outside, and other than "numbers" don't really seem to understand the complexity of the phone issues on a daily basis that rez agents truly deal with.
However, I do have confidence in Mr Parker listening. If not him, from a prior article, his wife! LOL! AFter all, she was one of the "little guys" for several years with American Airlines.
Well all, a very Merry Christmas to you! May God bless you with strength, find you and yours happy and healthy, and May God bless the coming year at US with properity, success, and a tremendous turn-around from prior years!