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Christmas Sick Calls

OK, I've worked my share of holidays. I've had the dry turkey sandwiches offered by RON hotels. I've missed my family and friends. BUT, I knew this going in. I've not called in sick or no showed.

In all these years I've only been righteously sick on a holiday twice. Once, I was in the hospital for a week and the other, I didn't realize it was a holiday. Labor Day. Who knew?

Yes, there are a few who will abuse the sick call policy. Most will show and do their best.

:up: 99.9% of all employees do the right thing.
I've spent many Christmas' in hotel rooms talking with my kids at 6 a.m. so they could tell me what Santa brought them, etc.

:down: If you can't pull your weight- quit now, we'll all be better off without you. No more room or time for slackers, the rest of us are sick of your type. :down:

As for the huge majority of you- God bless you and Merry Christmas!
What a difference a year makes!!! :up:
:up: 99.9% of all employees do the right thing.
I've spent many Christmas' in hotel rooms talking with my kids at 6 a.m. so they could tell me what Santa brought them, etc.

:down: If you can't pull your weight- quit now, we'll all be better off without you. No more room or time for slackers, the rest of us are sick of your type. :down:

As for the huge majority of you- God bless you and Merry Christmas!
What a difference a year makes!!! :up:
very well said
Merry Christmas
to pre-empt any sick calls, I gave 3 employees tomorrow (Sunday) off so they could be with their families on Christmas day. Now lets hope our 1st flight crew doesn't call in sick.. we'll be toast all day if they do!
I am a pilot on LTD. When I was on the line, as a single person, I used to bid to work on Christmas so that one more family man (or woman) had the chance to be at home with family on Christmas Day. I wish we were telling stories like this rather than talking about fake sick calls. I am sure that there are many stories like this throughout the company and I pray that actions like this become the norm at the new US Airways. It was at the old Piedmont and it can be here. God bless you all and Merry Christmas.
Just a peek into what the week has been like so far......


Dec 21..3 mainline cancellations - none crew related
Dec 22..4 mainline cancellations - none crew related
Dec 23..1 mainline cancellation - not crew related
Dec 24..0 mainline cancellations
Dec 25..0 mainline cancellations as of 9am.


Dec 21..32 express cancellations - none crew related
Dec 22..55 express cancellations - 16 crew related
Dec 23..49 express cancellations - 9 crew related
Dec 24..14 express cancellations - 4 crew related
Dec 25..15 express cancellations - 0 crew related
Well Mr Calibrator,
God Bless You and Keep you safe!

God has already blessed me years ago when he opened my eyes and I accepted him making my eternity secure, the question is, is yours?

Piney you seem to believe your are ok, all set, have it all figured out, you and too many others live their lives with that falsehood and end up paying an eternity for it. I hope you see the light before you pass, that is my wish for you.

You and a few others on here like to bash Christians. When we die, and we all do, our spirit lives on and depending on what you decide while you are in this flesh determines your true destiny. We will absolutely see each other again and I sincerely hope it’s not from across the great divide.

Christmas is celebrated because God has provided a way to save us from ourselves because left to our own devices we fail miserably. People say a good God would not send them to eternal damnation. God is a just God unlike humanity who lets rapist, killers, and deviates commenting all kinds of unspeakable acts live providing them food and shelter and try treating what they believe is a mental condition, they do all this at society’s expense in prisons. Their minds are not the root cause of their illness but their spirit is, which man cannot reach with his tools of medicine. Only God can cure a sick spirit and he did that through his Son who we all celebrate today but most don’t really get it and continue on their path to eternal damnation.

Anyone reading my words here who has a tingle, a weak spark gnawing at them making them realize I may just be telling the Truth, To those people I suggest you read CS Lewis’s “Mere Christianity“ and read it several times because your eternity is at stake which is a lot more important than your pensions, or your very life.

Feel free to Flame away. I put on the Armor of God years ago and no longer worry about what people say or do to me, but I do know I have made it as far as I did in this life with all it difficulties, and for me they have been many, I did so with God leading my path and opening the doors as I go because He knows I know him.
Well, I was sick on Christmas about 5 years ago. But, I still went to work. It was one of those obnoxious head colds where you feel like your head is about to blow up and/or fall off. You can barely hold your head on your shoulders, let alone work all day long. But, I did, and by that night, I was even worse. Next day, I still went in, because I knew if I still called in sick, I wouldn't get paid my holiday pay. By about 2 hours there, I almost passed out and my supervisor (who was awesome, but quit a few years back) was so worried about me she ordered me home. I told her I didn't think I would get paid for the holiday. She assured me I would, and I was.

As I stated elsewhere on these boards. Those that call in sick during Christmas week to prove a point, only prove to their fellow co-workers across the company that they only care about themselves. Proving one's point can still be accomplished at other times of the year. If you truly care about the company you work for, then you definitely don't want to ruin it's reputation by screwing peoples holiday plans with friends and family, or leaving other coworkers shorthanded in the madness.

God knows, all the MX we had this week and a few WX issues was enough to make me question if this was valid MX issues, or a sly way to screw the company and management again, and make this merger and all look like a joke and to discredit the company.

I WANT US TO SUCCEED! I care. If US reputation is restored, then our reputation is restored, and the confidence of management in us is restored and our confidence in management is restored. But...it starts at the bottom..the "little guy." It does NOT start at the top as many on here would like to state. Those on here bi&&hing about everything are not working to contribute to the success of this company.

I will admit, I've had my own bi**h sessions. But, as I stated, I have seen where that doesn't resolve things.

We obviously have some very huge issues that need to be accomplished. It's not going to change overnite, but I want to be a part of the solution, not the problem.

I watched a few things happen at rez this past Friday, 2 days before Christmas. I don't agree with how it was handled, and especially the timing of it all. However, I know that through communication means (and most of us know how we can communicate with corporate), I believe wholeheartedly if Mr Parker was aware of this, he would never have approved of it being done 2 days before Christmas. Especially when one may be long in talk time, but giving excellent customer service.

You see, one thing that gives me confidence is what Mr Parker stated in a meeting at rez one time; He said, "NO ONE will be fired for giving good customer service!" That's why I'm certain this person will have her job back. He will hear about this, one way or another. Even if it's through this posting.

No, I believe I can be part of the solution. I have ideas that I believe would promote a healthy atmosphere at rez. I decided I would finally email those ideas after the first of the year to corporate. You see, I trust more corporate management to listen to me than I do my own center managers. Reason being, most havn't been in the airline industry, were hired from the outside, and other than "numbers" don't really seem to understand the complexity of the phone issues on a daily basis that rez agents truly deal with.

However, I do have confidence in Mr Parker listening. If not him, from a prior article, his wife! LOL! AFter all, she was one of the "little guys" for several years with American Airlines.

Well all, a very Merry Christmas to you! May God bless you with strength, find you and yours happy and healthy, and May God bless the coming year at US with properity, success, and a tremendous turn-around from prior years!
Lets keep the thread on topic and quit the name calling and lectures to each other.
God has already blessed me years ago when he opened my eyes and I accepted him making my eternity secure, the question is, is yours?

Thank Calibrator for the WORD of encouragement on this Christmas Day!
to pre-empt any sick calls, I gave 3 employees tomorrow (Sunday) off so they could be with their families on Christmas day. Now lets hope our 1st flight crew doesn't call in sick.. we'll be toast all day if they do!

The weather has been good in the East this holiday thus far, making for a smoother operation.

There are enough employees this year as opposed to last year, and the holidays will be uneventful for pax. After the company made their major mistakes by cutting staffing too short and trying to maximise savings at the expense of customer service, as well as a DOT investigation, I believe they learned their lesson, and there won't be a repeat of last year. Otherwise, I am sure Al C. would be fired and Jerry Glass consulting would be OUT as well.

Yea, what a difference a year makes out of BK and the stock is soaring. These Execs will be careful to protect THEIR investment. Another fiasco in PHL or anywhere would change Wall Street sentiment permanently.

All the B*tching and Moaning aside...I think that everyone should take some pride and comfort in what has taken place this Holiday weekend. The Mainline results are off the charts in a positive way.

Maybe the issues at the Express side can be resolved too?

I've worked Express...and I know that they tend to get short handed regarding Crews during the final weeks of the year , as most have met or exceeded their legal amount of flying for the year. This too boils down to adequate staffing when you look at the numbers of Cancellations due to crew shortages. Surely to goodness , this is Not a case of an Express System "Melt-Down" that they can wrongfully blame on the employee's this year. Well , let's hope not anyway.

I hope one and all had a Merry Christmas...and if you worked like I did , hopefully you can make up for your absence with the family in a meaningfull way this week.

Hey, as long as the checks are deposited on Thursday..I'm OK with the situation..but I can always hope against hope that it gets better for all of us.
After all of the furor last year I would hope that most folks would wise up and only call off if they are seriously ill.

When you went to work in the airline industry you knew the job required you to work on holidays. So put your big girl panties on and deal with it.

To my mind unless you've severed a limb you'd better have your arse at work on the holiday periods. If for no other reason than to be fair to your co-workers so they don't get stuck covering your shifts.
The new kids on the block Air Wisconsin have a lot to learn young inexperienced, with 125 million to US, seat on the BOD of US, There seems to be some blinders on when it comes to not showing up to work and operations issue.

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