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Calling In Sick?

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As per mweiss he is an unemployed student. His wife works for about ten dollars an hour as a teacher to help support him.
Dues for Mechanics are about $48 per month. It is not a secret. I never figured you on much on faith Bob. Maybe there is still hope, but there is no need to harass Cav. He actually is honoring his vows of for better and for worse unlike you did. It also talks about this in the bible. You probable know that though since you appear to know just about everything else in this world.
Seems when I reply to you Bob my posts gets deleted.

I will let your posts speak for themselves and the guilt you convey in them trying to justify your strange faith to this forum or me.

This topic is NOT about faith but sick time abuse and policy.
PineyBob said:
Then stop preaching at me. Your hypocracy drips all over the darn screen and it's hard to clean off.

BTW just for the record I have NO guilt over anything I've ever done, right or wrong. I try to learn from my mistakes, I just wish I didn't make so many of them. Foregiveness is a wonderful thing. Thankfully I have a friend in a very high place who forgives me an awful lot some days.
The owner of this forum has been notified so I suggest we not get personal as we tend to do being we just love each other.

I do not preach to you, wouldn't try Bob. I know when to be quiet, again it's your conscience because all I ever did was point out your total hypocrisy as to getting people fired then coming on here telling us the U employees how to act and behave...

I have said my peace and will no longer respond to this nonsense.

Back to Sick time, the topic at hand
Cav: 700UW; what are respective dues currently?

Just was curious. But, maybe I shouldn't ask. Maybe I shouldn't care. After all, I am no longer with the company. But it is, I believe, part of the reason why I'm not. I guess I'm trying to extend some knowledge and experience into the forum from the years I was there.

I do know I've learned to question any being thats taking my money: whether thats company, union, Hare Krishnas at the door, or Amway fanatic stopping me in the grocery store...
pitguy said:
As per mweiss he is an unemployed student. His wife works for about ten dollars an hour as a teacher to help support him.
You're close, but wrong. My wife is not a teacher, nor has she ever been. She is not working to support me, she is working in her current job as a means of changing her career.
However you want to say it is fine. I am truly amazed that your unemployed and you have so much time to spend on here.
And I am truly amazed that:

1) You are so focused on who it is behind the handles
2) You are about to be unemployed yourself, yet you are spending so much time on here instead of, say, looking for a new employer. :huh:
1- I am not the one posting on a board where I have no stake. (I have a life.)

2- Trust me I will be fine. I can assure that is why this job is not worth doing for anything less. If cuts need to be be made then let others make them if they chose too. That is up to them. If not close it up. I will be in good shape either way. (Time will tell. You'll see.) Anyhow it is hard to take job search advice from the unemployed, but thank you anyhow. Best wishes. XOXOXO
pitguy said:
Anyhow it is hard to take job search advice from the unemployed...
I hope you understand that there is a difference between people with a few weeks left in a degree program but with job offers from which to choose and people with a few weeks left of employment without job offers from which to choose. :bleh:
mweiss said:
I hope you understand that there is a difference between people with a few weeks left in a degree program but with job offers from which to choose and people with a few weeks left of employment without job offers from which to choose. :bleh:
You'll soon find out that college grads are a dime a dozen. These fine folks that you continue to insult are largely very educated, and have something even MORE valuable than JUST a degree, EXPERIENCE. The fact that this company has been seriously MISMANAGED is NOT THEIR FAULT, no matter what you think. On the day you retire you'll have the right to criticize the choices of others, and NOT A DAY BEFORE! I'll tell you one very important thing that I've learned in my career and job experiences: Those that think they know it all usually know the least!
I'm older than you think. I've been in the real world, professionally, for many years. My return to the collegiate world was in part to improve my perceived value, and in part to do something useful while waiting for the economy to improve. Based on preliminary results, it looks like my bet was on target.

Suffice it to say that I'm more than just a college grad.
Look, the only reason for this subthread is pitguy's insistence that he knows what makes me tick. Even after everything I've told him (which, incidentally, is far more than I should have) he still doesn't get it.

If, by taking this subthread to a public forum, I have offended any of the rest of you, I apologize.
coachrowsey said:
What do you get off on you are not even an employee & know nothing about the employees.

EEEaaassyy there Wilbur. MWEISS may not be an
employee, but he has certainly brought about many
intelligent points that show the true idiocy of the die
hard union mentality. He has been provided a great
deal of information that is accurate, concise, and

For the record, the facts show that US is currently in
a very uncompetitive position, partly due to union
contracts, and partly due to management errors in
the past. The past has already occurred and cannot
be changed no matter how hard the union cronies
click their heels together and say "there's no place
like home". The future however, CAN be changed
and MWEISS has provided competent information on
what needs to be done in the future to keep US a
going concern and to experience growth and
opportunity. US is far from closing the doors.
America West was able to come back from the
brink of a complete shutdown TWICE. They are the
example US must follow to regain profitability and
future growth. If you don't like what it will take to
get to an HP level of costs, please do your fellow
workers who want to stay the chance to do so and
LEAVE immediately.
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