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Calling In Sick?

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PineyBob said:
Seemed like a fair question to me Cav! Unless of course you and your IAM brethren have something to hide.

PITbull was very forthcoming in regard to the dues paid in her workgroup why is it that such a difficult question to answer?

Actaully I think 700UW did post the numbers some time ago. It appears he has more faith in the IAM than you do.

To some I come across as anti-union and in a way that is corret. I am totally completely Anti-National Unions. Go back to the bible Cav and the quotes regarding "Serving two Masters" How can the National IAM, AFA or ANY national union look a Local Company member in the eye and tell them "We have your best interests at heart 100% of the time? Fact is they can't! They have concerns over their own budget and maintaining membership levels and their subsequent bues dollars. They have a vested interest in preserving wages and work rules across industry's. These conflicting objectives mean that you at US Airways may or MAY NOT be well served by national union leadership.

I'll tell you point blank that I'd be a helluva lot more supportive of your position if all of the unions were captive organizations that served only one master! The dues paying employees of US Airways. That isn't the case now and I feel that some of you are pawns in a scheme planned at the national level. Standing Tall at US may well preserve thousands of good jobs at other airlines while you are all thrown under the proverbial bus.

See Cav I can throw my faith around too. So tell me are you "In the world but not of the world" I suspect you are! just curious if you care to share.

You full of it. The membership IS THE ISSUE. They dictate what they will accept and what they will not.
SpinDoc said:

EEEaaassyy there Wilbur. MWEISS may not be an
employee, but he has certainly brought about many
intelligent points that show the true idiocy of the die
hard union mentality. He has been provided a great
deal of information that is accurate, concise, and

For the record, the facts show that US is currently in
a very uncompetitive position, partly due to union
contracts, and partly due to management errors in
the past. The past has already occurred and cannot
be changed no matter how hard the union cronies
click their heels together and say "there's no place
like home". The future however, CAN be changed
and MWEISS has provided competent information on
what needs to be done in the future to keep US a
going concern and to experience growth and
opportunity. US is far from closing the doors.
America West was able to come back from the
brink of a complete shutdown TWICE. They are the
example US must follow to regain profitability and
future growth. If you don't like what it will take to
get to an HP level of costs, please do your fellow
workers who want to stay the chance to do so and
LEAVE immediately.


You haven't shown anybody in labor anything. Why? Cause you just don't know and live on the "outside". Your theories, conclusions, advice, fall on deaf ears for those of us ON the "inside".
Spin an dmweiss,

We will be happy to leave....just as soon as we vote NO! :up:
mweiss said:
I hope you understand that there is a difference between people with a few weeks left in a degree program but with job offers from which to choose and people with a few weeks left of employment without job offers from which to choose. :bleh:

You have alot of nerve to make those presumptions about the employees of U. :angry:

Go ahead Mr. marketable, go find your elusive butterfly.
SpinDoc said:

EEEaaassyy there Wilbur. MWEISS may not be an
employee, but he has certainly brought about many
intelligent points that show the true idiocy of the die
hard union mentality. He has been provided a great
deal of information that is accurate, concise, and

For the record, the facts show that US is currently in
a very uncompetitive position, partly due to union
contracts, and partly due to management errors in
the past. The past has already occurred and cannot
be changed no matter how hard the union cronies
click their heels together and say "there's no place
like home". The future however, CAN be changed
and MWEISS has provided competent information on
what needs to be done in the future to keep US a
going concern and to experience growth and
opportunity. US is far from closing the doors.
America West was able to come back from the
brink of a complete shutdown TWICE. They are the
example US must follow to regain profitability and
future growth. If you don't like what it will take to
get to an HP level of costs, please do your fellow
workers who want to stay the chance to do so and
LEAVE immediately.
I have other things going on so likewise don't worry about me. But like others have said, I will stick around long enough to vote no(if we vote idont think there is anything to vote on) & then I will leave with you.
Have a nice day!
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