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Christmas Sick Calls


All the B*tching and Moaning aside...I think that everyone should take some pride and comfort in what has taken place this Holiday weekend. The Mainline results are off the charts in a positive way.
What a difference good management makes! (in spite of uncle al)
CONGRATS on a good Christmas performance! Take it on to the new year!
These Execs will be careful to protect THEIR investment. Another fiasco in PHL or anywhere would change Wall Street sentiment permanently.

Could it be they have pride like we do in running a good airline?
If they had pride, they would not have taken salary increases and bonuses while the employees are taking pay cuts.
And if they respected the sacrificing Labor made.

Amen it is called looking out for your own and you can be damn assured they will not take a pay cut, or go without bonuses, if they REALLY want to run an airline they would have taken a pay CUT, to show they are dedicated and it is not about the money, don't forget it is not like there are only 3 or 4 people in the world that can run an airline they could be replaced to - take a cut if your so humble.
Nobody is forcing anybody to work at US Airways and when each employee started at the company they knew the company operated 365 days per year, 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. If somebody does not like their shift or position they should leave the company and let another individual be recalled who wants to work at the new US Airways.

If a person is legitimately sick they should not come to work and call in sick. For those who are not sick and call in sick they lack integrity and are dishonest people. Moreover, other employees have to work harder to cover for those who call in sick, but are really healthy and then lie about their status.

As Oprah Winfrey said, "Real Integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not."

Best regards,

Illegitimate sick calls are irritating and are disruptive to all involved. I was the unfortunate call of one around 4A this morning when I had someone try to call out sick, thinking that there was someone to pick up his slack. When I told him there wasn't someone to back him up he magically was well enough to come to work.

Strange how things work.... But as far as US goes it seems to be running smooth over the holidays this year. I'll be flying 2Jan so I'll catch the tail end of things in the PHL arena.

Illegitimate sick calls are irritating and are disruptive to all involved. I was the unfortunate call of one around 4A this morning when I had someone try to call out sick, thinking that there was someone to pick up his slack. When I told him there wasn't someone to back him up he magically was well enough to come to work.

Strange how things work....

Hmm, so let me get this straight. A sick employee is conscientious enough to wake up early and call to let you know they are too sick to come to work. You play the guilt card and tell them that there is no one else that can replace them, so being a team player they suck it up and come to work sick so as not to disappoint you. And you come on these boards and suggest that they are a deadbeat.

Isn't this the type of guilty-until-proven-otherwise management style that got US in it's patented employee quagmire in the first place? Not to mention the 5-10 co-workers who will be infected and forced to face your inquisition themselves. Hopefully, they don't stay on the phone long enough for you to tell them of your staffing woes, and just go back to bed.
Hmm, so let me get this straight. A sick employee is conscientious enough to wake up early and call to let you know they are too sick to come to work. You play the guilt card and tell them that there is no one else that can replace them, so being a team player they suck it up and come to work sick so as not to disappoint you. And you come on these boards and suggest that they are a deadbeat.

Isn't this the type of guilty-until-proven-otherwise management style that got US in it's patented employee quagmire in the first place? Not to mention the 5-10 co-workers who will be infected and forced to face your inquisition themselves. Hopefully, they don't stay on the phone long enough for you to tell them of your staffing woes, and just go back to bed.

Not quite... The perception that I may have given was incorrect and there is a LOT of background that I cannot discuss...

The employee was definitely given a chance to call off. He made a statement of that he was not feeling well and that there were other people at work that could pick up his slack. I stated that today's coverage did not allow someone else currently scheduled to pick up his slack (meaning I would need to call someone else in from home to cover for him). He then stated that he could make it in and would be in for his scheduled shift.

After he said that he would be in, I took his word for it and that he would be able to work without issue.

There's a lot of background of this employee which does account for things, however, I do not see my actions as "guilty before innocent" and give anyone a chance to call out sick if they are truly sick.

Everyone knows when you get hired, that you will have to work holidays. So why do some people think they shouldn't?

I know that on the HP side, numerous FAs have been fired for calling in sick and non-reving and for forging Dr. notes.

They could remedy the holiday sick call problem very easily......premium pay if you work, LOSE a Vacation Day if you call in sick! Tired of hearing all the excuses of WHY certain people feel they shouldn't work.....a 24/7 operation REQUIRES Manpower....REWARD THE GOOD and Slam it to the BAD!
Everyone knows when you get hired, that you will have to work holidays. So why do some people think they shouldn't?

I know that on the HP side, numerous FAs have been fired for calling in sick and non-reving and for forging Dr. notes.

If they non-rev on days they call in sick--they SHOULD be fired (unless they were sick on a day off and just trying to get home--but that should be discussed with the manager)
Thanks for the compliment Piney.......actually have been working on my Graduate degree and with that in mind, the utter nonsense that I have seen in this industry with unrivaled p*ss poor management (take your pick on the logo),disregard for employees and being out of touch with its customer base- Most would RUIN a Wet Dream :lol:

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