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Amfa Meetings

Jet Mechanic wrote;

By the way, can anyone tell me more about this website that Checking It Out had on his message:


Most of the site is not operational. Who is behind this site? Nowhere do I see who is responsible for it. I would think whoever is putting it together could have been more original in their web address; it's plagerism at its finest when it is one word removed from the renowned www.the-mechanic.com site. By the way, is there going to be an open discussion board on this new website? Now, that would be something!

The-mechanic.net is an address just like usaviation.com, anyone can purchase a domain if it’s available. In this case our name is Concerned Aviation Technicians, the site you’re referring too choose to use the address as their name and choose not to buy all of the domains.

We are a group of individuals who work in the aviation profession and decided to get together and inform members in the airline industry about the damage amfa has caused. We are not perfect but we do understand what McCormick and Seham have done to our profession. We understand the airline companies want to find the cheapest labor in the industry, we do not need the help amfa is giving them to succeed.

The process of eliminating the Maintenance bases, as you are aware at Alaska, Northwest and United is causing a major rippling effect thru out the industry. AMFA has been in existence for over 40 years and still lacks the education to preserve the language in our contracts. At US Air, American and Delta we are the few who are left to do heavy Maintenance and are continuing to get pressure to out-source our work. Thanks to the IAM, IBT and TWU they understand how to write certain language to protect us. And with a stroke of the pen from amfa the language changed forever. Someone needs to be willing to stand up and fight.

As far as a Discussion board it takes a lot of time to maintain and besides Isn’t this why we are here? Some of the others are censored and one sided. What is funny, I have seen where the moderator will email someone so they can respond before the comment is posted.
I know I support the TWU but this goes beyond me. Check out the different sites and become an Informed Union Member! If you wait it will be to late!
Checking it Out said:
The-mechanic.net is an address just like usaviation.com, anyone can purchase a domain if it’s available. In this case our name is Concerned Aviation Technicians, the site you’re referring too choose to use the address as their name and choose not to buy all of the domains.

We are a group of individuals who work in the aviation profession and decided to get together and inform members in the airline industry about the damage amfa has caused. We are not perfect but we do understand what McCormick and Seham have done to our profession. We understand the airline companies want to find the cheapest labor in the industry, we do not need the help amfa is giving them to succeed.

The process of eliminating the Maintenance bases, as you are aware at Alaska, Northwest and United is causing a major rippling effect thru out the industry. AMFA has been in existence for over 40 years and still lacks the education to preserve the language in our contracts. At US Air, American and Delta we are the few who are left to do heavy Maintenance and are continuing to get pressure to out-source our work. Thanks to the IAM, IBT and TWU they understand how to write certain language to protect us. And with a stroke of the pen from amfa the language changed forever. Someone needs to be willing to stand up and fight.

As far as a Discussion board it takes a lot of time to maintain and besides Isn’t this why we are here? Some of the others are censored and one sided. What is funny, I have seen where the moderator will email someone so they can respond before the comment is posted.
I know I support the TWU but this goes beyond me. Check out the different sites and become an Informed Union Member! If you wait it will be to late!
Checking It Out,

Thanks for answering some of my questions. I continue to find it questionable why the new site you're involved with has such a close address to another site; something more original would have been better.

I fail to see the so-called "damage" that Mr. McCormick and Mr. Seham have done to the profession of aircraft mechanic. As to finding the cheapest labor in the industry, I believe USAirways already has it in terms of their mechanics, thanks to the leadership of the IAM. And they did it all without the help of AMFA!

You mentioned that thanks to the IAM, IBT and TWU, there is language to protect us from out-sourcing our work. I agree; the language is in the contract. The question really is: how vigorously will the IAM defend that language when confronted. Asking members to wear stupid buttons just doesnt' cut it.

Jet Mechanic
I fail to see the so-called "damage" that Mr. McCormick and Mr. Seham have done to the profession of aircraft mechanic. As to finding the cheapest labor in the industry, I believe USAirways already has it in terms of their mechanics, thanks to the leadership of the IAM. And they did it all without the help of AMFA!

You mentioned that thanks to the IAM, IBT and TWU, there is language to protect us from out-sourcing our work. I agree; the language is in the contract. The question really is: how vigorously will the IAM defend that language when confronted. Asking members to wear stupid buttons just doesnt' cut it.

Remember the IAM, IBT, AMFA and the TWU have all been around for over 40 years. the old saying is you get what your paying for. Cheap is not always the best choice. amfa charges $8000 fee than 67.00 per hour after the hours have been reached. Keep in mind amfa has gone against the twu many times and has settled or lost in all the issues. Just like they did at NW. During the negotiations down to the last hours amfa/seham/McCormick settled at the last hour and gave away language in the contract. You can have all the money in the world but you need the language to sustain. If you look at several of the contracts amfa has negotiated recently you will see whos name is on the documents. Lead by example has followed every sense.

Go back and see who has struck in the last 40 years? It has not been amfa and never will be. The language is to weak anymore. and lacks the political ability to have the support of the Industry or Whitehouse. Look at the CEO at NW? take profits and amfa did nothing it was the Flight Attendants who stood up. Look at AA the Unions were successful at ousting the CEO.

Buttons are a start and You need to stand up and do more! Replacing will guarantee your Heavy Maintenance to go out the door and massive layoffs will start.
Checking it Out said:
Replacing will guarantee your Heavy Maintenance to go out the door and massive layoffs will start.
Checking It Out,

Are you saying that the heavy maintenance/Airbus work is guaranteed to stay in-house and there will be no layoffs if the mechanics stay with the IAM????

Can we get the IAM to give that to us in writing?! Heck, I'd be happy if they showed some spine and stood up to the company rather than cowering.

Jet Mechanic
Some interesting reading!

March 06, 2002


AMFA, during their campaign to represent the Mechanic and Related at Northwest Airlines, distributed the AMFA constitution that stated in Article 3, section 7:

· “The AMFA member has total say in his union. He changes the Constitution and the Structure of his union by using his vote.â€

AMFA also distributed a flyer dated October 1, 1998 during the representational campaign that stated:

· “The members own and control the union, this eliminates top down totalitarian style governmentâ€

· “All Unions are bound by the laws of their constitution regardless of how they try to “Restructure and Repackage†themselves.
With AMFA, amendments to the constitution are “approved by the membership†through referendum only. (pg 19 Section 4).
Do not be SOLD by rhetoric and full color catalogs.â€


On September 17, 2000 Steve MacFarlane, President of AMFA Local 33, indicated in a letter to Local 33 members:

· “The AMFA National Director has issued a letter wherein he declares the current Constitutional amendment referendum null
and void.â€

Mr. MacFarlane goes on to say:

· “Therefore, we believe that the AMFA National Director has exceeded his Constitutional authority by declaring the
referendum null and void.


Does the AMFA Constitution give the right for the National Director to call an election “null and void� Was the AMFA National worried that Local 33 may vote in numbers (53% of the vote) thereby voting for constitutional changes that would be in the best interest of Local 33? Is the AMFA National only using “democracy†when it’s in the best Interest of the National’s agenda? The fact is AMFA National has exercised their power and influence to obtain their agenda and goals. The results of the special convention and vote, exemplify this. Special attention was given to the proposals that Local 33 LEC gave their recommendation on, the result was: Local 33 lost. Therefore, one of the major changes to the Constitution takes more money away from Local 33 and gives it to the AMFA National. The AMFA Constitution now allows the AMFA National to collect 40% of the dues from Local 33 instead of the much-heralded 33 1/3% that was stated during the representation campaign.

Local 33 obtained a Temporary Restraining Order against AMFA National to stop the National Director from voiding the referendum vote on the Constitution.
UAL_TECH said:
delldude said:
UAL_TECH said:

How about a link?
(or did you think this up all by yourself?)

:lol: UT

About AMFA

Labor Day
http://www.abxndr.com/unionhistory.html :up:
Excellent DellDude,

The Airborne Express Company website.

I believe everything they say too.
(give me a break!!!)


:blink: UT
so tell me now what amfa is doing for you while maintaining the IAM negotiated contract?i suppose they will give you satisfaction over the next several years while collecting your dues in a do nothing scenario.i'm getting information that in all your glee,you people may have actually taken a vote for union decertification.i find your memberships overwhelming abundance of apathy quite appalling.i pray you people did not decertify.
and with alarming predictability i see you discounted the posting information i supplied. truth is what amfa is all about?how then do you deny it? :up:
i see the only truth in your world comes only from the amfa website...much like that newspaper in russia.....i believe it was called PRAVDA.
Nice try at a spin job. It was not about a simple 'David vs Goliath' national quashing a local issue. It was about a former local leader who wanted to cherry pick items and recommend yes or no votes for individual issues, which is in violation of the constitution.

That's the best you can do?

Talk about living in glass houses.........................

----"so tell me now what amfa is doing for you while maintaining the IAM negotiated contract?i suppose they will give you satisfaction over the next several years while collecting your dues in a do nothing scenario.i'm getting information that in all your glee,you people may have actually taken a vote for union decertification.i find your memberships overwhelming abundance of apathy quite appalling.i pray you people did not decertify.
and with alarming predictability i see you discounted the posting information i supplied. truth is what amfa is all about?how then do you deny it?
i see the only truth in your world comes only from the amfa website...much like that newspaper in russia.....i believe it was called PRAVDA."----

Again, a big ???

What, concrete evidence...heck, a theory at least, do you base a "none of the above" vote for decertification?? Just stating the usual abstract bombast will not be an acceptable answer.

Where do you see apathy? Where? The whole thing driving this debate is completely issue driven...and anybody who is passionate about AMFA will be more than glad to tell you specifically why. I'd say apathy is the more apt term to those who do not care one way or the other. How does that apply here?

If the website you linked clearly has it's own bias as well. As would any other trying to critique "brand x".

'Lav Man' ( who's keyboard, like everyone elses, at least has a 'Shift' key...AHEM!! ) at least tries to debate specific points for the most part. You're not even a challenge. I guess the next move will be plugging the ears with the fingers and blah-blah-blah-ing.
apathy will rear its ugly head when and if it comes to a vote at U.a 50% showing will be a long shot at best. then people will long for a union and have the impetus to once again be involved.
delldude said:
apathy will rear its ugly head when and if it comes to a vote at U.a 50% showing will be a long shot at best. then people will long for a union and have the impetus to once again be involved.
So your new defense against a representation vote at Usair between IAM and AMFA is that 50% won't vote. Which would leave us with no union at all. The way it works is everyone will have about 1 month to vote over the phone. Just like at Southwest and United. No one knows the real reason why about 4900 members at United didn't vote. Possibly because there was almost that many laid off or some of the guys didn't even care whether it was IAM or AMFA, seeing the iam sealed their fate with there industry leading contract they negotiated where they GAVE AWAY ALL HEAVY MAINTENANCE. Although even if all those members would have voted it would have taken over 3500 of them to vote for the IAM to keep them. Its funny how we actually have members stupid enough to believe that AMFA was the cause for Uniteds lousy contract! 🙁
4900 didn't vote...??? why you ask...look it up,apathy.......
AMFA-league leading negotiator?ask they guys who were laid off at nwa(due to increased farmouts of hvy maint-negotiated by AMFA) to make room for the $40 /hr pay rate . :up:
What are the chances the useless iam will debate amfa ? ZERO I hope the iam gets the boot the same way they got it over at united.

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