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Twu Members Come Out In Force

Rusty said:
Checking it Out said:
TWU members from around the region attended the meeting. 1000 strong, no matter how you spin. They were members. If you take out the 5 or 6 who were requested to help from the TWU membership that still leaves 995 TWU members who attended.

Amfa can only dream of this???? Amfa had their chance and failed. Everytime adversity comes they tuck their tail between their legs and run.

I understand several potential members have come in from out of town and several amfa members have come in to inflate the numbers as usual!
BWAAAHAAHA!!! So, 1000 people fit into a 250 person room huh. lmao You just can't help it anymore can you CIO???
Hey Rusty, were you there?? We had to open up the sliding petition on that room to make more room for the members. It was quite impressive.

(the 1000 CIO is referring to is the combined number of both debates. Oh wait, there was no debate. AMFA didn't show!!) :shock:
twuer says
Hey CIO,
That's why they chose to have it on a Saturday. . .travel time needed!!!

And this is why you guys or gal in your case twuer had it on thursday. You didn't want the membership to show up. I saw two guys in the snapshot in the Tulsa World that I worked with that retired 5 years ago. They definitly didn't need any travel time. I also saw stock clerks in the crowd (LOL).

Dave and Don didn't debate because they honored the vote taken by the organizers. This is democracy in action. They were more than willing to kick some ass but they honored the vote instead. Your debate was nothing more than a blocking maneuver to keep the international from showing their ignorance but it didn't hide their cowardice.

See you guys in the morning
scorpion said:
twuer says
Hey CIO,
That's why they chose to have it on a Saturday. . .travel time needed!!!

And this is why you guys or gal in your case twuer had it on thursday. You didn't want the membership to show up. I saw two guys in the snapshot in the Tulsa World that I worked with that retired 5 years ago. They definitly didn't need any travel time. I also saw stock clerks in the crowd (LOL).

Dave and Don didn't debate because they honored the vote taken by the organizers. This is democracy in action. They were more than willing to kick some ass but they honored the vote instead. Your debate was nothing more than a blocking maneuver to keep the international from showing their ignorance but it didn't hide their cowardice.

See you guys in the morning

See you guys in the morning

YOU DIDN'T LET US IN!!!!!!! How's that for democracy Scorpian?? Any commments??????????????????????????????? :huh:
(From BOB. . .)AMFA and the AGW! Airline Unions for Airline Workers.

Hey BOB, this is something new from you isn't it? Can you tell me a little bit about them? Please??
what are you talking about, I walked in with a guy that had a twu jacket on and he wasn't treated any different than me.
I saw the mob across the street trying to intimidate people. Were you part of this crowd. If you were than I can see why you weren't let in. The twu doesnt have the cods to debate on equal footing thats why they had a staged audience thursday and could only show up as a gang saturday. Where was sonny,jim, gary or any other international coward of yours (LOL).

Here's the deal, we would have loved for your leaders to show up but they didnt and that was the whole point of calling this debate to prove that the international level of the twu is NOT ACCOUNTABLE, either by kicking their butts in a debate or by showing their contempt for the membership by not showing up. Now the balls in our court and we decide how to deliver.
They should change the topic of the thread to "twu useful idiots come out in force to defend the absent and indefensable twu leadership"
scorpion said:
what are you talking about, I walked in with a guy that had a twu jacket on and he wasn't treated any different than me.
I saw the mob across the street trying to intimidate people. Were you part of this crowd. If you were than I can see why you weren't let in. The twu doesnt have the cods to debate on equal footing thats why they had a staged audience thursday and could only show up as a gang saturday. Where was sonny,jim, gary or any other international coward of yours (LOL).

Here's the deal, we would have loved for your leaders to show up but they didnt and that was the whole point of calling this debate to prove that the international level of the twu is NOT ACCOUNTABLE, either by kicking their butts in a debate or by showing their contempt for the membership by not showing up. Now the balls in our court and we decide how to deliver.

We tried to get in Scorpian and they refused to let us in. I think I saw Dave blocking but I'm not 100% sure of that. I don't know why you are defending their actions and refuting the facts that we were there and refused entry. Did you know that 3 of our supporters approached Delle at the stage and he said he didn't want to talk to the membership??? Maybe one of those guys was the guy in the jacket you saw. They came back out when they were told there would be NO debating. Did you SEE that?? Don't you find that a bit disturbing Scorpian? Delle doesn't want to talk to the membership. But yet he wants to be our leader.

We were refused entry because you didn't want any part of us. That's the truth!!
scorpion, As delle stated on the film, September 12!

----That it's run by the membership. not the officers.

Why is amfa unwilling or afraid to have members stand up and debate????
I would say that it really came down to no AMFA supporter wanted to debate their fellow Mechanics that is every individuals choice, I for one had no interest in debating my fellow Mechanics also I had no interest in hearing such a pointless debate that is why I did not show up at the debate, it really is just as simple as that, why did you and the rest of the TWU supporters not come in to the Brady Theater today ? I was really looking forward to a good show. 🙁

Also there were only about 100 TWU supporters across the street and you know it, atleast you did not claim 1000 this time.
twuer said:
(From BOB. . .)AMFA and the AGW! Airline Unions for Airline Workers.

Hey BOB, this is something new from you isn't it? Can you tell me a little bit about them? Please??
Sure. Its a new union for ground workers statred by a worker from USAIR. They seek to unite all the ground workers, except for the mechanics, into one union.

If you want more info go to; the-AGW.org
And despite what numbers you hear AMFA does not have the majority here in Tulsa. We came as a group and left as a group.

Who said AMFA has the majority in Tulsa? System wide yes Tulsa no. You came as a mob not a group.
What would happen if AMFA organizers showed up at your union meetings with a giant rat and waving anti twu signs? Would they be welcomed with open arms and asked to come in? Lets get real here.

This was about getting the international down for some accountability. You guys are behind the curve on this issue just like your behind the curve when it comes to dealing with AA. WE proved a point this week and its went right over your heads but the membership didn't duck under it like you did. They were slapped in the face with the cold hard reality that the international is unapproachable by, and not accountable to, the membership.

Do you guys have or ever had a long term plan laid out that deals with the future of the AMT profession? Whats your vision for the future to improve and preserve this profession not just at AA but for all our brothers across this country? Is it the coffin with the american flag stuck to it. Are you saying death to the AMT?
This movement is about more than changing unions its about preserving a way of life for future generations in this country.

Scorpion, we came as unions, not a mob. The overwhelming numbers of the union members dwarfed those of the Kool-aid kids. There were 4 different unions present to show their support of TULE.

As a union we move as one, our decision - our debate, simple enough. AMFA requires control of the room to put on any debate, we were not going to give it to him. That man has been selling the same "car" for over 40 years, I would hope he could get his story straight by now...but alas he cannot. I watched the entire uneditted video of the Sept. debate...when asked a question on his outsourcing all he could come up with was rhetoric of another airlines outsourcing. HE NEVER ANSWERS THE QUESTIONS!!!!! And I wonder why that is? You can see the Real-Estate Broker and the lawyer wanting him to sit down and shut up, what an embarrassment to all AMFA peeps.
Bob Owens said:
twuer said:
(From BOB. . .)AMFA and the AGW! Airline Unions for Airline Workers.

Hey BOB, this is something new from you isn't it? Can you tell me a little bit about them? Please??
Sure. Its a new union for ground workers statred by a worker from USAIR. They seek to unite all the ground workers, except for the mechanics, into one union.

If you want more info go to; the-AGW.org
Thanks for the information Bob! I looked it up and read through a little of it. I noticed that they have Seham & Seham as their law services. Said it was a long process to secure them. Aren't they the same group that AMFA uses? And another thing I was wondering; I couldn't find where the headquarters was located, or any address on their site. Do you have one for them or know where they are stationed out of??

Thanks for your help. . .
twuer said:
Bob Owens said:
twuer said:
(From BOB. . .)AMFA and the AGW! Airline Unions for Airline Workers.

Hey BOB, this is something new from you isn't it?  Can you tell me a little bit about them? Please??
Sure. Its a new union for ground workers statred by a worker from USAIR. They seek to unite all the ground workers, except for the mechanics, into one union.

If you want more info go to; Thanks for the information Bob! I looked it up and read through a little of it. I noticed that they have Seham & Seham as their law services. Said it was a long process to secure them. Aren't they the same group that AMFA uses? And another thing I was wondering; I couldn't find where the headquarters was located, or any address on their site. Do you have one for them or know where they are stationed out of??

Thanks for your help. . .
This is copied directly fromAllied Ground Workers web site.

December Update
The AGW is lining up an accounting service. After securing the law offices of Myles Trailins who is a Nationally known attorney, the AGW is seeking to shore up a top notch organization to handle the AGW accounting.

Is this Myles Trailins associated with Seeham, Seeham et al??? Please find out and get back to us. Untill then your post appears to lack accuracy.

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