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Twu Members Come Out In Force

What does that mean, that it is not the 50's or 60's? Are you saying that unionism is now a relic of the past? NAFTA, that was put in place by labor. Why do you hold onto this mandatory cooperation attitude with the company? Is that what happened to TWA?
Preserve jobs, lets open up repair stations in every state and pay minimum wage, I am sure management will operate with the unions then. The TWU has been managements best friend since 1983 when the TWU introduced the B-scale. Now go ahead Steve, blame the membership for the leadership bringing back this great contract. How many concessionary contracts is the TWU going to bring back to it's membership at the behest of the company for the sake of gaining more dues payers? If all unions were like the TWU, unionism would be at 100% across the country, not 13%. The TWU forced their members on payroll? The fight we are in is with the entity that claims to our union. Every time a gain is made the TWU gives it back in some form. Especially with the last wage increase from the PEB at Northwest. AA matched it and the TWU gave it away. The TWU condones the outsourcing of it's contractual work in the same facility that it has it's other work. I believe you are wrong, Steve. It is in the first Principle and Objectives of the AFL-CIO, Article II,

1. To aid workers in securing improved wages, hours and working conditions with due regard for the autonomy, integrity and jurisdiction of affiliated unions.

As for establishing a rapport with the TWU, AA does not need to go any further. The TWU has allowed the company to have it's way for over twenty years and you agree that this is the way that unionism is supposed to be? Reduce wages and benefits to create more union members who are just dues payers to the International. In my twenty years it has not been the company that has reduced the wages and benefits, but the TWU. I believe that you should look to the affiliates of the AFL-CIO to see where the fault lies. It is companies the outsource and layoff, not unions, not even the TWU. TWU dropped what by one percent? The jobs that were kept were paid for by the membership at a rate of 17.5% and more than 35% for others of the mechanic craft and class. ( a group I believe by your postings that you do not believe in. ) This is the undeniable fact, the membership paid for the jobs AA benefits from. You keep referring to O. V. Delle – Femine as ALF, I have a lot more respect for him than I that. You are always degrading those with whom you converse on the ebullition boards especially in the form of the threats you make. You state that you are not afraid to back up what you say with violence. That is ok, you are fighting only with union members. As long as you continue to take this type of aggressive position at other union members I will have no respect for you. If I were the head of any company I would never welcome AMFA. It is my opinion that AMFA will fight the company and it is the TWU that the company prefers. Again you are wrong, we are fighting each other. And what do you mean “foregoing the effect on their employeesâ€￾, it is the employees who took the concessions over that last twenty years. I know that all of the past is in your “rear view mirrorâ€￾ and you need to go forward. By the way it was sad the way they treated you on your seniority.
Buck, you hit home. I apologize for my stating Alf=OV. I'll attempt to refrain from posting my disgust with the hobbit like that from this point on.

You stated the TWU introduced the B-scale. Buck, I wasn't there, but correct me if I'm wrong. Research that statement man. I was told the TWU told the membership to turn down the offer yet the membership passed it over 80%. Your fight here is not with the TWU.

This is definately not a perfect world we live in. Adaptation is essential, deny that!
Checking it Out said:
Only difference you have no morals or ethics.
Maybe you should look those words up before you use them.

Consider yourself corrected-again!
TWU informer said:

You seem to be a bigshot spokesperson for MCI, or at least in your own mind you are. However, I was thinking recently, you and your type of unionism damn near or in fact did, destroy TWA to the point that AA bought it for pennies on the dollar and saved you from a permanent restart. And if I am not mistaken, you were the proud product of concessions for jobs handed out by the IAM.

Given your loud mouth, and apparent leadership of the work force, and the end result of that leadership. Why should we believe or follow you anywhere?

Seems to me, you and the industrial unions already killed TWA once, why should we take your advice and kill it again while we are now attached by the umbilical cord?
Dave or Don,

It was not the union IAM or workforce that caused TWAto file bankruptcy, instead, it was the union, IAM that saved our jobs, with the aid of the local, state and federal government.
WHile it may be true we gave concessions, we did survive, and we snapped back, with what we gave up, another union save for the workforce.
When Icahn tried to scrap TWA, the union leadership stepped up and with the governments aide, put a stop to Icahn, and LORENZO, remember?
It was not Stevestype of unionism that destroyed TWA, it was Steves and rest of our membership that did save us and TWA.
Maybe it is as you say, AA bought TWA for pennies on the dollar, but did you forget about the LONDON route AA bought from TWA? I guarantee that wasnot pennies on the dollar.

You are funny, whichever you are, Industrial union killed TWA? If it wasnt for unions involvement and government aide we would have been defunct long before AA could have bought TWA, and guess what? Im not so sure if AA wouldnt have bought TWA, we would have survived................how many times inthe past did we, the members win? and I beleive we would have won again.
Steve never claimed to be the spokesperson for any of us at local 530, hes just 1 of many members that beleive as Steve does, ask any IAM local 1650 about a rally we had, May 10, 1990, and what was gained? that sthe value we, past TWAers bring to TWU and AA
Just as the TWA members were not with us when the concessions started in 1983 with the B-Scale, we at AA were not with them when they went through their turmoil. I would say that I will not tell a former TWA employee how he should have acted if I can receive the same commitment from the TWA people.
You got it Buck, I will not judge you. I know your history at AA and the '83 vote, but that was your decision, not mine nor my TWA brothers.

Hey, what just happened here?
Steve Connell said:
You got it Buck, I will not judge you. I know your history at AA and the '83 vote, but that was your decision, not mine nor my TWA brothers.

Hey, what just happened here?

Hey, what just happened here?

Dave or Dan weren't here to stir things up. You know how good they are at that!!

OOPS sorry, had to put in my 2 cents!
Buck said:
Just as the TWA members were not with us when the concessions started in 1983 with the B-Scale, we at AA were not with them when they went through their turmoil. I would say that I will not tell a former TWA employee how he should have acted if I can receive the same commitment from the TWA people.
I'm out of here Buck

Let the best union win!
Twu Members Come Out In Force, Amfa was no show???

What about the DUES PAYING AMFA MEMBERS that stood with the TWU members??

BTW, you would think that more than a couple of disgruntled AMFA MEMBERS would show up to protest AMFA's debate challenge at the Brady. The fact that out of 20,000 or so AMFA members only a few will participate in trying to prevent more AAirlines from joining SPEAKS VOLUMES LOUDER than any TWU chant.
Remember this Dell???? :blink:

The AMFA is financed by monthly dues paid by members. Dues are twice the average hourly wage of the Membership. There is a $25 per month dues "cap" on dues of members affected by a concessionary contract, including ESOP.
I guess you weren't in the Brady when this question way raised and answered??

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