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Democracy In Action

Superside. . .
With due respect, but use the term "boys". Ok fair enough.
A term used lightly I assure you, no offense just a saying (did I challenge your manhood??)
No, I could not attend all the meetings as I do not have enough vacation left... Wonder why? 😱ff: (as usual)
Yes, those asked to leave made sure they would be asked to leave, so they could loudly claim.... "Thats Democracy for ya"
A cop out if I ever saw one! :cop: (get it. . .a cop!)
All are welcome? Yes, all.
Except for the ones who got kicked out!!
So why didn't 514 leadership let the membership know that they had reseved a room, and invite the whole membership? They like making bold claims in the "Informer" do they not? Why scurry to the meeting quietly? 😱ff: (AGAIN) I'm not real sure, I guess you will have to go by the union hall and ask!
The leadership that was present really wasn't up tp the task.
I beg to differ. One of the smartest men we have was in attendance and was one of the ones asked to leave. Makes you wanna say HMMM!
You want Impressive?...You want more meetings? Get back to the "Rat Shed" on Pine St. and Get them to agree to a debate at the Brady or wherever.
If I had the sole power to, but I don't. If we did debate I'm afraid I might get kicked out! (Did you just call me a rat??) 😉
The thrill of victory is getting closer for one, agony of defeat closer for the other.
You and I both know who the victor will be...don't we? lol, lol, lol,lol,lol,lol
And I guess you think that AMFA will be the victor. How, by the number of folks they had at their meetings today??? :huh: 😀
In my last post I refered to the " Rat Shed". I shall clarify. If you hold an office above shop steward there is a good chance the term I used might fit.
Does it offend you? The term "Scab" was used used by several "TWUers" during the Distribution on Tuesday afternoon.
When the TWU Reps and Supporters uses contemptous terms, they should expect the same type of responce. No?
Do you, TWUer, think that Our Presidents behavior on Tuesday was appropriate?
Do you think beening disruptive at the Info meeting was appropriate?
In Relality I should thank the Local for their behavior, and treatment of the shop steward 2 weeks ago, it just keeps the cards coming.
Superside said:
In my last post I refered to the " Rat Shed". I shall clarify. If you hold an office above shop steward there is a good chance the term I used might fit.
Does it offend you? The term "Scab" was used used by several "TWUers" during the Distribution on Tuesday afternoon.
When the TWU Reps and Supporters uses contemptous terms, they should expect the same type of responce. No?
Do you, TWUer, think that Our Presidents behavior on Tuesday was appropriate?
Do you think beening disruptive at the Info meeting was appropriate?
In Relality I should thank the Local for their behavior, and treatment of the shop steward 2 weeks ago, it just keeps the cards coming.
So because some hot head doesn't know the true definition of scab, you retaliate? I thought AMFA was all professional and above that sort of thing.

Apparently the AMFA supporters are no different than any other union member, so where is all this great leadership to a better future going to come from, Laconia??? 🙁
Democracy at work,

Amfa kicks out potential members at USAir!

Amfa kicks out Potential members at American while allows wifes and SW members to speak!

Amfa kicks out potential members while allow other potential members to attend!

Amfa kicks out Potential members after agreeing to allow them to return to finish their Questions

Amfa lies to potential members about card count at USAir

Amfa lies when putting out fliers

Amfa denies the rights of members to vote on National Administrators

Amfa denies the right of potential members to vote on who should stay or leave a meeting in Philly!

Amfa kicks out Tulsa Mechanics while allowing others from outside Tulsa to stay!

Shall we go on?

Amfa does not vote on everything and has no credibility or democracy!

j7915 said:
Superside said:
In my last post I refered to the " Rat Shed". I shall clarify. If you hold an office above shop steward there is a good chance the term I used might fit.
Does it offend you? The term "Scab" was used used by several "TWUers" during the Distribution on Tuesday afternoon.
When the TWU Reps and Supporters uses contemptous terms, they should expect the same type of responce. No?
Do you, TWUer, think that Our Presidents behavior on Tuesday was appropriate?
Do you think beening disruptive at the Info meeting was appropriate?
In Relality I should thank the Local for their behavior, and treatment of the shop steward 2 weeks ago, it just keeps the cards coming.
So because some hot head doesn't know the true definition of scab, you retaliate? I thought AMFA was all professional and above that sort of thing.

Apparently the AMFA supporters are no different than any other union member, so where is all this great leadership to a better future going to come from, Laconia??? 🙁
So because some hot head doesn't know the true definition of scab, you retaliate? I thought AMFA was all professional and above that sort of thing.

It would appear that you believe that Randy McDonald and his supporters are ignorant to the definition of a Scab?

It was Randy McDonald that had to be restrained?

Recently I have begun to question why the TWU is even defending it's position. After all if there is no threat then there is nothing to worry about or to defend themselves from.

Why did they even show up at the AMFA informational meeting?
Checking it Out said:
Democracy at work,

Amfa kicks out potential members at USAir!

Amfa kicks out Potential members at American while allows wifes and SW members to speak!

Amfa kicks out potential members while allow other potential members to attend!

Amfa kicks out Potential members after agreeing to allow them to return to finish their Questions

Amfa lies to potential members about card count at USAir

Amfa lies when putting out fliers

Amfa denies the rights of members to vote on National Administrators

Amfa denies the right of potential members to vote on who should stay or leave a meeting in Philly!

Amfa kicks out Tulsa Mechanics while allowing others from outside Tulsa to stay!

Shall we go on?

Amfa does not vote on everything and has no credibility or democracy!

Who were these "Potential Members" at USAir? The TWU E-Board members? Huh?

The SWA mechanics were guests of the hosts of the informational meeting.
The TWU Lawyer was not an AA employee, part of the M&R class & craft, OR an invited guest.

I believe Kevin Wildermuth proved that if anyone lies on fliers it is the TWU. He displayed 14 highlighted lies on 2 Informers. Your problem is you refuse to believe the truth even when it slaps you in the face.

The TWU supports increased taxation for corporate welfare. :down:
True socialists one and all.

Shall we go on?
AMFA kicked out this guy, AMFA kicked out that guy, blaa, blaa,blaa.
Sounds more like BAAAAA, BAAAA, BAAAA.
Oh do tell. WHAT HAS THE TWU DONE TO CONVICE US, (Mechs and related )

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