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Town Hall Meeting In Tulsa

Boomer said:
With respect to CI and the OH Bases: why don't they agree that operating TULE and AFW at a 30% degradation of their capacity is a continuous improvement that needs to happen irrespective of the disposition of MCIE?

We spend real dollars on leases and utilities for AFW and TULE even though they are only fully staffed for 2/3rds of their actual capacity.

Going to a real 24/7/365 utilization of those bases actually drops their costs and creates holes in the AA dock plans that can be recaptured through brining in outside work.

No one in AA management or TWU has been willing to make the necessary changes to fix TUL.I've worked weekend coverage modification lines to no avail as we had no support shop or engineering support.[They are off duty on weekends]
24/7 will not work properly unless the WHOLE Base at TUL is put on it and I don't see that happening anytime soon.
The productivity could be increased by combining crews to handle 2 aircraft dock positions instead of one.
We do not need 2 supervisors per shift assigned to the same aircraft.
There are lots of ways to increase productivity but the leadership has not been willing to change the status quo.
Boomer said:
With respect to CI and the OH Bases: why don't they agree that operating TULE and AFW at a 30% degradation of their capacity is a continuous improvement that needs to happen irrespective of the disposition of MCIE?

We spend real dollars on leases and utilities for AFW and TULE even though they are only fully staffed for 2/3rds of their actual capacity.

Going to a real 24/7/365 utilization of those bases actually drops their costs and creates holes in the AA dock plans that can be recaptured through brining in outside work.
<_< Hey Boomer----- If management was really interested in saveing $$$! Here's a way to save big time!! How much are they giving Mr. Perio @ year for lease payments at AFW??? The City, Kansas City, State, Missoruri, and Feds. have offered to put up big bucks for uppgrades to MCIE, which a.a.'s management has ignored! The rent here would be at least half of that at AFW, :shock: But, at presant that's not on management's agenda!!!!Or is it??? You people are so afraid of your own shadows, you're believe anything told to you!!!
They will come back for more, and more and more again.

That's the nature of the beast that has consumed us all. There is no escaping and staying, there is just escaping. Those of us able to retire before the next round will be the lucky ones, the rest will fall to the sword.

Delta got 33%, and they're still threatening a trip to BK court. Northwest and AMR are watching cautiously. The unions are hopeless.

The passengers are Lovin'it, buying up internet fares for less than a NYC cab-fare.

Yes; that guy in 32B, we know why you're flying, because it's cheaper to fly than to stay at home this weekend.

It's over, we've lost a war that we never fought.
MCI transplant said:
<_< Hey Boomer----- If management was really interested in saveing $$$! Here's a way to save big time!! How much are they giving Mr. Perio @ year for lease payments at AFW??? The City, Kansas City, State, Missoruri, and Feds. have offered to put up big bucks for uppgrades to MCIE, which a.a.'s management has ignored! The rent here would be at least half of that at AFW, :shock: But, at presant that's not on management's agenda!!!!Or is it??? You people are so afraid of your own shadows, you're believe anything told to you!!!

How would you handle the union seniority issue if AFW were to close in favor of MCI?
Buck said:
How would you handle the union seniority issue if AFW were to close in favor of MCI?

What would there be to handle? I believe between the contract and Kasher it's pretty well in black and white.
Nightwatch said:
What would there be to handle? I believe between the contract and Kasher it's pretty well in black and white.

Ok but I believe that there are those at MCI that have made it clear that they were not happy with the seniority issue. I guess by black and white, you mean that those with seniority of 4-10-2001 or earlier pre-merger AA employees would have seniority over all former TWA employees in their respected titled groups?
Buck said:
Ok but I believe that there are those at MCI that have made it clear that they were not happy with the seniority issue. I guess by black and white, you mean that those with seniority of 4-10-2001 or earlier pre-merger AA employees would have seniority over all former TWA employees in their respected titled groups?

Do AA mechanics at the overhaul bases (TUL and AFW) have system protection like the ramp?
Buck said:
Ok but I believe that there are those at MCI that have made it clear that they were not happy with the seniority issue. I guess by black and white, you mean that those with seniority of 4-10-2001 or earlier pre-merger AA employees would have seniority over all former TWA employees in their respected titled groups?
<_< No Buck!---- He means we'de still have 100% Seniority!!!But there wouldn't be enough of us left to make it matter anyway! You do know there's a R.I.F. going on here!!! Not that you'ed know it by reading this a.a. forum!!!I hear tell that our "Brothers" in TUL told the company they wouldn't even concider more concessions until they "Got rid of MCIE"!!!! :down:
aafsc said:
Do AA mechanics at the overhaul bases (TUL and AFW) have system protection like the ramp?



(a) The Company will guarantee employment (full time/part time status based upon employee's status on March 01, 2001) and pay to any employee covered by this Agreement who was hired under this Agreement by the Company prior to March 01, 2001, and who was on the Company's active payroll on March 01, 2001, or on a Union leave of absence, or on an approved leave of absence for other reasons (provided such employee has an Occupational Seniority date more senior than the least senior protected employees in his classification at the station/base upon his return to active payroll) in accordance with the following provisions of this Article. In addition, an employee, as defined above, will not be involuntarily reduced to a lower classification than that classification he occupied on March 01, 2001; however, such classification guarantee does not apply to any bid classification (Crew Chiefs, nspectors, and Technical Crew Chiefs). The classification guarantee for Inspectors and Crew Chiefs will be the next lower non-bid classification (e.g., Inspector to Mechanic and Crew Chief to his next lower non-bid classification).

August 13, 1998

Mr. Ed Koziatek
International Vice President
Air Transport Director
Transport WoriKers Union of America, AFL-CIO
1848 Norwood Plaza, Suite 112
Hurst, IX 76054

Dear Ed:
You have posed a hypothetical question concerning the reduction in force of a system protected, non licensed aircraft maintenance technician at one of the Overhaul bases.

The question is, what happens to a non-licensed, system protected aircraft maintenance technician in the event of a reduction in force, since all the positions to which he/she might be able to displace in the field require a license?

In order to have options during a reduction in force, the employee must be qualified for the position into which he or she would be displacing. Since the technician has no license, he/she would not be qualified for any of the technician positions in the field (all of which require a license).

The employee would thus have the options of displacing to a non-licensed position at his/her current base (including an SRP position which would be converted to the classification of AMT), or to a position at another base which did not require a license, (including an SRP position which would be converted to the classification of AMT). In the event that there was no such position at any overhaul base which the employee’s seniority would permit him/her to hold on displacing, the reduction in force would be stopped at that point, because a system protected employee cannot be forced into a layoff status. Likewise, since system protection is in the classification held on August 15, 1995, the employee could not be forced to displace to a lower or previously held position which did not require a license.

Mark L Burdette
Managing Director,
Employee Relations

I believe that the system protection has been conceded to 9-24-98?

MCI transplant said:
<_< No Buck!---- He means we'de still have 100% Seniority!!!But there wouldn't be enough of us left to make it matter anyway! You do know there's a R.I.F. going on here!!! Not that you'ed know it by reading this a.a. forum!!!I hear tell that our "Brothers" in TUL told the company they wouldn't even concider more concessions until they "Got rid of MCIE"!!!! :down:

100% Seniority just at MCI/STL or system wide?

It might matter to someone who becomes furloughed.

I believe I mentioned some time ago that the membership at TUL took a position of stapling TWA to the bottom of the list. It may not have been a sanctioned vote, but it is obvious.

Do you believe that MCI should survive at the expense of members at AFW, TUL or even the line?
<_< Buck' at this point, it dosen't matter what you think! Or what I think! The Company is going to do whatever they feel is best for the "Long" term survival, and even future expansion of this company! Do I feel MCIE could contribute to that future! Your Damn right I do!!!! WE have done "More", with "Less" then you'll ever know! We've jumped through every hop that a. a./ F.A.A, has put up in front of us, and come out with flying colors! We've concestantly completed our work "On time", or "Before"! Only to have that work taken to TUL for "Political" reasons! Call it what you may! But those going out on the street don't deserve this people!!!! They've worked too hard for too long to deserve this!!! :angry:
MCI transplant said:
<_< Buck' at this point, it dosen't matter what you think! Or what I think! The Company is going to do whatever they feel is best for the "Long" term survival, and even future expansion of this company! Do I feel MCIE could contribute to that future! Your Damn right I do!!!! WE have done "More", with "Less" then you'll ever know! We've jumped through every hop that a. a./ F.A.A, has put up in front of us, and come out with flying colors! We've concestantly completed our work "On time", or "Before"! Only to have that work taken to TUL for "Political" reasons! Call it what you may! But those going out on the street don't deserve this people!!!! They've worked too hard for too long to deserve this!!! :angry:

So the MCI membership must be happy with the union representation they are receiving?

What is it that I hear almost on a daily basis?

TWA was bought, had that not happened, they would be on the street.
:down: Buck------You and your A.M.F.A. be Damned!!! Along with the T.W.U.!!!! Until you all learn there is more to "UNIONS" then just the "ME FIRST " cyindrum, there won't be ten cents worth of differance between you!!!! :angry:
MCI transplant said:
:down: Buck------You and your A.M.F.A. be Damned!!! Along with the T.W.U.!!!! Until you all learn there is more to "UNIONS" then just the "ME FIRST " cyindrum, there won't be ten cents worth of differance between you!!!! :angry:

Who said anything about AMFA?

AMFA had nothing to do with your seniority. It was the IAM, TWU and the AA along with Mr. Kasher. It would appear that it is you that would have your position become the "ME FIRST" position.

If it were not for the IAM you would have been stapled to the bottom of the seniority list.

Did you vote on the KAsher decesion?

With regards to MCIE v. AFW: how much money does AFW make when you factor in the water and sewage treatement we sell the city of Ft. Worth without the EPA issues that are purported to exist at MCIE.

AFW is the most modern and enviromentally friendly Aircraft Overhaul base on the property and has plenty of room for expansion. Running a full three shifts per day on a seven day a week operation would create the room for the majority of the discplaced AMTs while creating "holes" in the AA needed docks for us to bid work that captured the labor cost plus the return on investment.

We even asked the TWU ATD if they had thought of making MCIE and AFW a "one-station complex"in the event that it needed to be closed: imagine making the same money in Texas with no state income taxes?

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