Bob Owens said:
twuer said:
(From BOB. . .)AMFA and the AGW! Airline Unions for Airline Workers.
Hey BOB, this is something new from you isn't it? Can you tell me a little bit about them? Please??
Sure. Its a new union for ground workers statred by a worker from USAIR. They seek to unite all the ground workers, except for the mechanics, into one union.
If you want more info go to; Thanks for the information Bob! I looked it up and read through a little of it. I noticed that they have Seham & Seham as their law services. Said it was a long process to secure them. Aren't they the same group that AMFA uses? And another thing I was wondering; I couldn't find where the headquarters was located, or any address on their site. Do you have one for them or know where they are stationed out of??
Thanks for your help. . .
This is copied directly from
Allied Ground Workers web site.
December Update
The AGW is lining up an accounting service. After securing the law offices of Myles Trailins who is a Nationally known attorney, the AGW is seeking to shore up a top notch organization to handle the AGW accounting.
Is this Myles Trailins associated with Seeham, Seeham et al??? Please find out and get back to us. Untill then your post appears to lack accuracy.
This is what I saw.on the Q&A page . .and I guess after the long process they went through they decided to change anyway. HMMM???? :huh:
3. How was the Allied Ground Workers able to secure the law services of Seham, Seham, Meltz, and Petersen [SSMP]?
The process was a long one. The AGW Interim Officers reviewed different law firms and individual attorneys in the search for legal counsel. However, after meeting with SSMP, we were convinced that SSMP would be a tremendous benefit to the AGW since SSMP is widely recognized as an expert law firm within the scope of the Railway Labor Act. SSMP not only represents thousands of airline workers from different crafts, but they share many of the democratic values of the AGW.
My mistake, I missed that Dec update. Thanks for that. Now if someone will let me know where they are located or address I would appreciate it.