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Twu Members Come Out In Force

Superside said:
twuer said:
Bob Owens said:
twuer said:
(From BOB. . .)AMFA and the AGW! Airline Unions for Airline Workers.

Hey BOB, this is something new from you isn't it?  Can you tell me a little bit about them? Please??
Sure. Its a new union for ground workers statred by a worker from USAIR. They seek to unite all the ground workers, except for the mechanics, into one union.

If you want more info go to; Thanks for the information Bob! I looked it up and read through a little of it. I noticed that they have Seham & Seham as their law services. Said it was a long process to secure them. Aren't they the same group that AMFA uses? And another thing I was wondering; I couldn't find where the headquarters was located, or any address on their site. Do you have one for them or know where they are stationed out of??

Thanks for your help. . .
This is copied directly fromAllied Ground Workers web site.

December Update
The AGW is lining up an accounting service. After securing the law offices of Myles Trailins who is a Nationally known attorney, the AGW is seeking to shore up a top notch organization to handle the AGW accounting.

Is this Myles Trailins associated with Seeham, Seeham et al??? Please find out and get back to us. Untill then your post appears to lack accuracy.
This is what I saw.on the Q&A page . .and I guess after the long process they went through they decided to change anyway. HMMM???? :huh:

3. How was the Allied Ground Workers able to secure the law services of Seham, Seham, Meltz, and Petersen [SSMP]?
The process was a long one. The AGW Interim Officers reviewed different law firms and individual attorneys in the search for legal counsel. However, after meeting with SSMP, we were convinced that SSMP would be a tremendous benefit to the AGW since SSMP is widely recognized as an expert law firm within the scope of the Railway Labor Act. SSMP not only represents thousands of airline workers from different crafts, but they share many of the democratic values of the AGW.

My mistake, I missed that Dec update. Thanks for that. Now if someone will let me know where they are located or address I would appreciate it. :up:
Steve you said

Scorpion, we came as unions, not a mob. The overwhelming numbers of the union members dwarfed those of the Kool-aid kids. There were 4 different unions present to show their support of TULE.

Okay so tell me how many AMT's were in your group?

I asked what the twu vision was for preserving our profession, this was an open question for anyone who wants to answer.

P.S. There was only one union there that was showing support for AMT's though.
Preserving our profession Scorpion? Well, if our profession is under attack you must first ask yourself why. Unions do not attack professions do they? Possibly companies outsourcing our jobs do, oh wait, I see what you mean now. You think that due to AMFA's ability to negotiate high outsourcing numbers they are a threat. I agree. The undeniable stats show AMFA to lead the industry in destroying and attacking our profession. And now they are going after retirees medical, that's great protection from AMFA, I know, "we'll grieve that issue also, and in a couple of months we'll get an answer". The truth is in the pudding scorpion, look at the numbers. NWA mechs are now running out of unemployment and taking jobs in the $10-$15/hr range to feed their families and pay their bills, is this the challenge you wish to put your family through, not I man.

As long as aircraft fly our profession is needed. It is up to the AFL-CIO and unions alone to keep our jobs in the USA. How is AMFA doing this scorpion? My concerns, as yours, are heartfelt, family first.
Buck, good question. I do not have any idea how many AMTs were present. I do know how many union members were present. Why not have coffee on Saturday at your house for AMTs if that is all you wish to converse with. And maybe, in a bit, it'll be coffee for line AMTs only, then Buck you can really shine.

You seem to be a bigshot spokesperson for MCI, or at least in your own mind you are. However, I was thinking recently, you and your type of unionism damn near or in fact did, destroy TWA to the point that AA bought it for pennies on the dollar and saved you from a permanent restart. And if I am not mistaken, you were the proud product of concessions for jobs handed out by the IAM.

Given your loud mouth, and apparent leadership of the work force, and the end result of that leadership. Why should we believe or follow you anywhere?

Seems to me, you and the industrial unions already killed TWA once, why should we take your advice and kill it again while we are now attached by the umbilical cord?
TWU informer said:

You seem to be a bigshot spokesperson for MCI, or at least in your own mind you are. However, I was thinking recently, you and your type of unionism damn near or in fact did, destroy TWA to the point that AA bought it for pennies on the dollar and saved you from a permanent restart. And if I am not mistaken, you were the proud product of concessions for jobs handed out by the IAM.

Given your loud mouth, and apparent leadership of the work force, and the end result of that leadership. Why should we believe or follow you anywhere?

Seems to me, you and the industrial unions already killed TWA once, why should we take your advice and kill it again while we are now attached by the umbilical cord?
Repeating yourself now Informer??
:huh: :huh: :huh:
Steve Connell said:
Buck, good question. I do not have any idea how many AMTs were present. I do know how many union members were present. Why not have coffee on Saturday at your house for AMTs if that is all you wish to converse with. And maybe, in a bit, it'll be coffee for line AMTs only, then Buck you can really shine.
That is the difference, you cannot see why we want a union made of the mechanic craft and class because it is apparent that you are use to company union relationships. Management one day, union the next. If it becomes a line only union, it will be the result of your socialist union destroying the mechanic's profession.
Buck, you are due your opinions, I have no qualms about that what so ever. But I believe this, this is not the 50's or 60's. Since NAFTA and 9/11 the way unions operate wth management has changed in order to preserve the jobs needed by all. Corporations fed with a frenzy the aftermath of 9/11.The TWU doesn't want to play the role of management and aiding in making sure AA survives, but they have forced all members on payroll to be active in our own survival. We are in a fight here man, against major outsourcing and the nationwide trend of the decrease of benefits. Tell me I'm wrong here Buck. If AA wasn't willing to establish a rapport with the TWU do you really think all would be fine and dandy?

Show me Buck where AMFA has not been more of a company association than TWU a company union. AMFA rose to the leader in outsourcing, TWU DROPPED by 1% last year it's number, this is fact and undeniable Buck. Those jobs at NWA are gone Buck, to Singapore with 4 heavy checks and the rest at 3rd party FBO's in the US. AMFA has allowed this to occur with the response of Alf stating "we'll grieve that!" Buck, Alf stated in sept. that he'd hear in a couple of months the outcome of the For-Maj., it's January Buck!

If I was head of a company I would welcome AMFA with open arms, wouldn't you?

Truth being we all are in a heck of a fight here, not against each other, but with the corporations wishing to add to their profits , foregoing the effect on their employees.
Steve I've listened to your type of rhetorical bs for years now, you never answered my question on what the twu is doing to preserve our profession. I don't expect an answer from you or anyone else associated with the twu. Visionary type thinking isn't now nor never was part of the twu makeup. The've always been a reactionary organization. Sit back, collect dues, make no waves, and above all else remove any opposition to the status quo.

What did the twu negotiate into our scope clause in 2001? Our scope never had any real language in it but the C.R. Smith letter did give us something to work with. This letter was written in the day when a hand shake meant something but in todays climate we need solid language. The twu took this letter and made toilet paper out of it.

Whats AMFA doing to preserve our profession? Bring all mechanics into one union is not a bad place to start. True unity of like minded individuals with one focus to preserve our profession. Thats were this is all going and if you don't like it then stay on the porch.
Scorpion, I respect your opinion also brother. The last decade has not been easy for anyone. You ask what TWU has done or will do to preserve your profession? Please for just a sec take off the AMFA blinders and look at what TWU has done locally. You yell concession, I see job retention. Without work scorp you have no profession. Why hold an A&P and work at A&P? Ask the furloughed members at NW and other airlines who's unemployment has run out how they'd vote now. Make sure you ask them in front of their kids and wives, not off in a squad of masculinity.

Ensure employment, then jump onto the next agenda.
Steve Connell said:
If I was head of a company I would welcome AMFA with open arms, wouldn't you?
With that type of managerial intuition its no suprise that you were rejected out of management.

So tell us why the company is not welcoming AMFA with "open arms" and instead is joining with the TWU in claiming that "the TWU" helped save their jobs?

No union is more company friendly or willing to give concessions than the TWU.
Bob you are stretching in an attempt to hurt someones feelings!!!! I believe you have been in the same position in the past. Only difference you have no morals or ethics.

Steve keep up the Great Job!!!!!!!!
Hey Bob, I got two words for you man...Jenny Craig!

With that type of managerial intuition its no suprise that you were rejected out of management.

So tell us why the company is not welcoming AMFA with "open arms" and instead is joining with the TWU in claiming that "the TWU" helped save their jobs?

No union is more company friendly or willing to give concessions than the TWU.

First off Bob I resigned my management position, please do your homework biggun prior to you eating crow. Bobby, the companies are welcoming AMFA, show me one that is fighting to keep outsourcing out of their vocabulary. COMPANIES LOVE AMFA

Bob listen up. I'll vote for you man but keep the working class out of your agenda first.
Steve Connell said:
Hey Bob, I got two words for you man...Jenny Craig!

With that type of managerial intuition its no suprise that you were rejected out of management.

So tell us why the company is not welcoming AMFA with "open arms" and instead is joining with the TWU in claiming that "the TWU" helped save their jobs?

No union is more company friendly or willing to give concessions than the TWU.

First off Bob I resigned my management position, please do your homework biggun prior to you eating crow. Bobby, the companies are welcoming AMFA, show me one that is fighting to keep outsourcing out of their vocabulary. COMPANIES LOVE AMFA

Bob listen up. I'll vote for you man but keep the working class out of your agenda first.
Why did you resign? Let me guess-Personal reasons. Thats what most fired managers say.

Bobby, the companies are welcoming AMFA, show me one that is fighting to keep outsourcing out of their vocabulary. COMPANIES LOVE AMFA

Well if that the case then AMFA is a sure thing because we all know that with the TWU the company always gets what it wants!

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