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AFA PHL Meeting today

Just make sure there is a steward or a witness with you because the way this sandcastle operates, yes you may be able to state your mind but you will be a "target" for termination down the road.
Job actions are not permissible under the RLA and your CBA, the company can and will fire you.
Oh who cares for crying out loud. And what would ANY of us do if we lost this job. Please. 🙄
I find it funny you all complain about not being able to make it on a reserve salary but yet you stick around and dont go out to find a better job.
Some are. I don't know how anyone with 10 years or less can seriously consider doing this forever. There is NOTHING to be made here. You'll be poverty stricken forever. I'm actively searching for 2008. I have never worked for a company that ruled with such an iron fist and disliked it's employees. Oh that goes for the union too. VERY one sided. There is NO future here. Maybe I should bring my Debbie Downer picture back. 🙄
Some are. I don't know how anyone with 10 years or less can seriously consider doing this forever. There is NOTHING to be made here. You'll be poverty stricken forever. I'm actively searching for 2008. I have never worked for a company that ruled with such an iron fist and disliked it's employees. Oh that goes for the union too. VERY one sided. There is NO future here. Maybe I should bring my Debbie Downer picture back. 🙄

Oh yeah! Bring back Debbie Downer! Good for you for searching for another job! :up: It's a wonder we haven't all died or gotten deathly ill from all the germs we get from those filthy airplanes. This airline is truly an embarrassment and our management is a joke! Our union isn't much better. Trust me, things will never change around here. It will always be one sided and we will always be screwed. I can't believe more people aren't planning an exit strategy. I have been working on the 7 dirty 7 this whole week and no matter how long I take a shower and how hard I scrub I don't think I will ever get that filth off of my body. Ugh! It is utterly disgusting. I can't wait to leave this he!! hole. I really enjoyed flying before DP came along. It's a shame. I don't even know why we all bother. We should all demand clean airplanes and better working conditions and if they say no then we should ALL refuse to come in to work. Would that get mgmt's attention? They can fire me for it for all I care.