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ALPA/USAPA topic of the week

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Nosty, et al -

Speaking of bazookas, looks like you and your fellow usapians just showed up at a gunfight armed with squirt guns.

Looking for a place to hide those yellow ribbons? They make for a pretty sight picture...... 😛h34r:

We can not hide behind the fortress of her largeness, bazooka but, like you can. Must be nice.
Ok, the US Airways pilots which include america west pilots are seeking new union representation. The airline pilots association is attacking their alpa cells, which by the way, are not part of alpa national, unless it reflects on them a positive outlook.

The NMB I am sure is providing their customers, the tax paying citizens, fair representation. Just in case just forward a link to your Senator and Representative the USAPA web site and ask them to keep informed of the situation as I have done.
Nosty, et al -

Speaking of bazookas, looks like you and your fellow usapians just showed up at a gunfight armed with squirt guns.

Looking for a place to hide those yellow ribbons? They make for a pretty sight picture...... 😛h34r:
Since I'm part of et al, Not hardly. In fact this latest blunder by ALPA will guarantee being voted off the property. Squirt gun included. As one poster on another board said, to paraphrase "my finger is on the button". :lol: :lol:
So who needs squirt guns?

My lanyard looks just fine. They really show up well. Don't you think?
Speaking of bazookas, looks like you and your fellow usapians just showed up at a gunfight armed with squirt guns.

It's essential wisdom to never underestimate one's foes ("you won't even get 200 cards!"), etc....Still: Given the quality of the opposing forces...I figure that squirt guns guarantee a comfortable level of serious overkill.... :lol: As far as clinching the election goes...Alpo's just emptied at least an entire magazine or more into their own feet....Obviously; they're desperate to attempt some "cram-dump" contract "offer" of dubious value, prior to the election. I wonder how the Loyalty Oaths are going out west? 😉

PS: If this latest little joke from Alpo doesn't tell you guys out there anything at all about the true concerns and focus points of the Alpoid organization.....you've collectivlely suffered some serious brain damage since you first learned to fly.....
alpa is desperate and not quite as effective as they used to be. Contact your political representatives regardless of where you stand on this issue. Tell them to keep an eye on things, they will.

Congress click here

Just put in your Zip code and email your representatives, state, local and federal.

Council 90 UPDATE
February 29, 2008

Dear Fellow Pilots,

Our Negotiating Committee Chairman and Joint Negotiation Committee Member resigned his ALPA position today so he can become USAPA’s Negotiating Committee Chairman and a full time spokesperson for USAPA. While it took him a while, he finally did the right thing and resigned as would anyone with any character, dignity, and integrity.
Conversely, Captain Eric Rowe and Captain David Ciabattoni are advocates for USAPA while holding ALPA positions as elected representatives for Philadelphia Council 41. Additionally, they continue their quest to satisfy their power lust through efforts to engineer a recall of your Charlotte representatives and attempt to replace us with surrogate Toadies in order to control the entire MEC. Remember that Captains Rowe and Ciabattoni vowed to resign their ALPA positions when the Nicolau list was passed to the company and they have not kept their word.

Within the past few days Captains Rowe and Ciabattoni attempted to recruit Captain Steve Javaras (Aeromedical and HIMS coordinator for ALPA) to work for USAPA. Captain Javaras declined their invitation. Obviously, Captains Rowe and Ciabattoni have been using ALPA resources to do USAPA’s work. This shows a complete lack of integrity.

With underhanded supporters the caliber of Eric and Dave, USAPA must be embarrassed. We expect the leadership of USAPA and ALPA to condemn and discourage such activity. Who could support leadership that would condone this behavior?


Marshall, Lance, and Lyle

It's going to be very interesting isn't it? We only have a few more weeks til all three of you are out of office and your toadyism to the Mothership will finally be over. Whew!! It couldn't happen soon enough :up:
It's going to be very interesting isn't it? We only have a few more weeks til all three of you are out of office and your toadyism to the Mothership will finally be over. Whew!! It couldn't happen soon enough :up:

"This shows a complete lack of integrity."....This?...within an Alpo comminication?..and from those guys? :blink: ....Words fail me :lol:

It's of minor interest to note that "tripnic" posted (whilst squirming around about being outed as an obvious Alpoid plant)..some claims that he/she/it had supposedly been contacted by those same individuals now charged with being anti-Alpo Heretics ...How amazingly "convenient".

Alpoids continually strive to reach new heights in establishing the highest conceivable standards for "a complete lack of integrity."....

Here's a seemingly simple thought: If Pontiff Prater's found the need to excommunicate some guys from his club....umm...WHY shouldn't we, the vile and insignificant line pilots/dues payers..simply be expeditiously allowed to vote for replacements for those positions? (I know, I know = "VOTE???" What an utterly absurd, and insane notion!!") Where's the big freaking "Emergency" for US pilots, that demands instantaneous assault from Herndon? Oh, I forgot!...they're figuring on being tossed out with the garbage in short order..and therein lies the true "Emergency", which exists only for those porkers up at Notional. 😉

Sheesh!..Don't you folks out west at least sometimes become nauseated from all the serpentine behavior, wholesale BS, and outright slithering that comes out of Alpo?
Communiques' coming fast and furious. FYI:

Fellow pilots,
Coincidentally, just as we were adding yet another letter of praise to the "What Others Have Written About USAPA's Law Firm" page on the USAPA site, ALPA sent us all another note reminding us how "concerned" they are about our law firm. In the latest, dues-supported communication they ask, "Do you believe that this firm can really advance your agenda?" ALPA's "concern" shows, in fact, that they already have. We’d like to review few points:

The law firm and its attorneys have proved its professional competency innumerable times since it has been retained.

Their guidance concerning the Railway Labor Act has been accurate.

Their analysis of the NMB process has been correct in all respects and their predictions concerning the NMB's determinations to date have all come to pass.

Their legal analysis of the critical seniority issues that are relate to our situation have either been confirmed or have gone essentially unchallenged by ALPA legal.

We believe that USAPA and the US Airways pilots have been well served by the law firm.

Whether SSMP continues as USAPA's law firm in the post-election period will be determined by USAPA officers directly elected by the US Airways pilots.

We've said it before, the more "concerned" ALPA becomes, the more certain we are that we retained the correct firm. But don't take our word for it; stop by the above-referenced page and read comments from past clients of USAPA's law firm, including the ALPA President. We consider ALPA's attacks to on the law firm to be ugly, unprofessional, and defamatory. More importantly, they are irrelevant. We ask that our fellow pilots focus on the issues and not be distracted by personal attacks.

In our continuing effort to bring your union to you, USAPA will hold our third Road Show on March 11th and 12th, from 9am to 4pm in the CLT Airport Business Center, top of the stairs to the left above the Food Court, Auditorium 4026. USAPA Officers, volunteers and legal representatives will be in attendance to answer your questions.

USAPA will soon be announcing the names of the proud pilots who will take leadership roles in USAPA. These pilots collectively have donated to the US Airways pilots, thousands of hours of volunteer work, and are ready to officially assume the responsibility of leadership. After all, their fate, from the President of our new union, to the last pilot on the seniority list, is certainly tied to the success of US Airways, just as it is stated in the USAPA Constitution Preamble, Item 13.

Thank you for your continuing support.
It's of minor interest to note that "tripnic" posted (whilst squirming around about being outed as an obvious Alpoid plant)..some BS claims that he/she/it had supposedly been contacted by those same individuals now charged with being anti-Alpo Heretics ...How amazingly "convenient".

Alpoids continually strive to reach new heights in establishing the highest conceivable standards for "a complete lack of integrity."....
Very convenient. I would say. Expect more of the same. Wonder who's next on Praters hit list? No worries, the vote will set you free.

Integity? Huh? I would think it's new lows in "How to win friends and influence enemies". Seems I said that to Junebug once. :lol:
USAPA News Flash
ALPA Council 41 (PHL) threatened with Trusteeship.

This from ALPA President Prater's letter to the council: "The Local Council 41 officers are being given an opportunity to send written statements to Captain Bill Couette making clear their support for ALPA and opposition to USAPA in the NMB representation election, and their commitment to urge Local Council 41 pilots to vote for ALPA. The Executive Council will consider the issue of emergency trusteeship at a special meeting on Monday, March 3." (Click here to read the entire letter.)

Most of us are too young to remember that this is precisely what occurred at American Airlines over 40 years ago. The pilots' Representatives were put into trusteeship by ALPA, the pilots stood tall, and prevailed. Today they enjoy, and for the last 40 plus years have enjoyed, independent, un-conflicted representation.
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