The suggestion that Prater gave some sort of illicit or secret instruction to Nicolau is absurd beyond belief...
Really?..Ummm..Why? I don't personally know that such ocurred. You don't personally know that it didn't. The poster you're responding to noted personal correspondence that indicated some such communication "from on high", that has a questionable flavor to it in any case. Perhaps you've some better insight as to exactly what the true nature of that would have been.
"and no-one who was part of the proceeding has ever said anything of the sort." Why would they?
"I can well imagine why Prater wouldn’t choose to send a full response to people who believe it is legitimate to compare Jack Stephan to Adolf Hitler." The actual comparison wasn't on a personal level, but noting a particular style of propoganda associated with Third Reich fondness for repeatedly issuing "The Big Lie". I agree that such a comparison's somewhat off base, as I find that Alpa propoganda more closely resembles the more purely fear-based distributions of the Stalinist regime. Speaking of which; I just received the expensive little "How Do We Fix the "Nic"? pamphlet. A few excerpts below:
"Since the Nicolau Award was issued last May, it has remained on the shelf". There's a true ALPA Triumph. Hmm..didn't Prater already "bless" the Sacred Nic?..and..hasn't it been purely the will of the East group, and ALPA's proper fear of decertification, that's kept it from being born into actual reality?
"..the best way to mitigate that award and address our pilots' concerns is through ALPA...With ALPA, we can solve the problems of the "Nic" through consensual negotiations between the East and West pilots..." Words simply fail me here.
😉 Perhaps some excerpts from the West's postings may display a few of the little difficulties with that fantasy: "Booshaka!" "It's OVER!" ""Final and Binding!" "Righteous Position" "Ho Ho Ho! St Nic is coming to town!" "NIC-NIC"..and just far, far too many to really bother with anymore....although I'll admit to having some residual enjoyment from my two favorites: "You won't even get 200 Cards!!"...and..."Send the cards, I DARE you!!!" , well..none of this establishes the tiniest rational hope for reasoned solutions within Alpa's Fantasyland FUD Ride, (which eventually just drops everyone off at NIC-land in any case) nor excessive sympathy for wishing to EVER see such "reasonable" individuals, absurdly advanced over one's long-time comrades.
"...stay with ALPA and not roll the dice with a startup union. Mitigating the Nicolau Award is the BEST reason for us to remain together" WOW!!! That's nowadays the "best reason" for ALPA that they've got left? "mitigate" their own "processes"?
😉 ...that they're "Sworn to Defend"?? This just keeps getting increasingly pathetic, more so by each passing "communication".
Upon reflection; it ill serves either Dr Goebbels or any Stalinist puppet to compare their works with the Alpoids. A great many millions actually found some tragic, and insanely
misguided reasons to believe the former two's presentations.