She was REPLACED as committee chairman by the MEC. The resignation came later. I wasn't there, just read the shenanigans. She is truly a professional and had always had the pilot's best welfare in mind.
I'm glad you brought this up.
While 99 and 44/100 percent of both pilot groups are and will remain singularly focused on the seniority issue, I have to wonder how many of that 469 vote margin was influenced by the treacherous acts by the ALPA President, the Executive Committee, and the majority of the East MEC, in the month leading up to the election.
Most East pilots and many West pilots are well aware of what transpired, so you can skip the next few paragraphs, but for those of you who were not aware, here's the nutshell version: ALPA National, in an almost unprecedented act, put the PHL LEC Council 41 leadership into receivership, on a Friday night, on the weekend before the biennial MEC meeting in which MEC officers are elected. The move was a blatant ploy to ensure that the present MEC officers would all be re-elected, and that other officers, like Tracey Parrella (who actually fought
for pilots
against management, instead of the other way around, and therefore didn't fit in with the majority of the East MEC) would not be re-elected. Although the senatorial vote was 6-4 in favor of Capt. Parrella, the CLT F/O rep used the roll call to elect one of his buddies to the post; a man with virtually no grievance experience, who couldn't answer even the simplest questions about the process during his interview. (An interview that was carried out over speaker phone, as he was apparently too busy to interview in person -- and/or knew the election was in the bag, anyway.) This disgraceful sham by the East MEC led to a flood of resignations by valuable, experienced key committee chairmen and long-time volunteers, many of whom were devout ALPA loyalists who simply could no longer support such a corrupt organization.
Here's the other sideshow that was going on in ALPA East: a number of CLT line pilots had been petitioning the CLT LEC Council 90 officers to add an agenda item to their next LEC meeting, calling for an election for their recall. The CLT LEC reps postponed having an official meeting for as long as they legally could (while hosting several Save ALPA "Love Fests" in the meantime), and then conveniently left the recall petition off of the agenda when they finally held the meeting. (It is reported that they refused to accept certified letters from their constituents, knowing that they contained the request for the recall agenda item.)
So basically, the one Council that had almost unwavering support of its pilots was assassinated by ALPA National, leaving 40% of the East pilots unrepresented for six weeks (including the gentleman who had the unfortunate accident with the weapon); while the Council whose pilots do
not support its leaders (and who up until Thursday essentially controlled the entire East MEC via the roll call vote) roundly ignored their pilots' wishes, in the quest to remain in power.
Yes, seniority was the overriding issue in the CBA election. But I cannot count the number of pilots I overheard saying that the egregious actions by ALPA National toward the PHL LEC, and the outrageous display of cronyism combined with the complete disregard of the line pilots' wishes by the East MEC was "the last straw" with regard to any remaining support for ALPA.
You just wonder how many of those 469 votes...