Don't worry. According to USAPA the LECs won't be able to utilize to roll call vote to impose such travesties on anyone.
Some one posted a while back about the makeup of the Board of Pilot Representatives. While true that if everyone joins and participates the Representative breakdown would be LAS=2, PHX=3, PHL=3, CLT=3, DCA=2, LGA=2, BOS=2. For a total of 17 reps. Any base or future base with less than 100 members would have 1 rep. Per the C&BL.
So for all you impatient, I want it yesterday types out there, not much is going to happen until the membership stabilizes. Remember the Board of Reps is determined by
membership, not base size. As it stands now, LAS=1, PHX=1, PHL=3, CLT=3, DCA, LGA, BOS 2 each. While I don't expect a vast majority of the west pilots to join USAPA, it would be nice to get the numbers up to where they will have a more representative voice according to their base size.
Fruitless, pointless, why bother, you might say? I know a lot of the current interim reps. Many have said "If the case presented before them has a solid foundation that would benefit all pilots, they would have no problem supporting the issue." No matter who brought it up. As for the potential west reps, I still have no clue who they will be. However, IMO, make no mistake, the Board will begin making decisions for all USAirways pilots in the not too distant future.