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ALPA/USAPA/Pilot Labor Thread for the week 4/12-4/19

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I think that seeing the unprofessionalism that took place in the last few weeks effected the "fence sitters" greatly. Not only that, but it hardened the resolve of those already committed to better representation.

Don't worry. According to USAPA the LECs won't be able to utilize to roll call vote to impose such travesties on anyone.
You just wonder how many of those 469 votes...
You wanna know what I think? (I know you do...) I think that if folks out east here hadn't already thought the election was "in-the-bag", that that number would have been a whole lot higher.
and many West pilots are well aware of what transpired, so you can skip the next few paragraphs, but for those of you who were not aware, here's the nutshell version: ALPA National, in an almost unprecedented act, put the PHL LEC Council 41 leadership into receivership, on a Friday night, on the weekend before the biennial MEC meeting in which MEC officers are elected.

Just more OLD news, it's ALPA's fault.

We won't mention the Philly boys openly promoting usapa and by fo bradford's own admission one of the philly rep's wrote the constitution while on FPL.

This sound's just like JG/HH speaking from the mountian top. :down:
Just more OLD news, it's ALPA's fault.

We won't mention the Philly boys openly promoting usapa and by fo bradford's own admission one of the philly rep's wrote the constitution while on FPL.

This sound's just like JG/HH speaking from the mountian top. :down:
I agree with the first part. It WAS all ALPA's fault.

Prove the second part. I never heard that one before. More unfounded accusations. Just like kids on the playground.
Don't worry. According to USAPA the LECs won't be able to utilize to roll call vote to impose such travesties on anyone.
Some one posted a while back about the makeup of the Board of Pilot Representatives. While true that if everyone joins and participates the Representative breakdown would be LAS=2, PHX=3, PHL=3, CLT=3, DCA=2, LGA=2, BOS=2. For a total of 17 reps. Any base or future base with less than 100 members would have 1 rep. Per the C&BL.

So for all you impatient, I want it yesterday types out there, not much is going to happen until the membership stabilizes. Remember the Board of Reps is determined by membership, not base size. As it stands now, LAS=1, PHX=1, PHL=3, CLT=3, DCA, LGA, BOS 2 each. While I don't expect a vast majority of the west pilots to join USAPA, it would be nice to get the numbers up to where they will have a more representative voice according to their base size.

Fruitless, pointless, why bother, you might say? I know a lot of the current interim reps. Many have said "If the case presented before them has a solid foundation that would benefit all pilots, they would have no problem supporting the issue." No matter who brought it up. As for the potential west reps, I still have no clue who they will be. However, IMO, make no mistake, the Board will begin making decisions for all USAirways pilots in the not too distant future.

Fellow pilots, thanks for your support as we start a new day. As you can imagine, we have lots to do with regard to the web site and phone tree. Most importantly, if you need your union, we are here. In the event of an accident or incident, call the USAPA AOSC Hotline 24/7 at 1-800-341-7176.
Follows are copies of the USAPA Accident/Incident Guidance card that will be distributed today:

View attachment 7439

View attachment 7440

The USAPA phone system will be updated today with all new prompts, including a prompt for the Accident/Incident Hotline and Contract Support.
We won't mention the Philly boys openly promoting usapa and by fo bradford's own admission one of the philly rep's wrote the constitution while on FPL.
So one PHL rep wrote the USAPA C&BL? I just have to ask, do you honestly believe that? Seriously?

The simple fact is, the C&BL was written by many people. With input from all around the system and outside it. There was lots of disagreements right out of the gate. After many revisions, you have the current CBL which is expected to go through many more revisions before it's all said and done. The voting is over, so it really doesn't matter anymore who wrote it, now does it?

At least there is one good thing about all this, the FPL gravy train is DOA. To me that is great news!! :up:
Just more OLD news, it's ALPA's fault.


For the life of me, I will never understand how an organization that so desperately wanted to continue as a collective bargaining agent could have possibly behaved in that manner, demonstrating almost utter contempt for the pilots they presumed to want to represent, just before and during that critical election.

That would be like John McCain coming out as a gay, anti-gun, pro-abortion, al Qaeda sympathizer a week before the November election.

For the life of me, I will never understand how an organization that so desperately wanted to continue as a collective bargaining agent could have possibly behaved in that manner, demonstrating almost utter contempt for the pilots they presumed to want to represent, just before and during that critical election.

That would be like John McCain coming out as a gay, anti-gun, pro-abortion, al Qaeda sympathizer a week before the November election.

I was completely amazed at the unbelievably blatant arrogance and essential stupidity inherent in those "brilliantly timed" actions as well. Well..perhaps not so much astonished at the contemptuous arrogance, so much as amazed at the actual depths of available stupidity within Alpo's finest. As was far earlier posted by some on these forums; those bizarre shenanigans put the final nails in the Alpo coffin, and ensured a USAPA triumph. Even the very most devout Alpoids had an extremely tough time trying to conversationally make light of that sort of monumental BS. Within an enormous cascade of constant FUD, and assertions about how good and grand Alpo was to the pilots...they irrationally felt the need to remove ALL possible doubt as to the true nature of the "association", and in such a blatant fashion so as to leave not even the blindest observer unable to clearly see the fires....wholly unbelievable from any strategic perspective. Good riddance, to say the least.
At least there is one good thing about all this, the FPL gravy train is DOA. To me that is great news!! :up:

Moreover; there's no longer the game of Alpo-Life to play, with the path for petty, career politicians, seeking only to move up to "Millionaire Acres" at Herndon being their primary driving force in life. :lol: :up:

For the life of me, I will never understand how an organization that so desperately wanted to continue as a collective bargaining agent could have possibly behaved in that manner, demonstrating almost utter contempt for the pilots they presumed to want to represent, just before and during that critical election.

That would be like John McCain coming out as a gay, anti-gun, pro-abortion, al Qaeda sympathizer a week before the November election.

If West Pilots keep all their jobs and upgrades from West attrition, what would be wrong with that? How does a fence hurt them? If furloughs happen both east and west pilots will be on the street under DOH.
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