That would be a big "YEP" SKYMESS. Actually, I am more irritated about losing my ride to work. Apparantly, I have been riding the J/S all summer for no reason. I am still curious where the 767's are coming for the Spring JFK- Stansted and the lease to AVP starting in JAN.
Also 12-15, 2x daily ORD-PDX is CANCELLED. What the HE**?
I am living in PDX, thus I soon will no longer have a ride to work on AA.
from flyertalk - morning BOSLHR becomes 767 in December, also 66/67 ORDLHR will become 767 metal... assuming this is to allow faster conversion of 777 seats/IFE
It is also to test the waters. With a new lie-flat business product, AA won't need F on every Heathrow flight. If they were to stop using 777s on every Heathrow flight, which would give them immensely greater scheduling flexibility, they could increase 772 utilization by as much as 6 hours, and gain the equivalent of three new 777s for new service.
I think as of the beginning of July they had around 23 to go.Are the 767-300 Biz class upgrades all going to be finished by Dec 2007?
Are the 767-300 Biz class upgrades all going to be finished by Dec 2007?
It is also to test the waters. With a new lie-flat business product, AA won't need F on every Heathrow flight. If they were to stop using 777s on every Heathrow flight, which would give them immensely greater scheduling flexibility, they could increase 772 utilization by as much as 6 hours, and gain the equivalent of three new 777s for new service.
The daylights used to all be 763's at one point, and this also opens up some possibility for downgauging RDU-LHR to a 763. It operated on a DFW-LGW-RDU-LGW-DFW routing, but with the impending move of that route to LHR, there clearly other options for sourcing that equipment.
Personally, I think the days of the F cabin on the Atlantic are probably numbered. It's already the exception to the rule with most US carriers (CO, DL, and NW only offer two classes, don't know about US), and quite frankly, neither AA or UA come close to providing the level of service that you see on some of the other carriers who operate predominantly as long-haul carriers. AA's seen by a lot of people as a large domestic carrier who flies some international routes...