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Winter 2007/2008 Route/Schedule Changes

Boston-Miami back to 6x daily on 13Dec07.

Also, the early morning MIA-BOS-MIA turn becomes a 777-200 on 13Dec07. The change is indefinite and currently set for year-round. AA normally has a 772 that is parked in Miami all morning/early afternoon until it does the 772 turn-around to Dallas. The plane will route GRU/EZE-MIA-BOS-MIA-DFW-MIA-GRU/EZE.

This winter, MIA will see up to ten daily 777 turns: 3xGRU, 2xEZE, 2xLHR(SaSu), 1xDFW, 1xLAX, 1xBOS.
and to think AA couldn't even do weekend only seasonal MIA-PVD. Not everyone up here wants to use BOS ya know. What irks me is PVD has large GUA and SDQ/STI populations and growing Bolivian and Venezuelan ones as well. AA basically forces them to go to JFK, BOS, or other carriers.
Is it just me, or, is most of the new flying going to Eagle? While that may benefit AMR Corporation, I have my doubts about the advantage to AA. I've been told by several FFers recently that they are starting to book away from AA on certain routes because they don't like to fly the RJs unless there is no other choice. One EP told me that she has started flying to the nearest big airport and renting a car if an RJ is her only option to complete a trip. (She admitted that she is, at best, a nervous flyer.)

And, since we made the shrewd decision to give back the former TW 75s, a number of routes that used to be all 75 service and always full have been given S80 service without an increase in frequency. This is a guaranteed loss of business. If those 75 seats had been going out empty, I would understand the cuts in ASMs.

Before anyone jumps on me, I am well aware that a full a/c does not necessarily mean a profitable a/c, but I doubt we would have run those routes for as long as we did with 75s if they had not been profitable.
and to think AA couldn't even do weekend only seasonal MIA-PVD. Not everyone up here wants to use BOS ya know. What irks me is PVD has large GUA and SDQ/STI populations and growing Bolivian and Venezuelan ones as well. AA basically forces them to go to JFK, BOS, or other carriers.


I know what your saying..."757", ......AA has had that AAtitude FOREVER, and the funny thing is,....that the "masses" STILL make the journey up/down I-95.

"Well I'll be",

And here(all along), I'm was under the (mistaken) thought that "single aisle" A/C ONLY were allowed into LGA.
DL and EA flew L10-11's into LGA for years. I vividly remember ( late 80's ) when an EAL 1011 had to avoid an AA 727 on take-off...scared the HELL outta me...
DL and EA flew L10-11's into LGA for years. I vividly remember ( late 80's ) when an EAL 1011 had to avoid an AA 727 on take-off...scared the HELL outta me...

Yup, along with TWA. It was a bit tight at times, an airplane of the size and weight (430,000 lbs) landing over a dike on a 7000 ft runway. The margin for error like a long landing was rather small.
Effective 13Dec07:

Daily JFK-PIT, ER4
3x daily LGA-YUL, ER3
xSa ORD-MKE-MQT, ER4 (replaces ORD-MSN-MQT)


Is the daily JFK-PIT replacing or in addition to LGA-PIT service that currently exists? I fly weekly to NY and started flying AA/US to LGA but have found EWR or JFK better so now I fly JB or CO. It'd be nice to keep building my AA balance again!

EDIT - Realized this is a dumb question since they are only adding ONE flight to JFK and they have several to LGA... but it'll be nice to have an AA option to JFK too
CMH gets a 5th nonstop to LGA back in Jan 08. Maybe CMH will get a 2nd BOS flight back now that B6 is pulling out of CMH.

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