Any word whether JFK-EZE will revert back to a 777 in the winter or will it stay 767?
That will be awhile too, 2 years if I am not mistaken.AA will also be turning over a 767-300 to Boeing AVP to certify the winglet.
LGA is only 10 miles over the limit for AUS. I think they could manage to do it. But it looks like AA is strengthening it JFK for europe connections. What is DCA limit?Rumor also has it that JFK-AUS may be in the works. LGA-AUS would make more sense, but while Wright was wrong for Dallas, those silly perimeter rules are still in place to "protect" LGA and DCA.
LGA is only 10 miles over the limit for AUS. I think they could manage to do it. But it looks like AA is strengthening it JFK for europe connections. What is DCA limit?
I was thinking IAH was just over too, and CO got an exemption, but I see that IAH is within 1500. Me wrong. But can't AA try to get one of those "Beyond the Perimeter" flights that DCA awards ever so often, or would they be better off trying for other locations based on that?No, they can't "manage to do it". The LGA perimeter is 1,500 miles. They can't just say "well, Austin is 10 miles over, so let's do it". They can't, no questions asked. There are only two exceptions to the LGA rule. They are Denver (because Denver had flights to LaGuardia when the perimeter rule went into effect, so was grandfathered) and flights on Saturdays.
DCA's perimeter is a more strict 1,250mi.
JFK-AUS and MIA-AUS will be launching later this year.
I was thinking IAH was just over too, and CO got an exemption, but I see that IAH is within 1500. Me wrong. But can't AA try to get one of those "Beyond the Perimeter" flights that DCA awards ever so often, or would they be better off trying for other locations based on that?