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West F/A's wants a seperate contract ?

Does wanting a separate contract make me or anyone else for that matter a bad person? I would hope not. We have just as much right as the person who wants a single contract to our beliefs and/or opinions.
Keep telling yourself that and then you can believe it whole heartedly. To hell with everyone else.
Please show me proof that you will lose anything under a NEW mergered CBA?

All you are doing is speculating and stirring the pot.
Does wanting a separate contract make me or anyone else for that matter a bad person? I would hope not. We have just as much right as the person who wants a single contract to our beliefs and/or opinions.
Absolutely not.....

However, I would advise (for what it's worth) using that energy to get a combined contract that is better than either separate contract.

If you think that the union leadership or negotiators aren't attempting to get that, make your voice(s) heard. Demand nothing less than a better contract than the one you have now.

If that's not what negotiations produce, vote it down. That goes for the employees on both sides.

The executives certainly don't seem too concerned about "cost neutral" when it comes to their pay and benefits. Follow their lead....

I like the impute that Pit Bull gives to all of us She was on the inside when it all came down. We have to understand that it all goes back to the basis thought process flight attendants left uninformed can be bullied into harsh decisions. We all want to claim ignorance but in the morning it is you that has to bear responsibilty. I really enjoy the AFA 66 web site it makes the East web site look tired and maybe we are. Solidarity and Information demanded for your 39 dollars in 30 years it will add to 14,040 dollars may not seem like alot n the scheme of things but AFA has to be held accountable. Divide and Conquer its so simple DP does not have to do anything to accomplish this.....................good night graceie..... 😀
<SNIP> a more restrictive seniority based system with a single contract?
That’s what this is really all about.

All your base are belong to US.

Here come the easties!

In my humble opinion, you can keep your profit sharing. We just want OUR contract back and let us negotiate for OURSELVES. "Cost Neutral" is unacceptable over here as well. With your membership playing with OUR contract we are more than likely going to be subject to a Contract that is "neutral" and/or "negative" with everything we will lose to suit the needs of the East membership.

In 2012, or maybe later, we can consider a single contract when yours is up for renegotiation.
That's where a good Scope Clause will come in handy. Everything can be bargained for.

You don't make jack because that is what your membership voted for while your were in BK - twice. Now you guys want to drag us down with you in a single contract?
Hey, I wanted you clowns to do your own contract from the beginning. That way, later, the company would have do another one. And we are not in concessionary times, so you all could get a better contract, which would help us later on. I am not really sure why we shared our profit sharing with you, as we neg. that in our contract, and it's not in yours. Probably just my MECP using my vote again, without letting us know. He has a habit of doing that. Hey, if they offer you Pref, Bidding, don't go for it. Out union lied to all the RSV's over hear and then never put it in. Really jerked alot of people.
She is on a Voluntary Furlough, she can be called back.
People....there is going to be ONE contract. Plain and simple.
Really enjoyed the last 5 pages. 🙄
A single contract is more than likely going to diminish and take away so much from our existing West contract that we were hoping to build upon before the merger was ever announced.

DP has repeatedly stated AWA would be bankrupt and asking for concessions without the merger.
The west union should have negotiated a new contract before even considering to sit down and merge both together. I can understand the west being worried about losing items from their contract. Well my friends, we on the east have lost out on both BK's and now were losing out on stuff being cut within the airline which seems daily. Much is status quo for you folks. Not much changing in how you operate. A SINGLE contract WILL be negotiated. With all of us together...see thats the key word TOGETHER fighting for a contract that expands on the good in our current contracts we can share in the benefit of strength in numbers. Both sides need to become ONE side and stand up and let management and Doug know that we will FIGHT tooth and nail for our contract and NOTHING short of improvements will be accepted. There is NOTHING again that we will consider losing to bargaining on the east that I'm aware of. We have been raped of everything we had of value just about. I say lets fight TOGETHER and not alone.
Oh my God, are you actually serious?!? Our most senior FAs from Class 1 who began with this airline before we even had planes would be in the middle of your seniority lists (at best) at almost any domicile on the East. The only exception is probably LaGuardia and I doubt very seriously they would want to leave PHX and their high yield turns to go to precious LGA to work the Shuttle. 🙄

LGA is not a "Shuttle Base." I bet fully 1/3 of the east crews overnighting at the Tempe Twin Palms are LGA crews. Doesn't sound much like shuttle to me.
That’s what this is really all about.

All your base are belong to US.

Here come the easties!



This is the sort of thing that I have been silently reading on here for the last few months to bring me to where I am today on my decision for a separate contract. Why do I want to team up with this kind of mentality that really has only one goal in mind and that is to stab us in the back.

I showed this to a coworker last night who is NOT a regular on this board and she couldn't believe it! Then she reads a few more threads I show her and now she is ready to negotiate a separate contract, too. I'm not kidding.

Trade sides, if you can, for just a moment, and imagine that we were the more senior, dominant workgroup. Imagine all that we did on here was say that we were going to take away your Transatlantic flying, invade your bases, and we are better than you only because we have been around longer.

If you want unity, and for those of us on the West to trust you and stand side by side with you then you have to earn it through thoughts and actions. With jabs like the one above, however, you just aren't going to find a lot of us wanting to jump ON the bandwagon...instead you will find us, more and more, wanting to stay separate for as long as possible. Save me the rhetoric that this is only the behavior of a random few. We are seeing it everywhere, both on and off the job.

Unity? We aren't seeing it over here folks. Last night walking down the B concourse in Phoenix to go check in I passed an East crew, smiled and said hello (a common practice of courtesy that comes naturally between us "westies"), only to get a look of disgust from them like I was a panhandler on the sidewalk. Not the first time either. Yeah, I really want to team up with this group for a single contract!

Now, that aside, and I feel much better for venting, thank you. I just wanted to let everyone know that I have taken initiative to discuss this issue of separate contracts with our MEC and it looks like they are going to remain bound and tied with the Mediator and stay on the path of a single contract. So, to even debate this issue now is, well, moot. Congratulations East, looks like you get control of our contract, too.
What do you expect?

You started it by posting this thread.

And you expect the Easties to sit back and just let it happen.

If you keep dividing yourselves, Glass will eat you for lunch, you really need to wake up and educate yourself.

There will be no separate contract, it has never happened in any airline merger and this won't be the first, it is not an efficient way to run an airline.

But you are not able to comprehend this yet.

It is not YOUR contract, it will be a new CBA covering both groups, get off your high horse.
N903AW -

You will get just as far with your pursuit of a separate contract as your group got with pursuing changing the AFA merger seniority rules.

You may not think it's fair, and quite possibly it is not fair at all. Fair does not enter into the equation where business and capitalism is concerned.

Give it your best shot if that's what will make you feel better. It won't change the outcome.

America West has been very successful in its own right. As a former Piedmont (old Piedmont, that is) employee, I absolutely know exactly where you are coming from and I totally sympathize. We begged Colodny to operate our airline separately back in the 1980's. Deaf ears.

Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated.

(...and it won't be pretty.)

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