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Travel Privileges for East and West VF Program

I am also sorry to here there were not as many voluntary leaves as needed and some of you will indeed be furlughed.
I think the original topic was the reason stated from the MEC why east and west have different ID policies. TSA/FAA? That was when I pointed out that it was a voluntary furlough for east and leave of absence for west. Maybe there really are different rules. It was said by pitbull that it is a company policy issue and nothing more. I tend to believe she would know better than any. However there could have been some overnight policy change. The TSA makes up new rules everyday in regards to aviation. My point is don't except the MEC's answer on blind faith. Ask to see the policy or ask your management. All policies have hard copy somewhere.

yes, and I quoted (in a previous thread within topic) a Town Hall meeting whereby it was decided that FAs (not designated as East or West as a town hall meeting is open to ALL) can retain their IDs on "VLOAs".

BUT that doesn't negate the fact that they decided to furlough the East (bypassing VLOA) which apparently would eliminate the ability of the east to JS or even ride SA3 ....

My ? is where is everyone??? Why am I all alone here?? :shock: :huh:
yes, and I quoted (in a previous thread within topic) a Town Hall meeting whereby it was decided that FAs (not designated as East or West as a town hall meeting is open to ALL) can retain their IDs on "VLOAs".

BUT that doesn't negate the fact that they decided to furlough the East (bypassing VLOA) which apparently would eliminate the ability of the east to JS or even ride SA3 ....

My ? is where is everyone??? Why am I all alone here?? :shock: :huh:

You are not alone. I agree with you 100% I have stated twice now the reason I believe voluntary leave of absence was not presented. It is my opinion that your MEC president does not want the company to offer it. The way it was presented to me by a friend that this type of leave will be offered in lieu of reduction of personnel at a particular domicile. If I understand this right, your company might need 100 people in one domicile and 20 in another. Sue has 25 years in the base that only has 50 available. Joe has 10 years in the domicile that needs 100. Joe gets the leave and Sue does not. Sue is going to blame this on your MEC and will remember this event forever. How dare someone junior to her get a leave before her. Again this is just my opinion and only based on my interpretation of what your contract language says.

I am sure that you and I are not the only one's that would like to know.
Yes, this is what everyone wants to know. It is an option. However, it is according to domicile meaning your company could say they need 2 here and 50 there. Personal thought is the east MEC does not want to ruffle feathers of his faithful that are in different domiciles.

I think the original topic was the reason stated from the MEC why east and west have different ID policies. TSA/FAA? That was when I pointed out that it was a voluntary furlough for east and leave of absence for west. Maybe there really are different rules. It was said by pitbull that it is a company policy issue and nothing more. I tend to believe she would know better than any. However there could have been some overnight policy change. The TSA makes up new rules everyday in regards to aviation. My point is don't except the MEC's answer on blind faith. Ask to see the policy or ask your management. All policies have hard copy somewhere.

With this "gun to the head" East contract currently in effect, forcibly displaced f/a's do not get company paid moves. That would put some pressure on the union leadership to think carefully about the option of Door #3. It would be a great hardship to the lowest juniority in each base to move at company mandated but unpaid displacement

So sorry to hear about your impending furlough. Do they have return dates? I didn't see any.

But its good to hear you have a backup!

You get to keep your ID and travel and see the world!

Thanks, I went to the furlough meeting today and no one has a time frame of when we might get called back. Guess those of us furloughed will have to wait and see. No traveling for me. The job I'll be taking while on furlough is M-F, 9 to 5. I'm so looking forward to the daily drive in rush hour traffic. :down: BUT I am happy I have a job to go to and I even get to have my own little cubicle! Yipee!
Thanks, I went to the furlough meeting today and no one has a time frame of when we might get called back. Guess those of us furloughed will have to wait and see. No traveling for me. The job I'll be taking while on furlough is M-F, 9 to 5. I'm so looking forward to the daily drive in rush hour traffic. :down: BUT I am happy I have a job to go to and I even get to have my own little cubicle! Yipee!

Sorry to hear that ... Good you have a job! We'll miss you and hope we get ALL of you back on property real soon! I know the feeling, but I PRAY its not 7 years like some of us, or 5 years and you get to move across the country to go work for "the merged" operation, which it never was ..... sorry went on a rant 😛h34r: