First of all 700uw when you say WE you must be a part of the Airline you are not.. Second I never said we did more than the east and don't care what us airways inc did in the past or AWA. I do care what this new airline and CEO can do to all of us as UNION MEMBERS. We must learn History can repeat its self. Third I was not saying any thing about whether or not we in the west were entitled to profit sharing the IAM made that decision. What I was asking was IN THE EAST CONTRACT UNDER Change of Control Did it Change the AMOUNT YOU Arrogant east boys should get since we all work for US AIRWAYS GROUP Inc now. We in the west know how the NEW CEO and COMPANY BOYS PLAY. Have a nice day.You were not entilted to one cent from the profit sharing if you can learn to read the language.
We have been fighting since 1949, your company was not even a dream yet, so don't tell the East you have done more.
You have no clue nor any idea of the battles that were fought on the East.