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:up: :up: :up: You all have lived this system for so long get up and be heard. The stones that will be thrown will be at you. Remember bright minds think alike you are lucky to have a JOB................not my quote.............
These are all great ideas! Where were you guys when we voted concessionary agreements the last times? I voted no the last two times, because I researched these changes and knew that it would be difficult to work under these conditions. Once you give it up, it's a real b*tch to get it back! Let's hope more than ~250 will vote this time in PHL. A frightening number of the FA's I fly with still have no clue! No clue about the the recall, no clue about 24/7 / ETB changes, etc... It's a total lack of interest. Guess we will have to wait and see...

FA's down in CLT are going to "write up" their problems with the RSV system and hand them to Union and Mgmt? Exactly what will that do? They know we already are suffering greatly, and seem not to care at all! Instead of writing nice letters without "cuss" words, why don't you motivate your 17 year RSV's to get ready for action: picketing, attending meetings, forcing change!
knowing their interest they'll probably make the letters into paper airplanes and toss them at each other at the next meeting. It's not THEM so they don't care.
The first thing to do in CLT is to get officers that will hear the RES concerns and help us make changes instead of just assuming that we are always complaining about something that is already written in the contract and cannot be changed! Well whenever it is in the Company's favor they always manage to get a side letter sent out and changes made. (Remember the SCK on contact and calling off SCK 2 hrs. prior to check-in). I am telling you, until we have a RES at the top nothing will be done for us!!!! Remember what I wrote earlier - Walk in my shoes speaks VOLUMES!! 😉
Okay - I have been thinking. If our Un. was smart and not in bed with the Co. on this FAR. They would be in Tempe sitting at a table telling the Co. what they want in return for their assistance on working through this FAR. It is a Co. problem - right?? This is their time to shine (Union). To come out of Tempe with nothing but good and favorable news for all F/A's. If the FAA was that serious and threatened the Co. to address this FAR immediately then our Un. should have tremendous bargaining power - right? I guess we will just have to wait and see. The proof will be in the next E-line.
Here are a few for me at PSA, since i hear that someone is going to PSA to handle the scheduling dept. (Good Luck).

Have a long and short call out.
Have a web site we can log into and see where we stand in getting called.
Have a choice as to wether or not to take the trip. If not send it to the next junior reserve person.
Have an actual quiet room for hot reserves.
After we finish a trip no more continue reserve.

Here is a list of things that i think would make scheduling better overall.

1) Don't give us trips with just one leg. If you had a thousand pilots you would still be short if we all did just that. And it doesn't make much sense for us to get into the monkey gear for 1 leg and make $22.

2) 7 leg days should not be allowed. It just ins't safe. If you care about your employees and your passengers you just wouldn't allow it. (Then we get reduced rest) Not a smart idea.

3) Allow us to drop a trip. If we really need the time off to see our kids at school or coach a soccer game, let us drop a trip and just don't pay us for that time.

4) Make the trips worth us working. A 4 day worth 11 hrs is not worth the time away from family. A 4 day should be worth no less than 18 hrs. And even at that, 4 hrs a day is pretty bad. Hmmm making $88 a day?

5) I don't mind a two hour break to get some lunch and relax, but having 4 hour breaks and getting called for a trip is just like being on hot reserve. Not cool. Do you go into work just to hang around and not get paid?

6) Don't change our schedule every leg. Not always, but a lot of the time my schedule changes. This just shows that Scheduling is reactive rather than proactive.

7) 4 legs 4 airplane swaps? Need i say more?

8) Don't call before our show time. You may think it is OK but it is not.

9) Sort out the blend. Each and every month the company is in a panic because of the lack of available crews on the first 4 days of each month. And it seems that each month i do a 6 day followed by a 1 day off and then a 4 day. Just too much.

10) Allow people to get rid of high speeds. If you are a commuter they are death. Unhealthy and very underpaid. (PSA does not have duty rigs) We should but we don't.

There could be lots more but i need to get to bed. 6 hrs till show time!!!
I can only speak on behalf of the f/a's operating under the east contract here but all are invited to share what they would want to see. The system we have here at east is horrible and from what I hear the west system is by far nothing that hot either. I think we ALL are ready for a change and should let the folks doing the negotiating for us know just what we want. I'm sure Tagging from the west would be a biggie. The east I'd say the LTO/bucket system. Getting rid of the "Old" system made the ones that passed work but the "New" system prevents EVERYONE from working. Fire away.....
I'm bumping this thread back up because it has some good ideas and related to a current thread.
Those who want to fly less can drop everything they are able if they wish (but say still have to fly a min of 20 hrs for insurance purposes) but only get paid for what they fly.

Why should we give full time benefits to someone working part time?

I believe they just eliminated the 75 hour option for pilots.

Why should F/A working 55 hours a month receive the same benefits as someone working 85 hours?
I want to see SPLIT TRIPS , so I can post them on ETB and give them to my reserve friends that way they can make money. [/size]
Go back to a seniority based reserve system, with very limited passing.

Why limit the passing??? With the system we have now no one gets in there time. Let the one's that want to work have the opportunity...those that don't pass.

I agree with you otherwise...just don't cap the passing.
Why limit the passing??? With the system we have now no one gets in there time. Let the one's that want to work have the opportunity...those that don't pass.

I agree with you otherwise...just don't cap the passing.
That was one of the major problems. Unlimited passing. We had too many lazy ass f/a's who didn't want to work and just wanted the free money. Tell you what, give them your free money or better yet, start your own airline and hire these lazy people. We took a 13% paycut to keep these people around. I'm over that crap.
You missed the point of why the company wanted ( demanded) the LTO reserve system. They wanted to prevent reserves from "timing out".


If every trip/block had a name on it this wouldn't be a problem.

There should be only ONE bid. Your seniority gets you what you can hold....period.
At that point, you should be able to drop down to 40 hours if you so chose. All that open time now goes into additional lines (not East secondary lines to have position taken away)just "relief" lines of sorts.
Now, those with the "relief" lines can only drop to 40 via the ETB...that way ALL trips have a name on it. If you can't drop it you have to fly it. If it is on the ETB you should not be able to call in sick...cause we all know you weren't sick....I'm talking accountability here.
You would not need umpteen thousand reserves to support Block holder sick calls (cause they could not drop their trip) and trips that were left open for the AIL and that nobody wants.
Reserves would be for irregular ops and sick calls ONLY. Therefore, timing out wouldn't be an issue and you would potentially only be on reserve for 1-2 years.
Now, as far as reserve..you should not be on duty for 24 hrs. There has to be shifts or short/long call. Reserves should not have to be in base when they know they won't be used. If coverage gets to a critical point, the company calls and tells you such and you have X amount of hours to get back in base. Yes, I know this won't work with all (i.e. West coast commuters.)

Bottom line, even our current system MIGHT (I said MIGHT) be tolerable if you knew it would only be for a year or two. Now, that would be paying your dues, not 8-23 years on reserve.

That was one of the major problems. Unlimited passing. We had too many lazy ass f/a's who didn't want to work and just wanted the free money. Tell you what, give them your free money or better yet, start your own airline and hire these lazy people. We took a 13% paycut to keep these people around. I'm over that crap.

If I remember correctly, back in the day we were allowed to pass as many times as we wanted (which I did) as long as we still got our required time in (which I did). I didn't abuse the system, I used it to adjust my schedule just like the BH are afforded ways to adjust theirs.

BH get low block letters..therefore if a reserve passes to much and doesn't reach (say guarantee) then they should get a "low block" letter.
No wonder the comapany went Broke Twice. Let's pay people 73 hours but not let them work that many. That is so stupid!

No, it is not. They are paying the same amount of hours out to a set number of flight attendants...I want to work... so, I work 95 hours, you don't...so, you work 40.

If the company is going to over staff the reserves and there are only x amount of hours to give out, they are STILL paying x amount of hours. Yes, we are all getting 73 hours, but what does it matter if I go over and you stay under?? There are STILL only so many hours to go around.

If we have 50 apples total in 2 baskets to sell, what does it matter if I have 35 apples in my basket and you only have 15? More money you say... by George I'd say you are correct. As long as there is the same number, it shouldn't matter where they are.