Total BS, and you know it. Seham was touting his grand legal plan that the Nic could be ignored indefinitely and that the courts would offer no recourse. The leaders of your new union then had the chutzpa (and stupidity) to send the company a DOH list that completely ignores the arbitration. We all know why they did that: because it was in accordance with the East's swallowing Seham's BS in full. Now the latest fantasy being sucked on east of the Mississippi is the LOA 84 snapback.
All you're getting is LOA 93 ad infinitim. Age 65 is here to stay. Nic is here to stay. And you horrendous work rules and payrates are here to stay until you decide to sign a joint contract which will include Nicolau in total. Take your time, as time is no longer on your side. The angry F/Os might be content making Mesa wages, but the vast majority of your captains are going to give up. And even if they don't, the chances are quite high that some sort of merger is coming down the pike. Nobody would have thought that GM and Chrylser would disappear eight months ago, yet that's essentially what has happened. There are too many airlines flying around too many seats. Something is going to give in this industry and when it does for LCC, the east will be the minority and the Nic will be the list.
That is your reality as of June 25, 2009. Get used to it. But feel free to take your time because as I just said, time is no longer your ally.