US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Our best clue, (if you believe what Kirby and Parker are saying), is to listen to the opening statements of the CLT and PHX crew news. I have not heard the rumor you are speaking of.

I haven't heard the rumor either(the Republic one won't die) but you are correct, Parker and Kirby have said several times that you can't just split up the airline now and the only mergers that make sense are with a major network carrier.
I haven't heard the rumor either(the Republic one won't die) but you are correct, Parker and Kirby have said several times that you can't just split up the airline now and the only mergers that make sense are with a major network carrier.

I thought his most interesting statement in the PHX session was about the big 3 not being able to merge (anti-trust issue) but LCC would not have any problem merging with the these airlines. Kirby seems to be fixated on ATL in the CLT meeting.

Just tells me when I turn on the logo light, it might as well be a for sale sign. :unsure:
Either Parker or Kirby, I forget which base it come from, said emphatically NO to merging with HI. I think it was Parker.

Yes, I may have to think about that more when I get into the left seat of that 330 in a couple of years...
Hmmm- who was more right? Parker or Nicolau?

Definitely something to discuss with a former furloughee sitting to my right as we cross the pond.
The only pond you'll cross is one from one side of your neighborhood to the next........
Either Parker or Kirby, I forget which base it come from, said emphatically NO to merging with HI. I think it was Parker.

So I guess since he said no on the crew news then its not going to happen. Come on, you ought to know better by now! Just like back in August when they emphatically said no recalls in 2010 and guess what??? A month later we are recalling. I don't believe a word that these cats say!
First prize award for thoughtful and eloquent post of the day. Finding your delusions are just that is painful, huh?
east clown, watch the fa's crew news on the same day where Parker tells the FA's the east would have liquidated if not for the merger. Also PID stops clowns from bringing up revisionist history.
east clown, watch the fa's crew news on the same day where Parker tells the FA's the east would have liquidated if not for the merger. Also PID stops clowns from bringing up revisionist history.

I did watch it and he has said that. If you can read, you can see where I said I thought that was a possibility, but AGAIN, AWA was no powerhouse and Parker said the AWA model no longer worked. Both needed/benefited from the merger. Keep writing us off as clowns, please.
east clown, watch the fa's crew news on the same day where Parker tells the FA's the east would have liquidated if not for the merger. Also PID stops clowns from bringing up revisionist history.

Hey Delusion King. Did you watch Kirby's opening statement at the CLT F/A CN? Good listening. :lol:
Financial strength was returning to the industry and had the merger not happened, US Airways would have looked like the comeback kid yet again. It was apparent in 2005 and most certainly in 2006 and 2007, that the depth of concessions the East had given along with improving conditions in the airline industry and the core of its network is what was driving profits for the now combined airline. It would have seen that financial improvement independently before the end of 2005 as the company was sitting on 2 billion in annual concessions from it employees going into the economic turn around. If you read the dispatchers seniority arbitration award, you would know this and see how a thorough arbitrator did his job.

US Airways would not have survived long enough to take advantage of financial strength returning to the industry. You were days away from liquidation, not months. The industry would really have rebounded without "the comeback kid" and everyone, especially AWA would have benefited. America West would have gone on to merge with Delta, as the Delta pilots would have had no reason to rebuff us sans the east.

We would have no Nicolau decision, no Cactus 18, no court battles and especially no UCRAPA. ALL AWA pilots would be MUCH better off financially, professionally and personally.

You will NEVER convince even one of us that you would have survived without us any more than you would convince us that UCRAPA's CB&L's are fair to west pilots.

I'm sure there are medications you could take to overcome your delusions. Trouble is you enjoy your delusions.
A rare treat, Ames is right. He did give me a definition, so let me rephrase. How about an analysis of what Policy Implementation Date means as it relates to the arbitrator's job?

Pay more attention. Ames is usually right.
Was it on company property? If not why did the company deem it necessary to fire the guy? Doug seems to think that now if it was not on company property, it's none of their business. Maybe because it was a lot more than a push? Just wondering.

It was not on company property. We don't know why the company deemed it necessary to fire the guy. Hence, the question about a double standard. Yes, it was more than a push but an assault (with police report filed) is an assault.
Just be clear, I'm not saying Nic should have read a crystal ball and said AWA would have not been around. I'm saying that there was plenty of evidence that AWA would face struggles going forward and was not really in all that great of shape in May 2005. Both companies needed the merger, it probably saved them both, so we were even in that respect.

Nicolau had all of the current financial data at his disposal. We all know about US Airways. AWA had two, if not three successive quarters of profit. Yep, really bad shape compared with "the comeback kid".
Nicolau had all of the current financial data at his disposal. We all know about US Airways. AWA had two, if not three successive quarters of profit. Yep, really bad shape compared with "the comeback kid".

Wrong. Loss 4th quarter 2004, small profit 1st quarter '05 only because of fuel hedging, loss 2nd quarter '05. ATSB loan, new aircraft coming with no real place to put them with oil rising and AWA 's low margins. Failed trans-con expansion, LAS going down the tubes as fuel was going up. Watch the video again. Watch where Parker says that major airlines getting their costs down to AWA's historic low levels( I told you guys you were the template) was the DEATH KNELL for AWA and that rising fuel costs would have ACCELERATED THAT. You are right Nic had all he needed, he just got it wrong.
I did watch it and he has said that. If you can read, you can see where I said I thought that was a possibility, but AGAIN, AWA was no powerhouse and Parker said the AWA model no longer worked. Both needed/benefited from the merger. Keep writing us off as clowns, please.
East Clown, all that matters is at date of PID, the west was stronger, the east had 1800 pilots on furlough. You want to talk about CLT CN? you know where Kirby says the commuters are what is making clt profitable? What do you call the lowest paid worst work rules major airline pilots in the universe? East Clowns.
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