US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Clown, all that matters is at date of PID, the west was stronger, the east had 1800 pilots on furlough.

Are you the guy from the video, cause he seems to have a lot of anger bottled up too. Is that where the clown comes from when you can't deal with the FACTS? Was he(you) the guy that looked in the camera a few years back and said "We hate you guys!" Compare and contrast the east and west sessions.
Yes, and apparently like now with the direction USAPA is taking the two sides each have their ardent supporters. With ALPA, the acronym coined for the faction of the MEC that urged "live to fight another day" was GAG (give away gang) - your old friend CM was on that side and even claimed leadership of that faction. The side that wanted to make a stand were the RC4 (roll call 4) for the 4 PHL and PIT reps who often used the voting power they had in number of members they represented when Pit was still a decent sized base (and at times one of the BOS reps would vote with them).

Jim, Thanks for that explanation. It's a good history lesson. Which side of the USAPA fence do the GAG supporters and RC4 supporters fall on (and why), in your opinion? Or are the lines just drawn differently now?
The bottom line is that we have that much invested in this mess regardless of how we got there.
Really? Then why all the ALPA bashing when we talk about the concessions and LOA93? Why not say "doesn't matter how we got LOA93 since it's an investment."

You guys talk out of both sides of your mouth to suit the argument of the day. That is a fact! If you believe it is an investment in this mess, then give ALPA credit. Or bash ALPA all you want and cry me a river about LOA93, but stop calling it an investment. I couldn't care less, but pick one and stick to it for a change.
Are you the guy from the video, cause he seems to have a lot of anger bottled up too. Is that where the clown comes from when you can't deal with the FACTS? Was he(you) the guy that looked in the camera a few years back and said "We hate you guys!" Compare and contrast the east and west sessions.

Funny a Clown speaking of FACTS. It is well known that in clown college FACTS and Fantasies are interchangeable. BTW I know that guy in the video, I would love to see one of you Clowns try to make him laugh.
Yes, I may have to think about that more when I get into the left seat of that 330 in a couple of years...
Hmmm- who was more right? Parker or Nicolau?

Definitely something to discuss with a former furloughee sitting to my right as we cross the pond.

Thankfully you'll never get the chance to bid East but if you wind up on our jumpseat I'll give you some advice on waxing that mustache before the next crew news Gurl ...
Funny a Clown speaking of FACTS. It is well known that in clown college FACTS and Fantasies are interchangeable. BTW I know that guy in the video, I would love to see one of you Clowns try to make him laugh.

OK, I'll give it a try.

What did one cannibal ask the other one, after they ate the clown?

"Do you feel a little funny?" :blink:


sorry, it's the only clown joke I know
Funny a Clown speaking of FACTS. It is well known that in clown college FACTS and Fantasies are interchangeable. BTW I know that guy in the video, I would love to see one of you Clowns try to make him laugh.

Come on fodase, you can do better than Clown. At least you capitalized it. I think he probably doesn't smile much, maybe he needs some better friends. Did I get it right, is he "hate" boy?
Come on fodase, you can do better than Clown. At least you capitalized it. I think he probably doesn't smile much, maybe he needs some better friends. Did I get it right, is he "hate" boy?
I don't think there is better than clown, it fits you guys so well, facts be dammed right? it is all about a fantasy you guys cooked up, so clown is appropriate. As for "hate" boy, I don't know him personally but am aware he was a champion golden gloves heavyweight and now trains mma fighters on the side.
I don't think there is better than clown, it fits you guys so well, facts be dammed right? it is all about a fantasy you guys cooked up, so clown is appropriate. As for "hate" boy, I don't know him personally but am aware he was a champion golden gloves heavyweight and now trains mma fighters on the side.

So maybe all that anger is funneled into the pounding and not just venting on crew news sessions where he is made to look like an idiot.

Facts be damned? I don't see you countering any of the facts, but I'm sure an AWA F/O is smarter than the CEO................
Got around to watching the latest crew room video this morning. If "Dougie" is to be believed (a dubious assumption perhaps), prior to the merger, AWA was surviving on their historically lower cost structure (bottom industry wages and benefits), as legacy carriers reduced their cost structures through bankruptcy and other means (AKA LOA-93) ect, absent the 2005 merger with USAir, AWA "would have been wiped out". The industry wide reduction in costs was the "death knell of AWA". According to "Dougie", AWA would have been looking at bankruptcy in 2006 and gone in 2008".

Granted without the merger, USAirways might not have survived either. However, as evidenced by the relative viability of the East vs the West today, absent the merger, which one would have been more likely to have survived, at least to some degree? Seen much "ramping up" of that West operation?

Be that as it may and everyone has an opinion one way or the other, perhaps we can all do away with the "AWA saved USAirways mantra".


Sorry about the re-post, just seemed like a good idea.

US Airways would not have survived long enough to take advantage of financial strength returning to the industry. You were days away from liquidation, not months. The industry would really have rebounded without "the comeback kid" and everyone, especially AWA would have benefited. America West would have gone on to merge with Delta, as the Delta pilots would have had no reason to rebuff us sans the east.

We would have no Nicolau decision, no Cactus 18, no court battles and especially no UCRAPA. ALL AWA pilots would be MUCH better off financially, professionally and personally.

You will NEVER convince even one of us that you would have survived without us any more than you would convince us that UCRAPA's CB&L's are fair to west pilots.

I'm sure there are medications you could take to overcome your delusions. Trouble is you enjoy your delusions.
I almost feel sorry for you, reality is a hard thing to accept sometimes.
Jeez junior, you've been tripping all over them for a while. If you can't see them, then I can't help you. Opening your eyes would help.
LOL, forgot to put your comprehension glasses on? You have never produced a fact that contradicts Nic. findings. NEVER!
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