US Pilots Labor Discussion

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No number required. I have the transcripts. Where DURING the arbitration Nicolau told you to change your position. East pilots FAILED to participate.

So we have no need to participate in any C&R's because DOH is never going to happen.
Wanna bet? And you mean the old CBA when you refer to "east pilots". They're gone, just like the Nic.
And I guess you guys should have participated in the arbitration, instead of refusing.

After he told you to change your position would have been the time.
Old news. The big one coming is the LOA 93 award. Wonder why it is taking so long. Would a simple NO take so long to write up? We shall see. Perhaps the award will make the west wish they were subject to the diamond in the rough that lives in LOA 93. The caveat of LOA 84 pay rates resuming on Dec 31 2009......
And what did "paying their dues" get them? Furloughed. So now you want is to take from the West to make up for what the furloughees lost, and call it fair. :lol:

There'll never be a national seniority because of what USAPA is trying to do. Why would pilots at any airline that hasn't been through the wringer and checked out in 10 years want to see some 20+ year FO's from another carrier that had problems coming in above them.



Jim, our furloughees do not want to take from the west at all. They just want the natural career progression they would of had without the NIC.
remember the attrition is 75% EAST?
I am not going to let the above posting die. You will see it with your name attached every time I log on to the site, from now on.

"I could easily say" is a cop out. You obviously wanted to send a message out to your ex-fellow pilots. We got the shout out loud and clear.

Disgusting, but par for the course from you and AWA320.

Keep lecturing Jim, and I will keep this post alive.


No RR not par for the course just point out what you and your usapa cronnies really are. See, you guys dont like being called union busters but that is just what you are and I need not point out the other word that describes you. The rules dont apply to the east because you are the majority and what you say goes, everything and everyone else be damned! Next time you're feeling all high and mighty telling others to be ashamed of their actions why dont you take a look in the mirror so you can see just what a UBS really looks like ;)

We are content status quo at this point. We keep PHX just as it is under the TA's min fleet agreement while you and the rest of the east UBS's steal your way to LOA93 glory. We will probably see an A330 or two based out here in the desert and I am certainly glad at this point that I was part of getting that side letter to LCC prior to you UBS's taking over and what was it that Mr Jackson said about union busting president? Oh yeah " MIKE YOU'RE MAKING A FOOL OF YOURSELF!!!!" Enjoy the LOA93 suit RR, you look good in it!!!

AWA 32o says NO to UBS's
So what is it that you, Jim, want? What are you doing here? I'm not saying you shouldn't be here or have an opinion, but what is your motive? Just curious!


yes Jim, Please answer.
Jim, our furloughees do not want to take from the west at all. They just want the natural career progression they would of had without the NIC.
remember the attrition is 75% EAST?

Quote from Mr. Nicolau: "... it cannot be disputed that there were differences in the financial condition of both carriers and that US Airways was the weaker. This necessarily means that career expectations differed and that US Airways pilots had more to gain from the merger than their new colleagues."

You guys just want more and more gain at the West's expense. You can count on the West continuing to oppose your tyranny.
What an uneducated statement.
No it doesn't. The C&Rs protect you from that. If you don't like the C&Rs, then you should have participated in writing them. INstead, the west refused to be a participant.

Here people is yet another example of the cluelessness of a usapa brainwashing. Hey GENIUS what happens under those C&R in a PHX downsizeing?????????? WEST GETS BONED!!!! Hey GENIUS what happens under those C&R in a furlough situation?????? WEST GETS BONED!!!

Move on oldie as your garbage is stinking up the joint as usual but I expect nothing less from UNION BUSTER such as yourself.

AWA320 says NO to UBS's like OLDIE!!!1 ;)
Jim, our furloughees do not want to take from the west at all. They just want the natural career progression they would of had without the NIC.
remember the attrition is 75% EAST?
There's your problem. You want your "natural" career progression in a post merger world without the nic. Conveniently forgetting that nic accounts for what you brought before the merger, which is 17 year furloughs and a near liquidated airline. Plus you want the west attrition to boot.

It's never going to happen.
Quote from Mr. Nicolau: "... it cannot be disputed that there were differences in the financial condition of both carriers and that US Airways was the weaker. This necessarily means that career expectations differed and that US Airways pilots had more to gain from the merger than their new colleagues."

You guys just want more and more gain at the West's expense. You can count on the West continuing to oppose your tyranny.

Yea, and NIC said the East would gain a whopping 22 million per year in contract enhancements........
enjoyed by the West. WOW you mean he did not know that parity would not be happening......HOLY COW........
the East pilots would reap 22 million....good grief...I can't believe we didn't sign off on the NIC
we left 22 million on the table. OMG.

No RR not par for the course just point out what you and your usapa cronnies really are. See, you guys dont like being called union busters but that is just what you are and I need not point out the other word that describes you. The rules dont apply to the east because you are the majority and what you say goes, everything and everyone else be damned! Next time you're feeling all high and mighty telling others to be ashamed of their actions why dont you take a look in the mirror so you can see just what a UBS really looks like ;)

We are content status quo at this point. We keep PHX just as it is under the TA's min fleet agreement while you and the rest of the east UBS's steal your way to LOA93 glory. We will probably see an A330 or two based out here in the desert and I am certainly glad at this point that I was part of getting that side letter to LCC prior to you UBS's taking over and what was it that Mr Jackson said about union busting president? Oh yeah " MIKE YOU'RE MAKING A FOOL OF YOURSELF!!!!" Enjoy the LOA93 suit RR, you look good in it!!!

AWA 32o says NO to UBS's

Get over yourself.

Old news. The big one coming is the LOA 93 award. Wonder why it is taking so long. Would a simple NO take so long to write up? We shall see. Perhaps the award will make the west wish they were subject to the diamond in the rough that lives in LOA 93. The caveat of LOA 84 pay rates resuming on Dec 31 2009......

A simple yes would be an equally short answere.

As a West pilot usapa detractor, I could care less whether you win or lose the grievence.

You lose and the pressure is on usapa to either get on with a Nic contract or get out.

You win and the east will disappear faster than you can say "why does my paycheck say Piedmont?"
Wanna bet? And you mean the old CBA when you refer to "east pilots". They're gone, just like the Nic.
News flash. You are still east pilots. The same pilots that agreed to the Nicolau are still the same east pilots that voted for usapa are still the same east pilots that are going to live under the Nicolau. Just because you change the name does not make the old group go away.

You east pilots still have the same obligation as you had before.

But I will play your game. If the east pilots are gone why are you still here?
Yea, and NIC said the East would gain a whopping 22 million per year in contract enhancements........
enjoyed by the West. WOW you mean he did not know that parity would not be happening......HOLY COW........
the East pilots would reap 22 million....good grief...I can't believe we didn't sign off on the NIC
we left 22 million on the table. OMG.

He was talking about pay parity. Pg 25. Read it. Just bringing East 737 and A320 up to West rates is $23 million a year in pay alone for just those two fleets. Factor in much better scheduling, vacation, dead head pay, training pay . . .

It's a windfall for the East just to come up to West pay and QOL.

Enjoy LOA93.
Get over yourself.


Get over myself :lol: :lol: what a statement from yet another UBS!! Take a look in the mirror buddy so you too can become aquainted with what a UNION BUSTER looks like. I know you hate the term but remember you did it to yourselves. Man that LOA93 suit looks good on you. I bet it feels a little tight on ya though huh? ;)

AWA320 says NO to UBS's like RR, OLDIE and now you Barrister...
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