US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I'm well aware that USAPA is all about delaying and stalling tactics when it comes to the JCBA (NIC), but I don’t expect that those tactics will go on unabated for much longer. So, yes, I would be surprised if USAPA can successfully navigate the federal courts and NMB forever resulting in the two pilot groups not being merger.

BTW, the airline has been put together in every area and system except for the pilots, FAs, and airframes. The reason for this is that the Pilot TA calls for separate pilot groups and designated aircraft until the JCBA is ratified. That is the same JCBA that USAPA has been delaying for nearly three years (the east pilots even longer). The AFA had originally decided to wait until the pilot JCBA was inked so that they could “me too” their JCBA but it seems they have abandoned that strategy and are trying to go it alone. If the pilots had a JCBA in 2007 I’m confident that the FAs would also be done. At any rate, US is one airline and one company with two very prominent hold-outs lead by the unscrupulous east pilot’s and their in-house CBA. Management will use ever reasonable and lawful means to attain a JCBA rather than endlessly endure separate ops. I suspect the log jam to break free in 2011.

I refer you AGAIN to the September CLT crew news where DP is asked why he would WANT a joint contract if there are only $40 million in synergies left and a pilot contract would cost a MINIMUM of $120 million. Caught completely off guard, his only response was, "because it's the right thing to do".

For WHO? Why wasn't pay parity "the right thing to do" among other things. Go ahead, keep your head in the sand, be a management mouthpiece, or pull it out and smell the coffee. Management DOES NOT WANT a contract.

Driver <_<
For WHO? Why wasn't pay parity "the right thing to do" among other things.
It would have been a dumb thing to do because you Easties would have then had complete control of the situation, and you would have used that control to your best interests only. In other words, you need to ask yourself what Parker would have gotten in return by giving you that kind of power. The answer is easy: nothing.

Go ahead, keep your head in the sand, be a management mouthpiece, or pull it out and smell the coffee. Management DOES NOT WANT a contract.
Our heads are not in the sand, yours are. You are the ones thinking that Parker wants a joint contract. Just go back and watch the Youtube videos. Your whole panel of Angry F/Os along with Lee Seham admitted there was no plan B, and you justified by saying that Parker wants a JC. The West tried to tell you then, and we have no compunction rubbing it in your faces now. Get used to LOA93 because that my friend is your future. It's either that or the Nic. Choice is yours.
I refer you AGAIN to the September CLT crew news where DP is asked why he would WANT a joint contract if there are only $40 million in synergies left and a pilot contract would cost a MINIMUM of $120 million. Caught completely off guard, his only response was, "because it's the right thing to do".

For WHO? Why wasn't pay parity "the right thing to do" among other things. Go ahead, keep your head in the sand, be a management mouthpiece, or pull it out and smell the coffee. Management DOES NOT WANT a contract.

Driver <_<
Callaway dreams that he is the moral compass, management is his friend and "BIG" business and those people that really control this company, not DOUG & SCOOT will put this boat on a proper course, when the M&A time is right this used battleship is worth more in pieces than together, "the right thing to do" is get judicial relief to tell you and the next owners of the puzzle pieces you can't be sued! MM!
One more thing trader, lets say one day the East is outnumbered and ALPA is back and the NIC is in and you are yanking year for a 40 year
old and you are 62 and he tells ya he was in kindergarden when you were a new hire lets see how magnanimous you are then!!

It's got nothing to do with being magnanimous.

The West brought 140 airplanes to the merger and you don't have the right to take the jobs of the Captains flying those airplanes.

My life is not defined by which seat I sit in.

I've yanked the gear for lots of Captains who were younger than me at Piedmont.

I go to work to make money, not to entertain your fanasty about rewriting the seniority list.
No , DE, alot of EAST pilots would probably be on the streets or lower tier wage levels sort of like your dad's position, remember seniority is not a date? but it is a NUMBER when on a SINGLE LIST! JAMIE<JJ, JG, MM! Go read the C&R's

Completely untrue and you have ZERO proof to back that up!! Like I have said all along, FEAR is whats driving you and keeping you at bottom tier!!! The count down to PBGC retirement has begun. The senior east pilots you've sentenced to welfare pbge wages will come to pass.

Trader doesn't want a captains seat. He can already hold a captains position. He would prefer to be a senior F/O (#27 out of 350) on the A320 in CLT. He commutes from Florida to work WEEKENDS. This is not his primary job (Look at his screenname). He wants to throw the east pilots under the bus for a raise since he knows that a Nicolau seniority list would not affect his senior F/O position at all. All he ever wants to be is a senior F/O. He doesn't care about the East or the West......He only cares about himself. Dan (Trader) is not a member of USAPA. He doesn't want to vote. He wants someone else to carry his water for him. He wants to keep every penny he can for himself. It is easy to snipe from the sidelines. What has Dan ever done to effect change? Nothing. The West likes him because he says what they want to hear. Newsflash for the west pilots......Don't count on Dan for a vote......he isn't a member in good standing.

Good for Dan!! Neither am I as being member of usapa is the same as being a scab in my book! Any union buster is a scab and usapa is just that!!!

Callaway dreams that he is the moral compass, management is his friend and "BIG" business and those people that really control this company, not DOUG & SCOOT will put this boat on a proper course, when the M&A time is right this used battleship is worth more in pieces than together, "the right thing to do" is get judicial relief to tell you and the next owners of the puzzle pieces you can't be sued! MM!
Your attempt at clairvoyance has failed once again. I am not a moral compass but do know the One who is. I also know how to read with comprehension so I know where to find His moral standards.

Management doesn’t exist to be employees’ friends. They were hired by the shareholders to produce maximum value and ROI within the legal and ethical framework where the Company operates.

I have no idea what you are talking about regarding “BIG” business, battleships, and pieces. I suspect this is more authentic frontier gibberish. However, I don’t know anyone or know of anyone in a decision-making capacity who believes that US Airways is worth more in pieces than in its current form. Doug and the rest of management and BOD continue to pursue further mergers because a highly fragmented market isn’t a profitable or sustainable industry. I think the majority of investors and executives understand this, but clearly you don’t.

The right thing to do is to complete the 2005 transaction and bring all labor groups under a single CBA. Management knows this will cost them something and they will most likely continue to extend the Kirby proposal while USAPA flounders around trying to get DOH. Once that issue is settled, a JCBA can move along at a good pace, that is if USAPA is capable of negotiating once they accept that seniority is not a negotiable section in this particular situation.
Really? Where are they? I didn't see west pilots (other than reps) or east protesters at the BPR meeting yesterday. You need a minimum of 800 East pilots to "switch sides" The few and I do mean few (100 maybe???) that you perceive to be on your side aren't really on your side. They just want to go back to ALPA. If my only choices were LOA 93 or the NIC......I along with 2600 of my fellow pilots have choosen LOA 93. Luckily.....those aren't the only choices we have. How many west pilots are still on furlough? 63 I believe (13 West pilots returned to the East). In addition, the East had 13 new hires start this week with another 45 to be hired over the next few months. The west is schedule to return 20 more furloughs in March. You will still have 43 pilots out on furlough and 70 former captain downgraded to F/O. Who is this delay hurting more? You seem to revel in our low wages. Your wages really aren't that much higher. We will have 200 new hires on the East before you get your last pilot back from furlough. How many upgrades does that equal? How many upgrades has the East had since 2005? There is a 1 in 40 chance that the Supreme Court is going to hear the Leonidas case. If they do hear it (a big IF), it will be on ripeness. If (another big IF) the SCOTUS overturned it, it would be remanded back to the 9th, where their dicta is a pretty good indication of how they would rule if it comes back to them. The DJ is waiting on the Supreme Court. As soon as the Supreme Court refuses to hear this, judge Silver will toss the DJ. Your time and your hope is running out. But keep contributing....Marty needs to be paid.

Stupid is as stupid does!! You and that 2600 you tout is on your way to the NIC! Face it already, if you had the slightest hope of getting DOH based on your strong arm tactic you would have it already! You dont and you wont!!! Enjoy your bottom feeding wages and retireing your seniors on them as well, I know I do!!

The count down to PBGC retirement has begun. AWA320

I don't really understand. Should we be unhappy with our PBGC moneys? Every one of us moves a day closer to retirement at exactly the same rate. Even if the Pension Investigation is unsuccessful, each and every pilot with a PBGC retirement has something you don't have, and will never have. Like has been pointed out here many times..a lot of us have military pensions that kick in soon, and will also be drawing on PBGC at age 60 in addition to our slumdog wages. Most of us have also been socking away moneys in our 401k's since the early 90s.

Not the way I dreamed my career would turn out. But nowhere near as bad as you seem to want it to be for us. I will stick with a seniority based list. No upside at all to do otherwise.

Where is this DOH that usappy promised you???? If you could you would but you can't so you not!! DOH is DOA and the sooner you get that the bette your life will be.

Where is the NIC AOL promised you? If you could you would but you can't so you not!! NIC is DOA and the sooner you get that the bette your life will be.
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