US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The proposal to change profit sharing was an east attempt to have your cake and eat the West pilots cake too.

What pie/cake shifting proposal do you mean? The only one on the table I can see is the result of the ad hoc committee. It may have indeed slightly changed the distribution, but only to bring even more pilots under the umbrella. That recommendation may or may not survive the BPR meeting this week, or may be put to a vote by the pilots. Who knows? Your lack of participation in union affairs has made you numb to the fact the way USAPA works. Web postings and what you "heard" don't count.

Boy, that Cleary guy sure has a good understanding of the facts... until those facts no longer support his opinion.

"Because reductions in force occur in inverse order of seniority, furloughs and juniority go hand in hand. Beyond that, the absence of current employment and uncertainties about future prospects are among the equities likely to affect a furloughee’s seniority placement.

No pilot, regardless of furlough status, can be guaranteed any particular placement on a merged list. The only certainty in seniority integration is that the outcome is never certain until the merger representatives reach an agreement or, failing a negotiated solution, the arbitrator issues an award. Each case presents its own facts and equities, and each requires a resolution tailor-made to the situation presented."
You say in the following post that you attend every meeting. This is only because you are an alpa rep.

Please give your ual pilot gillen, a pilot nuetral for the nicolau, a message from me. Tell him nice try. Also alpa shill and rep, tell leo moak that when I listen to the dueling banjos song, it reminds me of him and prater.

jetz post Sept. 26,2010, 4:26pm below;

""Actually it does not explain your suspicion at all. Sounds more like disbelief that anyone but a west pilot could have an opinion that opposes that of USAPA and the hardliners. In fact I spend less time here than you claim I do, and quite a bit of time engaged in the UA merger. I attend every council meeting (one coming up this Thursday in fact), read every update, and speak personally with my LEC Chairman on a regular basis. But honestly, there is very little drama with the UA/CO merger since the Joint CBA process is moving forward with good result, and merger integration hasn't started yet.""
You say in the following post that you attend every meeting. This is only because you are an alpa rep.
With logic like that it's no wonder you're in the position you find yourself in, mr. just-back-from-furlough-angry-fo-man.

So I guess someone that attends every council meeting is by your definition an ALPA rep. Funny thing is, I don't consider it a slight, however wrong it is. I used to volunteer for Family Awareness work until I gave it up due to family time constraints. (too much time on this board! :lol: ) And since the post you quoted I actually missed a meeting due to a flying conflict. So my attendance record has slipped to "almost every meeting." Keep grasping though. Is this really the best you have? How embarrassing for you.

The real stinger for you though, is the fact that sometime this year, I along with my fellow UA f/os will be making more than most of your captains on LOA93. And you will never be part of a real legacy airline ever in your career. Not now. Not back in 2000 or the multiple attempts at merging with UA, and not ever in the future. Your die is cast, junior. Enjoy the show from the sidelines. :p
With logic like that it's no wonder you're in the position you find yourself in, mr. just-back-from-furlough-angry-fo-man.

So I guess someone that attends every council meeting is by your definition an ALPA rep. Funny thing is, I don't consider it a slight, however wrong it is. I used to volunteer for Family Awareness work until I gave it up due to family time constraints. (too much time on this board! :lol: ) And since the post you quoted I actually missed a meeting due to a flying conflict. So my attendance record has slipped to "almost every meeting." Keep grasping though. Is this really the best you have? How embarrassing for you.

The real stinger for you though, is the fact that sometime this year, I along with my fellow UA f/os will be making more than most of your captains on LOA93. And you will never be part of a real legacy airline ever in your career. Not now. Not back in 2000 or the multiple attempts at merging with UA, and not ever in the future. Your die is cast, junior. Enjoy the show from the sidelines. :p

Bull. Got ya. Do not forget to tell leo about what I told you, when you come up for air when your brown nose is not pinched where the sun does not shine.
What pie/cake shifting proposal do you mean? The only one on the table I can see is the result of the ad hoc committee. It may have indeed slightly changed the distribution, but only to bring even more pilots under the umbrella. That recommendation may or may not survive the BPR meeting this week, or may be put to a vote by the pilots. Who knows? Your lack of participation in union affairs has made you numb to the fact the way USAPA works. Web postings and what you "heard" don't count.


Was not a resolution put before the BPR to make a change in the method of profit sharing distribution? Whereas, the east pilots do not have parity, and whereas the east feels they are responsible for the profits etc..etc.. lets take the West's share.

Why did Cleary form the ad hoc committee in the first place?

I posted originally that I have no big issue with what the ad hoc committee came up with, but that some recipients, like those on LTD, would have their payments adjusted and lose the money anyway.

I was not commenting on the ad hoc committee's proposal, I was commenting on the need for an ad hoc committee in the first place, when the distribution method had already been deteremined and use twice.
Quite a fantasy world you've built for yourself Nos.


“Matlock marathon at midnight on TBS…no wait..Carroll O’Conner and that guy in Covington GA solving wait..Mr. Farley barging in on the BPR meeting…oh never mind.”

Jim (still closing that last bid)
Yet another typical USAPAian retort - all bark and no bite...

If you all couldn't attack you wouldn't have anything to post. Do you consider anyone that does volunteer work an ALPA shill like your friend Nos.

I was not commenting on the ad hoc committee's proposal, I was commenting on the need for an ad hoc committee in the first place, when the distribution method had already been deteremined and use twice.

I don't see any language in LOA 93 or the T/A requriing the same distribution each time. And the President of the Association has the legal right to appoint an ad hoc committee. The BPR has the right not to accept any recommendations from said committee.

Yet another typical USAPAian retort - all bark and no bite...

Do you consider anyone that does volunteer work an ALPA shill like your friend Nos.


Once ALPA put the EMPIRE pilots at the bottom of your list, I can understand why you had nothing but time to give to that entity.

Might as well volunteer to support the Organization that allowed you such a great career, on the backs of others.

RR (not one peep from you, not a peep in over 20 years...just kept closing those bids and watching yourself move up)
I don't see any language in LOA 93 or the T/A requriing the same distribution each time.

Nor will you find any language allowing different distributions for different years. LOA 93 had the distribution method built in. The TA says "a distribution..." (singular).

This whole falacy that the east gave the West profit sharing has gone to far.

The West pilots being included in profit sharing has nothing to do with LOA93, anymore than the other employee groups getting a share.

The West pilots negotiated profit sharing in the TA, along with the east pilots. End of story.

We can stop the BS of how the benevolent east pilots gave the West profit sharing.

I agree. The West is a part of this airline and are flying the jets and contributing to making the profits that we should all share in.

Seems that all the USAPAians have is attack. Do you have the same hatred for USAPA since they didn't give the Empire guys their DOH either? USAPA, founded on the "DOH is the only fair way (except for you Empire and Trump pilots)" platform. Oh, that's right - you crawled up the backs of the Empire and Trump pilots too....

I don't see any language in LOA 93 or the T/A requriing the same distribution each time. And the President of the Association has the legal right to appoint an ad hoc committee. The BPR has the right not to accept any recommendations from said committee.


I do not see any language in the TA that allows the method to be unilaterally determined by usapa at all.

The language involved talks in the future tense and says that the method of distribution was to be determend by the MECs. That was done, the method was used, not once but twice without being modified. Same issues as the Nic, done deal, there is no contractual method for usapa to revisit the issue without a seperate West MEC to approve the changes.
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