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US Pilots Labor Discussion-Aug 5 to 12-KEEP ON TOPIC

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PineyBob said: "You're right I am biased. I'm biased against stupidity. What I see is the smartest, most jighly skilled and highest paid workgroup playing into the Company's hand. Pilots have lost THOUSANDS in wages both in dues assessments (Which are clearly not over) to pay for questionable litigation and by not presenting a united front to management and securing a much deserved pay raise."

USA320Pilot comments: PineyBob, I wholeheartedly agree with you. The financial loses to every US Airways pilot are now greater than the Nicolau Award cost. In addition to the Salamat report, which indicated the Nicolau Award delayed the most junior pilot on the property at most a 2-year Captain upgrade, the financial cost to the East and West pilot group is enromous and continues to grow. Click here for a graphic illustration on how bad the US Airways pilots have once again hurt them self.



USA320 your post above is, without a doubt, is the most intellectually dishonest post I have read ever on these boards. I do not see how anyone shares a cockpit with you. What happens to your neat little world when LAS and PHX close. Post your sen. # or if you prefer your "relative number" for all to see.....put up or shut up.
I heard at a conference call the BPR refused to inform the West reps of the names of the pilots targeted for termination.

If this is true this is likely something that needs to find its way to Judge Wake's courtroom. If true this is evidence of the failure of the officers and East members of the BPR to legally transact union business in a fair and balanced manner because of the alleged exclusion of the West members of the BPR from full participation in at least some aspects of union business and constitutes a further breach of its duty of fair representation. If true USAPA is clearly operating outside of its constitution and by-laws by conducting business that is secret from duly elected reps from PHX and LAS.
If this is true this is likely something that needs to find its way to Judge Wake's courtroom. If true this is evidence of the failure of the officers and East members of the BPR to legally transact union business in a fair and balanced manner because of the alleged exclusion of the West members of the BPR from full participation in at least some aspects of union business and constitutes a further breach of its duty of fair representation. If true USAPA is clearly operating outside of its constitution and by-laws by conducting business that is secret from duly elected reps from PHX and LAS.

You're not actually suggesting that the East BPR would be acting in BAD FAITH are you??!! How shocking!!
[USA320Pilot comments: PineyBob, I wholeheartedly agree with you. The financial loses to every US Airways pilot are now greater than the Nicolau Award cost. In addition to the Salamat report, which indicated the Nicolau Award delayed the most junior pilot on the property at most a 2-year Captain upgrade, the financial cost to the East and West pilot group is enromous and continues to grow. Click here for a graphic illustration on how bad the US Airways pilots have once again hurt them self.



This is the most unbelievable BS, such desperation. This pilot group is the most unified I have ever seen and will fight to the end to keep this award off the property, what a twisted chart. keep trying though. :angry:
You're not actually suggesting that the East BPR would be acting in BAD FAITH are you??!! How shocking!!

Actually I am surprised that they would allegedly do this after having been found to have committed a DFR, while still subject to a permanent injunction and while under increased scrutiny. If this allegation is true I honestly didn't think they were that stupid.
If this is true this is likely something that needs to find its way to Judge Wake's courtroom. If true this is evidence of the failure of the officers and East members of the BPR to legally transact union business in a fair and balanced manner because of the alleged exclusion of the West members of the BPR from full participation in at least some aspects of union business and constitutes a further breach of its duty of fair representation. If true USAPA is clearly operating outside of its constitution and by-laws by conducting business that is secret from duly elected reps from PHX and LAS.

It is my understanding the West Reps specifically asked for the names and were denied the information.

Does anyone else find it ironic that the USAPA dues collection fuhrer is appropriately named Rob!
I sat next to the crew rest Envoy seat to AMS last April. There was Dean, so I guess he’s a real B767 F/O. The daily lies is all they got. They trashed Parella and Thueur, claiming they didn't hold C/O, but getting C/O pay. It gets old, though.

I guess he is a real F/O, who should be a real unemployed F/O until Odell is recalled. But hey, he has got his 85hr plus overide, note taking position at USAPA.
More amusing actually. Kinda like the fact that if things keep going on the path they're on you're last duty as a pilot at US will match the name of the current CEO!!


Okay, I smiled.

Better to be a Parker than a SKirby USAPA supporter. :lol:
I have had confirmation that USAPA really did exclude two BPR members from discussion of this matter. I have not had it confirmed that there were four pilots involved and three were from West.

Before any apologist decides to try and get creative arguing that the West BPR members could have conceivably been conflicted since three of the four allegedly came from West, I will point out that the rest of the BPR did not recuse themselves from voting or knowing about the alleged East pilot. So please don't try and be creative in order to justify this atrocity.

The management of USAPA is beyond stupid and there is no excuse for it.
I have had confirmation that USAPA really did exclude two BPR members from discussion of this matter.

The management of USAPA is beyond stupid and there is no excuse for it.

Since you have a source for confirmation, perhaps you could confirm that USAPA intentionally witheld electronic transfer as a method of remittance in an attempt to keep the effected pilots from making the deadline.

Left that last sentence in the quote just to repeat it.
3. If a Pilot covered by this Agreement is delinquent, or
becomes delinquent in the payment of fees, dues,
assessments, or the service charge as stated in
Subsection 29.A.1., the Association shall notify the
Pilot by certified mail, return receipt requested, with
a copy to the Company Vice President of Labor
Relations, or a designee, stating that the Pilot is
delinquent in the payment of such fees, dues, assessments,
or service charges, as specified herein;
the total amount of money due; the period for which
the Pilot is delinquent; and that the Pilot is subject
to discharge from the Company. Such letter shall
also notify the Pilot that the required payment must
be remitted within a period of fifteen (15) calendar
days from the date of the letter or the Pilot will be
For purposes of this Section 29, the
word “assessment(s)â€￾ shall not include assessments
directed towards strike, corporate campaign,
or other activities creating negative publicity against
the Company.

(Agency shop)
(Pilot delinquent in
dues payment
subject to

Taken from the AWA contract verbatim. Which part of this is hard to understand? Free rides have been enjoyed for far too long. And you'll note an East pilot met the hammer too. EVERYONE on this property has been around long enough to know what section 29 says...in both contracts.
There is no contractually written requirement that the BPR give notice to reps about pilots in violation of section 29. The pilots THEMSELVES are given written notice...so is the company. ..every party to the fact is legally informed as per their respective CBA.

(edit)- of course, pursuant to the UOR's, the rep is given a list of members in bad standing...(almost the entirety of the west seniority list) so there ya go.

Wait, I think we've found the problem. Ole USA320 pilot is flying 99hrs a month. Nice work there buddy. probably been doing that for about the past ten years, with that nice right turn off of 1 in DCA to save the company some money huh????

Oh by the way....your little charts a bs, and a 2 yr delay to upgrade? Go figure some more numbers. Which by the way, for the f/o's that have lost about 32k in the 27 months you claim???? Wouldn't that be made up in less than a year at capt's pay??? Oh but you only want to delay that by 2 years. Look more like 5 or never...... But hey, who's counting.

Since you have a source for confirmation, perhaps you could confirm that USAPA intentionally witheld electronic transfer as a method of remittance in an attempt to keep the effected pilots from making the deadline.

Left that last sentence in the quote just to repeat it.

Sorry, I could only confirm the truth of the basic facts, no names or even how many are West or East although I still believe it is three West and one East. I have no information about dues payment methodology. Of course what you hint at would only further confirm USAPA stupidity and bad faith. How do you potentially tell a judge that you refused electronic funds transfer when that method is more secure and not subject to becoming lost in the mail.

I find it hard to believe that this degree of stupidity is what any USAPA supporters had in mind when they cast their vote for USAPA.
Sorry, I could only confirm the truth of the basic facts, no names or even how many are West or East although I still believe it is three West and one East. I have no information about dues payment methodology. Of course what you hint at would only further confirm USAPA stupidity and bad faith. How do you potentially tell a judge that you refused electronic funds transfer when that method is more secure and not subject to becoming lost in the mail.

I find it hard to believe that this degree of stupidity is what any USAPA supporters had in mind when they cast their vote for USAPA.
Well, well. The transformation is complete. For so long, we read about informed impartiality....

Interesting that you admit not knowing any details at all, and yet show your true side all too clearly. Perhaps the 15 day "pay up now" opportunity was exhausted...in which case the union is not required to extend ANY type of repayment terms...including wire transfer.
I don't know, and neither do you. But that is what you tell Savior Wake if it's day 19 of the 15 day "pay up" window. On the other hand, it is not the responsibility of the union to alter their dues receivables policy in the 11th hour to stave off the axe for pilots who know exactly what section 29 says, and have been properly notified of their processing under that section.

It's quite simple, really.
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