PineyBob said: "You're right I am biased. I'm biased against stupidity. What I see is the smartest, most jighly skilled and highest paid workgroup playing into the Company's hand. Pilots have lost THOUSANDS in wages both in dues assessments (Which are clearly not over) to pay for questionable litigation and by not presenting a united front to management and securing a much deserved pay raise."
USA320Pilot comments: PineyBob, I wholeheartedly agree with you. The financial loses to every US Airways pilot are now greater than the Nicolau Award cost. In addition to the Salamat report, which indicated the Nicolau Award delayed the most junior pilot on the property at most a 2-year Captain upgrade, the financial cost to the East and West pilot group is enromous and continues to grow. Click
here for a graphic illustration on how bad the US Airways pilots have once again hurt them self.
USA320 your post above is, without a doubt, is the most intellectually dishonest post I have read ever on these boards. I do not see how anyone shares a cockpit with you. What happens to your neat little world when LAS and PHX close. Post your sen. # or if you prefer your "relative number" for all to see.....put up or shut up.