WHEREAS the USAPA BPR has a desire to streamline its communications to its pilot group, and
WHEREAS communications which are inconsistent with Board policy and position do not benefit the pilot group as a whole and may in-fact imperil various USAPA legal positions, and
WHEREAS the Board has determined that communications which emanate from other than official USAPA channels, currently defined as the USAPA web site and USAPA email distribution system, are not typically available for review and do not present the Association in the most professional manner possible, and
WHEREAS the Board has determined that the use of the USAPA acronym and/or USAPA titles indicates to the pilots that the source is official and therefore that the message can be trusted as consistent with Board policy and position, and
WHEREAS the Board has determined that communications shall have a uniform message, consistent with USAPA BPR approved policy and direction, and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that is shall be USAPA policy that all USAPA communications shall be distributed only via official USAPA channels such as the USAPA web site and email distribution system, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that use of the USAPA acronym, either alone or combined with other letters and/or acronyms, and the US Airline Pilots name, shall be restricted to use only when associated with official USAPA communications
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that it shall be USAPA Policy that any and all USAPA communications shall be subject to review and revision to be consistent with USAPA BPR policy and direction prior to distribution.