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US Pilots Labor Discussion-8/12 to 8/19--NO PERSONAL REMARKS

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Of Course USAPA is monitoring this website. Their "updates" frequently read as a direct response to what is being discussed here. If they were trying to hide their presence than they haven't been doing a very good job of it.
Bob, hypothetically, would your opinion be at all modified if you found out that someone supposedly was being paid to monitor and comment on one or more non-USAPA sites?
Judge Wake may have ruled against USAPA but he did not suspend the Civil Liberties of their membership or of the UNION itself.

Let them troll away! If your position is as just and right as you purport then USAPA will be exposed and discredited.

That's why we have Freedom of Speech.
I think the KGB, SS, North Korean, etc. like(d) to plant individuals among the populous to keep an eye on things and try to subvert any unpopular thinking.

Its what orgs that were built on shaky or questionable foundations do to keep others from looking behind the curtain.
I think the KGB, SS, North Korean, etc. like(d) to plant individuals among the populous to keep an eye on things and try to subvert any unpopular thinking.

Its what orgs that were built on shaky or questionable foundations do to keep others from looking behind the curtain.

You forgot the black helicopter crowd, the Men in Black and folks with tin foil hats.....
Judge Wake may have ruled against USAPA but he did not suspend the Civil Liberties of their membership or of the UNION itself.

Let them troll away! If your position is as just and right as you purport then USAPA will be exposed and discredited.

That's why we have Freedom of Speech.

I think the ridicule has more to do with USAPA's president claiming that those who engaged in internet discussions was nothing more than trash talk and he promised USAPA would not get caught up in such. Low and behold they now pay someone to internet "trash talk." You have heard their saying I'm sure... Watch what they do not what they say!
Fair enough. I was just asking if a change in circumstance would change your opinion.
Latest on the Western front is that east F/O's are now denying West jumpseat request.

Seems they are doing so because we are a "closed shop", and the east jumpseat is being closed to those who are not union members. Also, seems they are repeatedly calling non-members a 4 letter word beginning with S and ending in B in front of passengers, gate agents, F/A's etc...and informing said denied pilot of a certain list being formed with the names of said non-members.

Is this list a formal USAPA thing, or just an underground, backroom movement, trying to prove that certain angry individuals are even less intelligent than previously believed?

Can I get a copy of this list so I can proudly look up my name and verify correct spelling?

More BS from the Western front. Where is the proof? You guys are big on proof.
I think the KGB, SS, North Korean, etc. like(d) to plant individuals among the populous to keep an eye on things and try to subvert any unpopular thinking.

Its what orgs that were built on shaky or questionable foundations do to keep others from looking behind the curtain.

Oh brother
More BS from the Western front. Where is the proof? You guys are big on proof.

While it is my position that jumpseat denial is "Proof" of an individuals inability to set emotion aside, and act in a professional manner for the greater good of all involved. It is my understanding that the "Proof" has been submitted to HR, containing the names, date, flight number and other pertinent information that would not be appropriate for this board.

So if you are incapable of helping your fellow pilot out, by giving them a simple ride home or to work, and you decide to make a scene about it in front of others, do not be surprised if the "Proof" comes back in the form of an inquiry into your behavior.

Luvthe9 said: "The west is becoming very desparate."

USA320Pilot comments: Luvthe9, with all due respect, I believe USAPA is the one becoming desperate with their misrepresentation, misinformation, and outright lies. USAPA has been found guilty by a federal court, USAPA is under investigation by the federal government's DOL IG for election fraud, and it is my understanding complaints are being filled against the union for improper use of dues.

On the stipend issue one should look at the seemingly endless revisions to the ALPA Flight Pay Loss policy. Why? Under Landrum-Griffin a union officer can receive no more than his peers in compensation from the company. However, the union is free to pay an officer whatever their members will support is not in excess of what they could earn on the line is paid directly to them by the union.

The issue here is that the members did not vote on USAPA officials giving them self a par raise or purchasing automobiles for their use.

The bonus or stipend pay issue was actually written into the Landrum-Griffin Act at the request of unions who did not want their officers bought off by the company. So, if USAPA pays any of their officers or committee workers more than they could receive if flying the line, and that money comes to them in their US Airways paycheck, it is a violation of the law and a complaint with the DOL is in order. This actually had a situation like this at one of the larger MEC's in ALPA, someone blew the whistle to the DOL, and the nightmare began.

Now we seem to have USAPA cover ups beginning to prevent even more problems with the federal government for the BPR's illicit and illegal activity. Click here for more information.


USA320Pilot comments: ... I believe ...

Does anyone care?

MODERATOR COMMENT: I care, and for making this personal attack this poster now has 7 days off to think about the meaning of "NO PERSONAL COMMENTS,REMARKS,INSULTS, etc."

All other posts referring to this post are being deleted in their entirety and those posters warned as well...

Luvthe9 said: "The west is becoming very desparate."

USA320Pilot comments: Luvthe9, with all due respect, I believe USAPA is the one becoming desperate with their misrepresentation, misinformation, and outright lies. USAPA has been found guilty by a federal court, USAPA is under investigation by the federal government's DOL IG for election fraud, and it is my understanding complaints are being filled against for improper use of dues.

With respect, usa320pilot, I think we're all going stupid. Take this too serious. This chat isn't going to change a thing. If you got the cards you can file in April. The appeal will be done by then. We'll either have LOA84 pay or arbitration and the first $35M. If you got a Landrum-Griffin complaint, then file it. We don't close to the LOA95 pay AAA MEC was taking. Talk about a resolution passed in secrecy. On "guilty," give me a break. (Latest BPR resolution, you can't use UXXXX except on official business. pilot, your not staying on top of things.)

In addition they dishonestly and purposely leave off the last part that is critical of Seham. This is what comes after lawyers…At least mega snoop was honest enough to post the entire blog. Not just the parts that usapa likes.

You wouldn't believe the rheeming I got from my UXXXX handlers for that. Next they'l have a secret resulotion to remove me. I always post the whole thing or you get whacked later. Dot, Dot, Dot........

QUOTE (USA320Pilot @ Aug 17 2009, 11:28 AM)
USA320Pilot comments: ... I believe ...
Does anyone care?

Probably not too many.

Rumor Alert: Whats the scoop on USAPA paying someone to post on web boards?

Not paid enough!
I never said most of the things I said. Yogi Berra
The west is becoming very desparate.
Really! And what would you call this comm policy passed in secret? Why have they not released it for over a week?

So if a rep disagrees with the leadership version of reality they are silenced. Lets hope that every pilot always agrees with the BPR. That small group of 190 pilots. Who cares, the are a minority screw them and shut up.

WHEREAS the USAPA BPR has a desire to streamline its communications to its pilot group, and

WHEREAS communications which are inconsistent with Board policy and position do not benefit the pilot group as a whole and may in-fact imperil various USAPA legal positions, and

WHEREAS the Board has determined that communications which emanate from other than official USAPA channels, currently defined as the USAPA web site and USAPA email distribution system, are not typically available for review and do not present the Association in the most professional manner possible, and

WHEREAS the Board has determined that the use of the USAPA acronym and/or USAPA titles indicates to the pilots that the source is official and therefore that the message can be trusted as consistent with Board policy and position, and

WHEREAS the Board has determined that communications shall have a uniform message, consistent with USAPA BPR approved policy and direction, and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that is shall be USAPA policy that all USAPA communications shall be distributed only via official USAPA channels such as the USAPA web site and email distribution system, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that use of the USAPA acronym, either alone or combined with other letters and/or acronyms, and the US Airline Pilots name, shall be restricted to use only when associated with official USAPA communications

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that it shall be USAPA Policy that any and all USAPA communications shall be subject to review and revision to be consistent with USAPA BPR policy and direction prior to distribution.
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