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US Pilots Labor Discussion 6/10- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Nic- enjoyed your trying to figure out who is who. Let me tell you, you really missed the mark on a couple of them. If you knew who really was in the fight here- you wouldn't believe who you are exchanging with. Enough of that. Anyway, how come Clear isn't in the furball? I see him lurking, but he won't come up to altitude to do battle.
The fact I am extremely interested in the MDA issue is completely founded. I know these guys who were furloughed, and fly with them. A lot went other places, having no idea that had they gone to MDA, they would not have been really furloughed, just working under a fraudulent scenario. We all have a dog in the MDA fight. The furloughed guys shared a cockpit with me for years. They have been screwed at every turn. They deserve more, and they will get more. The remark you make of "you are overly knowledgeable of the status within the ranks of the east furloughs" insinuates I should have no concern. I am absolutely on their side. They took the biggest loss in the company.The MDA fraud was another reason why ALPA got tossed. This was sold as a "soft landing" with good pay. Well, our ALPA MEC watered it down really nicely. And all these guys who were my F/O's for years, ended up getting screwed in J4J. What a ridiculous sell out. Yes, I know a lot about it, and if others on the upper end of the seniority list knew, they should be ashamed they didn't put up more of a fight. I used to want my son to go into this business. Now, forget it. Good for you that you were so fortunate. I was also. I kept in touch with these guys, and was sick over what happened. By the way, I also flew with Joe Monda. He also flew at Eastern. You are not going to put him with a new hire. I guarantee that.

Well that was a straight forward reply. Who are you and what have you done with luvthe9?

I was not trying to insinuate that you should have no concern of the plight of your fellow pilots. Quite the contrary, I was insinuating that you may be on of those pilots. However, after reading the much more reasoned post above, I do not think that is the case.

This may surprise you, but I do not like what happened to Joe Monda or Dean Colello or any of the 1700 AAA furloughees, especially those hired before 1990. I do not like B scales, wholey owned subsidiaries, pension robbing corporations or ALPA. You guys have been getting the short end of the stick for two decades now and I understand why you are pushing back. What I do not understand is why you came into this deal and pushed against the West pilots. A group, (contrary to the east's misinformed belief) made up heavily of pilots that are ex-Eastern, ex-Pan-Am, ex-World, ex-TransAmerica, ex-Braniff, ex-TWA, ex-National, and ex-USAir, almost everybody over here is ex-something, but yes we have a couple hundred that are ex-Mesa. We have already been dumped on, often more than once, and are not about to be dumped on when pushed by the east.

You were fortunate, you got hired in 79 or 80 or whatever, and your company managed to stick around and carry you this far, but I got news for you, we have F/Os that were hired at ozark in 79, and just like Monda, they are not going to make captain either.
Nic- enjoyed your trying to figure out who is who. Let me tell you, you really missed the mark on a couple of them. If you knew who really was in the fight here- you wouldn't believe who you are exchanging with.

Doug Parker? is that you?
Are you guys ever gonna stop the name calling, excuse making, flame throwing, low blows and WORK IT OUT?!

You're worse than children in daycare, I swear to the Sandcastle.

Stop your madness and fix it please. I miss the fun, professional, adult pilots I used to know.

Seriously, it's beyond out of control. For the love.

Well VA it was worked out, but some group (not to point fingers) walked out of contract negotiations and formed a new union because they did not like an arbitration award.

Now they expect the other side to just fall in and go along.

We are 2+ years into this experiment called usapa and we all wonder why we all the lowest paid pilots in the land.

So one group of kids needs to grow up.
You might try thinking this through for once.

How many West pilots are going to honor a USAPA strike over a DOH contract?


A sizable majority of West pilots would honor a usapa strike. Probably would not walk the line, but would not cross it either. There is however a pretty large minority that would take great pleasure in crossing, the Ironic part is they are probably all usapa members now.

Forgot to mention in my last post, we have ex-Eastern pilots from both sides of the line. They have been known to deny jumpseat request of the opposing side, yet have also actually flown together. Here is the funnier one, we have/had a guy or two from Australia, and they do not care who they fly with or who rides jumpseat.

A sizable majority of West pilots would honor a usapa strike. Probably would not walk the line, but would not cross it either. There is however a pretty large minority that would take great pleasure in crossing, the Ironic part is they are probably all usapa members now.

Forgot to mention in my last post, we have ex-Eastern pilots from both sides of the line. They have been known to deny jumpseat request of the opposing side, yet have also actually flown together. Here is the funnier one, we have/had a guy or two from Australia, and they do not care who they fly with or who rides jumpseat.
Between the 27% of the East routes being flown by the West, and the huge presence of Republic in the system, a strike would be unwise. A lot of crossing potential.
Some interesting things going on also with regard to the PBGC. I know you think the leaving ALPA was all about the Nic. Well, the end of ALPA came for a lot of us over the lack of a vote on the pension. It is still speculation, but there are some rumblings of a possible settlement coming from the PBGC. All rumor right now. If this comes true, a lot of East guys will bail even sooner.
Wishing on a meteor shower. I suppose that makes the odds of success better, anyhow.
This is another reason why we cannot get together with the West. You have no skin in this, yet hope for failure. I'll archive this one. It might be worth a laugh later. This and the LOA 84 pay.
No, I think many on the west would prefer that USAPA pursue those things that benefit BOTH SIDES, rather than squandering it's resources on golden-goose chases. When USAPA admits, though it's actions that it clearly understands that the west is not a subset or add-on to the east (read REAL USAirways) then they will have taken an important first step in beginning to heal the rift they chose to create.

No skin? How about the some $200+/mo being flayed from me to finance these boondoggles?
This is another reason why we cannot get together with the West. You have no skin in this, yet hope for failure. I'll archive this one. It might be worth a laugh later. This and the LOA 84 pay.

I've asked a number of times-- could someone please explain to me why anyone out west would take sides much less pray that the east lose a case that the west has nothing to do with. Ex. MDA LOA 93.
You might try thinking this through for once.

How many West pilots are going to honor a USAPA strike over a DOH contract?

Reading comprehension 101....do you see the word "strike"....no didn't think so ....
have you read the 9th opinion....no didn't think so either!!

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