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US Pilots Labor Discussion 6/10- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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That is a bunch of BS. You know what you post is just to inflame. I know of no one who wanted anything you got!!
Been her 27 years and never heard one single person crave anything at UAL.

Then you live with your head in the sand. Nothing inflammatory, unless you consider the truth inflammatory. Had HUNDREDS of conversations on the topic on this board alone. Not to mention that at the time I was commuting from Richmond and used US frequently. Sat through the lecture more times than I want to count about OUR widebody flying, DOH, and aspirations of which of OUR domiciles on the west coast your guys wanted to bid into. (This coming from the old guys in the right seat of the 737-200 who were still on reserve.) Also heard first hand the "see you in arbitration" response to our suggestion of tall and long fences. Your group is littered with narcissistic hypocrites who always have a justification and someone else to blame. Interesting how your story always changes when the winds shift. 🙄
Nope. Couldn't care less. I will however, one day revel in your narcissistic universe crumbling on top of you once and for all. Go for that DOH contract already and see where it gets you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It used to be Credibility.. now its narcissism.. can we just get a lecture on overcoming paranoia already? I mean we are just terrified.. you are counting the days. 🙂
Have you ever volunteered with a union, any union?
Or, are you one of those guys that just stand on the sidelines and throw rocks?
Seriously? 4 ALPA carriers and chairman of 2 committees. Not a dime in FPL. I expect value for my dues dollar and USAPA isn't providing any.
You guys on the west stick to your guns, and sue them into oblivion if they try the cram down. You have the moral, legal, and financial advantage.

No worries jetz, they pass anything other than the Nic, they are done playing union for good.
Of course they wouldn't. In that case it doesn't favor them or help them fix their broken careers on the backs of others.

Right now they're all screaming "Fences" from the roof tops. Back in the attempted 2000 merger with UA, the UA pilots suggested fencing them into their little regional airline and out of the cockpits of our 747's and 777's. Guess what? They screamed bloody murder!

This is all very calculated. Nothing fair about their intentions whatsoever. You guys on the west stick to your guns, and sue them into oblivion if they try the cram down. You have the moral, legal, and financial advantage.
Moral advantage? Another x box generation rationalization. I want it, and I want it now!
Yeah, that's what you say now. Totally different tune than the one you guys were singing 10 years ago. Just proves how your collective moral judgment seems to shift with the current winds.

Once again, a credibility deficit.
Wait till Continental measures your airline up. You certainly aren't bringing much to the table other than a bunch of old stuff that could use Maaco. We never wanted anything to do with UAL. Wolf had his way with your group and it was on its' downward slide years ago.
It's nice that Mr. Jetz is raging into the forum to rescue his west ALPAites....but, really, who cares?

I'd much rather talk about the case at hand...why dont you ALPoids follow along...read carefully and slowly so you dont miss the good parts, you Westies follow along too...ready?

From page 8008-8009 of the 9th decision-

"We do not address the thorny question of the extent to which the
Nicolau Award is binding on USAPA. We note, as the district court recog-
nized, that USAPA is at least as free to abandon the Nicolau Award as was
its predecessor, ALPA

I encourage you to really let that passage marinade into your minds....take a deep breath, then read it again.
While you may be tempted to jump out a window, dont.

that is all...the end.
Wait till Continental measures your airline up. You certainly aren't bringing much to the table other than a bunch of old stuff that could use Maaco. We never wanted anything to do with UAL. Wolf had his way with your group and it was on its' downward slide years ago.

My understanding is ALPA has since modified merger policy in the last twelve months and added longevity and category & status to it list of criteria. Clearly this was to rectify the things you mention of above to the advantage of UAL. No principle involved in anything ALPA does, just shifting targets to suit the Elephants. Real unionism at its best.
Seriously? 4 ALPA carriers and chairman of 2 committees. Not a dime in FPL. I expect value for my dues dollar and USAPA isn't providing any.
USAPA - the best dues money I've EVER spent! Even without a magazine!

The West meltdown continues!

It's nice that Mr. Jetz is raging into the forum to rescue his west ALPAites....but, really, who cares?

I'd much rather talk about the case at hand...why dont you ALPoids follow along...read carefully and slowly so you dont miss the good parts, you Westies follow along too...ready?

From page 8008-8009 of the 9th decision-

"We do not address the thorny question of the extent to which the
Nicolau Award is binding on USAPA. We note, as the district court recog-
nized, that USAPA is at least as free to abandon the Nicolau Award as was
its predecessor, ALPA

I encourage you to really let that passage marinade into your minds....take a deep breath, then read it again.
While you may be tempted to jump out a window, dont.

that is all...the end.
There is is, right in front of everyone. Yet, magically, move forward a few days and BoeingBoy and the West Island holdouts will be right back in spin cycle, as if the truth never was in their face. Let's see. How many hrs. will it take Nic4us to contradict the 9th. Minutes. Wagers?
Moral advantage? Another x box generation rationalization. I want it, and I want it now!

Versus the ever-popular: "It was mine before, and I won't ever let you have it (no matter what I said, signed or promised)!!"
My understanding is ALPA has since modified merger policy in the last twelve months and added longevity and category & status to it list of criteria. Clearly this was to rectify the things you mention of above to the advantage of UAL. No principle involved in anything ALPA does, just shifting targets to suit the Elephants. Real unionism at its best.
ALPA couldn't take a stand for anyone other than those who benefit the most, at the time. Their merger policy is a moving target like you say. And it is going to cost them even more.
Sounds like a page from USAPA's playbook to me - warn against some imagined conspiracy by outside forces and blame it all on that. Seems the Spirit pilots aren't buying it - supposedly 100% participation in the strike so far (according to the Spirit MEC but supported by Spirit canceling every flight so far). Compare that to the East pilots who rolled over for every concession but the pension - do you honestly think the East would get 100% participation in a strike even over the Nic (assuming a strike over Nic was legal)?

We were told Wake was a conspiracy theory also. Who got it right on that crackpot? I still wonder which of the guys on this board caddied for him.
Versus the ever-popular: "It was mine before, and I won't ever let you have it (no matter what I said, signed or promised)!!"
As far as the "said, signed or promised" part, you can ask ALPA, the ILLEGAL, I want mine, gimme, gimme gimme union about that. They're not here anymore.

Thanks for at least admitting that it WAS ours before.
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