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US Pilots Labor Discussion 6/10- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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An admission that the East wants to make up for the years of stagnation/concessions on the backs of the West. Thanks.


Thankfully the US justice system doesnt believe in the same perverted line of reasoning as you Jim.

Maybe we should garnish some of your PBGC to make the west guys whole, Theres an idea, Hmmm?

Or did you get the full lump, easy to play armchair Quarterback from that perch, with no skin in the game your just a has been.....

Give it up, get a life, and dont sell me on your just here for the justice, learn to fish, the rest of your ideas of whats right or wrong just well.....Suck
I have already figured it out.

We are going to go round and round until the east accepts the arbitrated Nicolau award, the company goes out of bussiness, or a future merger occurs.

That is what you east pilots want is it not? Seperate ops and all. Capture your attrition. Permanent fence. Loa 93 til retirement. I AM ABSOLUTELY OKAY WITH THAT. You had that right under the TA and ALPA, in my book you should still have that right.

What I am not okay with...Reneging on binding arbitration. Cramming down a unilaterally imposed DOH seniority list. Stealing from your fellow pilots. Hurting the corporation and your fellow employees. Giving false testimony under oath. Seeking pilot terminations to further your agenda. Filing RICO lawsuits with maliscious intent. Paying 1.95% of income to a fake union...etc...etc...etc...
IF your okay with seperate ops be happy, STEALING WHAT? , (no bidding YOUR system) HURTING THE CORP &^**$# PLEEZ, Giving false testimoney? Seeking terminations ( ALPA POLICY YOU LUV) OH MY FRIEND "FAKE UNION " just cost you 2 million, choose wisely my friend and BTW just got the AOL update pleez donate ! MM! SHOW THE BRONZE THRU THE EAST HUBS PROUDLY!
Yep, it is all the Wests' fault.

The completely innocent east pilots, who stormed out of contract negotiations, fired off a volley of lawsuits, fired the union and then sought West pilot terminations, have been working feverously toward pilot cohesivenss.



Of course not...the East matched the West ...you even said it yourself.
How did you say it? "....better not raise the wrath of the West..." or something really scary like that?
You guys are pretty scary, to be sure. I say "pretzle" to avoid saying actual names here, I hope you understand.
The East has eaten lots of pretzle's over the years....yummy!
The west has huffed...and puffed...(and spent....and spent...) and yet they cant blow the house down. Nobody is afraid of the tough, evil, "wrath-ridden" west.
Never were. Turns out after all the years of giving...the East is done giving, and NOBODY is gonna TAKE anymore.

Unfortunately, that includes the poor west pilots.
An admission that the East wants to make up for the years of stagnation/concessions on the backs of the West. Thanks.

And the west loves to grab one miserable point in time, and frame all their expectations and wishes on it. Cramming the east as hard as they can. Well, we've all moved on to another point in time. And it isn't the one they use so fondly to make their stones fly. They had their down days, we had ours. It is a whole new day. One where the East has moved significantly up. So their arguments of stagnations/concessions are gone. Wait till the attrition kicks in, and maybe LOA 84. Turns Westworld on its' little head.

Thankfully the US justice system doesnt believe in the same perverted line of reasoning as you Jim.

Maybe we should garnish some of your PBGC to make the west guys whole, Theres an idea, Hmmm?

Or did you get the full lump, easy to play armchair Quarterback from that perch, with no skin in the game your just a has been.....

Give it up, get a life, and dont sell me on your just here for the justice, learn to fish, the rest of your ideas of whats right or wrong just well.....Suck

Hey, It's a free country. If you were in competition with the Caped Marauder you'd have to be novel too. My sincerest apologies to novels everywhere.
Hey, It's a free country. If you were in competition with the Caped Marauder you'd have to be novel too. My sincerest apologies to novels everywhere.
I get it! The Caped Maruader and his trusty BoeingBoy wonder! Tights and Masks! Now that's SCARY!
I have already figured it out.

We are going to go round and round until the east accepts the arbitrated Nicolau award, the company goes out of bussiness, or a future merger occurs.

That is what you east pilots want is it not? Seperate ops and all. Capture your attrition. Permanent fence. Loa 93 til retirement. I AM ABSOLUTELY OKAY WITH THAT. You had that right under the TA and ALPA, in my book you should still have that right.

What I am not okay with...Reneging on binding arbitration. Cramming down a unilaterally imposed DOH seniority list. Stealing from your fellow pilots. Hurting the corporation and your fellow employees. Giving false testimony under oath. Seeking pilot terminations to further your agenda. Filing RICO lawsuits with maliscious intent. Paying 1.95% of income to a fake union...etc...etc...etc...
NIC my friend , you might want to take an average look at EAST SENIORITY, they have looked every SNAKE OIL SALESMAN in the EYE and well they are standing it is a NEW DAWN, DP has well benefited on their backs ! GAME OVER , like the who said"WE WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!" all have PBGC contributions as well as other jobs , the EAST reminds me of a scuddled boat that won't be boarded! GO FOR IT the "PLAN" is a HUGE BUST! MM! BY ALL MEANS SEND THE MD/EF YOUR NEXT PAYCHECK!
That fake union did a bangin job. Led by Seham. Nice.
A real union has called a strike at Spirit in order to improve their pay and working conditions as well as contribute to moving the bar upwards.

Cleary, your mouth is hanging open.

USAPA can only dream of the day when they have the unity to be relevant.
USAPA can only dream of the day when they have the unity to be relevant.

And you and yours out there in westworld have seen to that nicely...right? How many bona-fide dissenters are with nic4us?..was it 500 or so?

Your lips are moving, but all I hear is nothing. How many variations of the absurd is there going to be out west?
here's a few recent ones:
-leave us alone with PHX and LAS...and keep those PSA pukes outta here too...
-what do you mean a fence?...fence us into a shrinking domicile, is that fair?
-Hey, when do we open a FLL base?
-Hey, I'll never join, never pay a dime
-fake union
-Where's the unity, USAPA?
-where's the contract USAPA?...its been 2 years...?
-can't wait to bid CLT
-I'll look good in the 330...
-whats it gonna be USAPA...we need a contract with NIC...get a vote...

I wish the best for Spirit pilots.

you guys are insane.
A real union has called a strike at Spirit in order to improve their pay and working conditions as well as contribute to moving the bar upwards.

Cleary, your mouth is hanging open.

USAPA can only dream of the day when they have the unity to be relevant.
The real union went up against your bud Wake, and showed how crooked he was. What a sham, and you believed it. A miscarriage of justice. Bybee, the torture judge isn't much better. Both anti labor. Both don't get the RLA. The real union, with Seham, took Wake, Jacobs, and Leonidas to the cleaners. The 9th came out very nicely, validating everything we have said all along. ALPA, the union of the moving target of labor integration. Whoever has the most members, dictates the method de jour. What will it be tomorrow, probably what Delta wants now, after all, they have the numbers. Meanwhile, the leader of ALPA feeds like a tick off the blood of the members. Chauffeurs, brunches, inflated salaries, bloated housing allowances. Fat pensions. Cleary, his mouth open? Probably in disbelief of what Prater is sucking down.
Probably in disbelief of what Prater is sucking down.
Nope, disbelief over what unity can accomplish. He'll have none of it. Ever.

Bad old ALPA, and their bad old MCF. See how they treat the little guys!

I guess USAPA could recycle that old wooden card box (receipes for disaster is more like it) as a "warchest". Ha ha ha ha!
And you and yours out there in westworld have seen to that nicely...right?

Well, we once had joint picketing events (I warned them) which at least gave the appearance of unity. That, I agree did border on the insane, at least insanely naieve.

When the results didn't suit their sense of entitlement they chose to burn down the pilot group as a means of bolstering unity.

Who's insane?
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