I just flew with an IRO who is the youngest FO not furloughed, yet, under the "nic", at age 60, he will still be a reserve FO with 37 years seniority.
Nice yarn but doesn't ring quite true.....
If he was really an IRO, it raises two possibilities -
1 - that position was awarded on the last bid (08-04) and he has been through training for that position or he was able to hold onto that position in the last bid.
2 - he wasn't able to hold that position on the last bid but hasn't been trained to the new position awarded on the last bid.
If #1, he isn't the youngest non-furloughed East pilot (once all the furloughs take place), but rather 7 years older than the youngest. He is, however, within about 30 people and 7 years of being among the youngest.
If #2, he hasn't been trained to his bid 08-04 position yet and could be the youngest if awarded the Emb-190 F/O on the last bid.
Either way, when he reaches age 60 (assuming no disability causes him to leave the line early) he will be among the top 30 or so of East pilots.
If West had zero retirements for the next 23 years (when he'll be 60 under #1 above)
or 30 years (age 60 under #2 above) he would be about the middle of the list, assuming that US neither grows nor shrinks (or is even still in business). That's Captains territory
if West has zero retirements during that entire time.
Of course, we all know that West will have retirements over the next 23 or 30 years. Taking those retirements into account, he'd be in the top 25% based on the Nic list (near widebody territory with the current fleet mix). Of course, depending on what the combined contract says about filling of vacancies, he may very well be able to bid reserve F/O on any of the equipment if he so chooses. But bidding something voluntarily is far different than being unable to hold anything better.
Sounds like he's bought into the "Nic will result in no more East F/O's making Captain" hysteria. Or you're embellishing.....